Resultaten (50)
EU youth justice
The personal scope of EU criminal law and the diversity of youth justice systems
2023 || Hardcover || Jantien Leenknecht || Eleven international publishing
Minors can be involved in judicial proceedings of a different Member State when they have – allegedly – committed an offence within the EU. Whereas the EU has developed instruments to facilitate cooperation between Member States in criminal matters, no specific instruments exist to deal with cross-border youth justice cases. This book assesses to what extent it is possible and feasible to develop EU cooperation in youth justice matters.
In EU youth justice: The personal scope of EU crimin...
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Towards a European Reassessment of Punitive Law Enforcement?
2023 || Paperback || John A.E. Vervaele || Eleven international publishing
The European Union is today a major player in many policy areas, going from classic economic fields as competition policy, agriculture and fisheries policy to new emergent fields as environmental policy, arterial intelligence policy, security and foreign policy and criminal justice policy. These policies comes with an increasing level of EU regulation, having also a substantive impact on the harmonization of national policies and regulations. This expansion of EU competence naturally also pl...
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The Transfer of Criminal Proceedings in the European Union
An exploration of the current practice and of possible ways for improvement, based on practitioners' views
2022 || Paperback || Pieter Verrest e.a. || Eleven international publishing
A transfer of criminal proceedings may take place between a judicial authority from one Member State and a judicial authority in another Member State when it is in the interest of a proper administration of justice that a criminal offence is further investigated and prosecuted in the second Member State.
There was a general feeling among experts on judicial cooperation in the Member States that the current practice of transferring criminal proceedings could and should be improved. Researchers...
Forensic Taphonomy / 1st Edition
The Postmortem Fate of Human Remains
1996 || Hardcover || Marcella H. Sorg || Taylor & Francis
Links have been established between the study of death assemblages by archaeologists and paleontologists and the application of physical anthropology concepts to the medicolegal investigation of death. This title explains these links. It covers such topics as archaeological methods and techniques and chemical aspects of decomposition.
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Strategic market position of the European Crime Prevention Network
2020 || Hardcover || Gert Vermeulen e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever
The activities and tasks of the European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN), established in 2001, have significantly expanded over the past two decades. In view of the further implementation of its multiannual strategy, the EUCPN has commissioned a study into its current and future strategic market position, conducted with the financial support of the EU’s Internal Security Fund – Police. This book reflects the results. Whilst the EUCPN proves a well-equipped, versatile and multipurpose net...
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Victim-Centred Criminal Justice
(XIth AIDP International Symposium for Young Penalists, Kyoto, Japan, 14-15 September 2023)
2024 || Paperback || Megumi Ochi e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever
A victim-centred approach urges institutional guarantees to minimize the re-traumatization of victims in criminal investigations and empowers victims as participants and beneficiaries in the criminal procedure. It brings new views to the criminal justice process and transformation to the affected community and the entire society. Such a new approach in criminal law is becoming a trend in investigation and reparation phases in both domestic and international legal discourse.This RIDP libri iss...
Legality and Other Requirements for Sentencing / Légalité et autres exigences en matière de condamnation
2023 || Hardcover || Piet Hein van Kempen e.a. || Eleven international publishing
All over the world, governments impose punishments on their citizens for transgressions of the criminal law. Consensus exists that this sanctioning should be in accordance with the principle of legality and the rule of law. However, governments around the world struggle with providing foreseeability and non-arbitrariness in their sentencing systems. This continuous struggle raises the question how - and to what extent - foreseeability and non-arbitrariness must be guaranteed. Not only in rela...
Our Men in Brussels
2024 || Paperback || Marc Cools e.a. || Gompel & Svacina
Inhoud van dit cahier:Voorwoord
Marc Cools, Emmanuel Debruyne, Mathias Desmet, Robin Liefferinckx, Pieter Leloup & Vincent SeronLezing naar aanleiding van de bevelsoverdracht van de Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsschool (IVS) – te Heverlee op 26 januari 2023
Marc CoolsLes affaires Grégoire et Gantois, symptômes d’une absence de culture du renseignement en Belgique ?
Lionel KaënsThe Name is Brussels, Target Brussels. Stijgende grootmachtencompetitie en de Europese hoofdstad als (hernieuwd) b...
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Cross-border Access to Electronic Evidence
Improving Indonesian Law and Practice in Investigating Cybercrime
2020 || Paperback || Josua Sitompul || Eleven international publishing
The success of many cybercrime investigations depends on the accessibility of electronic evidence (e-evidence) stored abroad. Whereas cybercrime knows no frontiers and cyberspace remains an un-territorialised realm, a State has territorial boundaries. Indonesia and many other States have attempted to resolve problems of cross-border access in obtaining e-evidence from cyberspace. This book investigates aspects of international law, criminal procedure law, and data protection law as foundation...
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Research Methodology for International Crimes
An Introduction to Research Methods
2017 || Paperback || Catrien Bijleveld || Eleven international publishing
International crimes are the gravest crimes we know. International crimes – under which are classified genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes – entail murder, rape, looting, destruction, and in general the uprooting of families and entire societies. The study of these crimes is not without its own peculiarities and obstacles. The purpose of this book is to discuss the methodological and statistical particularities from a non-technical, conceptual point of view. The book has been...