Resultaten (40)
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Engaged Learning in Europe
2021 || Paperback || Courtney Marsh e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever
Globally, there are growing calls for Higher Education Institutions to become more civically engaged and socially relevant while increasing public interest in the impact of universities on their localities and regions. Engaged Learning facilitates students to apply theory to real-world contexts outside of the University and to co-produce knowledge with and for the community. Engaged Learning provides students with the skills which increase their employability, and improve their personal and p...
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Your move
Think like the enemy to protect your organization
2023 || Paperback || Kim Covent e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever
Counterplay is a proactive security concept that complements your existing security plan and tackles your security challenges in a different way. Counterplay radically chooses the criminal perspective. Looking through the eyes of the enemy to better protect yourself. Not by tracking down or attacking potential enemies, but by pro-actively subverting as many attack strategies as possible. You are thinking ahead in a game of chess with the enemy.With plenty of practical examples and useful tips...
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Criminalisation of AI-related offences
(International Colloquium, Bucharest, Romania, 14th-16th June 2023)
2024 || Paperback || Fernando Miró-Llinares e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever
Artificial Intelligence is already widely used in many sectors of society. The advent of this technology, and the harms that it may create to interests worthy of protection by criminal law, questions whether the special part of criminal codes is suitable for addressing the challenges that this technology creates. Therefore, it is relevant to reflect on the necessity to amend the special part of the criminal code, integrating AI-related offences. This encompasses offences whose criminalisation...
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Dilemmas beyond Bars
A realist evaluation of an ethics training program for prison officers in two Belgian prisons
2023 || Paperback || Milou Van Dijk || Eleven international publishing
Prison officers have been described as key determinants of the prison experience for prisoners, yet up until recently this occupational group was largely ignored in academic research. Although society often sees prison officers simply as ‘keepers of the keys’, the existing research has shown the job to be much more complex.
In this book, the author explores an element of the prison officer’s job that is still understudied: the existence of ethical dilemmas. In doing so, this book highli...
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Mutual Admissibility of Evidence in Criminal Matters in the EU.
A study of forensic evidence
2020 || Paperback || Sofie Depauw || Maklu, Uitgever
Ever since evidence has been crossing borders, law enforcement authorities have been searching for a way to ensure the cross-border acceptance of evidence gathered in another Member State. In that respect, the idea of a 'free movement of evidence', i.e. the automatic acceptance (admissibility) of evidence gathered in accordance with certain conditions by EU Member States in reliance on the results of investigative measures executed in another Member State, has been adverted to by scholars and...
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Challenges of Comparative Criminological Research
2020 || Paperback || Gorazd Meško e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever
GERN (Groupement Européen de Recherches sur les Normativités) is a large consortium of scientific researchers in the domain of deviance and social control, more precisely studying delinquency, penal institutions, public policies of security and the importance of penal questions in society. Today the GERN is a scientific network present in ten European countries and abroad, uniting researchers of
different disciplines. Each year the GERN organizes a doctoral summer school, giving PhD student...
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Cross-border claims to cultural objects
Property or heritage?
2021 || Paperback || Evelien Campfens || Boom uitgevers Den Haag
Cultural objects have a protected status on account of their intangible value, as symbols of an identity. This has been so since the early days of international law, and today there is an extensive legal framework that ensures this protection. Yet, when it comes to claims by former owners to items such as Nazi-looted art, colonial booty, or more recently looted antiquities, the situation is less straightforward. On the one hand, such claims are often not supported by positive law at all. On t...
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Criminal Behavior and Accountability of Artificial Intelligence Systems
2023 || Paperback || A. Giannini || Eleven international publishing
AI systems have the capacity to act in a way that can generally be considered as ‘criminal’ by society. Yet, it can be argued that they lack (criminal) agency – and the feeling of it. In the future, however, humans might develop expectations of norm-conforming behavior from machines. Criminal law might not be the right answer for AI-related harm, even though holding AI systems directly liable could be useful – to a certain extent. This book explores the issue of criminal responsibilit...
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Data Protection and Privacy Under Pressure
Transatlantic tensions, EU surveillance, and big data
2019 || Paperback || Gert Vermeulen e.a. || Maklu Uitgevers N.V.
Since the Snowden revelations, the adoption in May 2016 of the General Data Protection Regulation and several ground-breaking judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union, data protection and privacy are high on the agenda of policymakers, industries and the legal research community.Against this backdrop, Data Protection and Privacy under Pressure sheds light on key developments where individuals' rights to data protection and privacy are at stake. The book discusses the persistent...
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Contemporary Challenges and Alternatives to International Criminal Justice
(8th AIDP Symposium for Young Penalists, Maastricht, 10-11 June 2021)
2022 || Paperback || Renata Barbosa e.a. || Maklu, Uitgever
The system of international criminal justice was established in response to gross human rights violations committed during World War II. Despite its development over the past seven decades, challenges and critiques remain unresolved or have subsequently emerged, particularly in the context of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Key issues include amnesties, immunities, controversial acquittals, non-cooperation, interpretative fragmentation, and cultural clashes. Criticism emerged as a rea...