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Best practice Business Information Management en BiSL® in de praktijk
inrichting van de vraag en vraagorganisatie
|| Paperback || Remko van der Pols || Van Haren Publishing
Dit boek heeft als doelstelling handvatten te geven voor de inrichting en uitvoering van business informatiemanagement. Het maakt hiervoor gebruik van eenvoudige
modellen waarin praktijkervaringen en praktijksituaties een plaats kunnen krijgen. Om dit te illustreren zijn er vele voorbeelden opgenomen, alle virtueel maar wel gebaseerd op concrete praktijksituaties.
Anders gezegd, dit boek::
* Biedt praktische informatie over het framework BiSL
* Is gebaseerd op praktijkervaringen bij onder and...
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Best practice Information Security Management with ITIL V3
2010 || Paperback || Jacques A. Cazemier e.a. || Van Haren Publishing
This groundbreaking new title looks at Information Security from defining what security measures positively support the business, to implementation to maintaining the required level and anticipating required changes. It covers:
Fundamentals of information security - providing readers insight and give background about what is going to be managed. Topics covered include: types of security controls, business benefits and the perspectives of business, customers, partners, service providers, and a...
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Best practice Applicatieportfoliomanagement voor IT-complexiteitsreductie
vereenvoudiging Verrijkt! management Guide
2011 || Paperback || Arjan Juurlink || Van Haren Publishing
Veel informatieverwerkende organisaties zoals banken en verzekeraars hebben te maken met reductie van de (IT-) budgetten. Bovendien is het applicatielandschap door achtereenvolgende fusies zeer complex geworden. Veranderingen worden moeizaam geïmplementeerd en de wettelijke wijzigingen en productvernieuwing gaan gepaard met stijgende kosten en toenemende doorlooptijd.
Alle aanbieders in de markt zoals (grote) consultancy bedrijven, hebben dienstverlening ontwikkeld met betrekking tot het ve...
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TOGAF 9 certified / deel Study guide / druk 2
2nd edition
2012 || Paperback || Rachel Harrison || Van Haren Publishing
Already more than 7000 people are TOGAF 9 Certified
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EXIN Secure Programming Foundation - Workbook
2018 || Paperback || Tim Hemel e.a. || Van Haren Publishing
Cybercrime, data leaks and information security get more attention than ever in the news. Governments and companies dedicate more and more resources to these areas. However, most of that attention appears to be focused on reactive measures (How do we catch the cybercriminals?) instead of on preventive measures (How do we make our systems secure?). Although it is hard to measure, research reports indicate that building security in is worth the investment. Key in the software building p...
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TOGAF® 9 Certified Study Guide / 4th Edition
Preparation for the TOGAF 9 Part 2 Examination
|| Paperback || Rachel Harrison || Van Haren Publishing
The TOGAF 9 certification program is a knowledge-based certification program. It has two levels, leading to certification for TOGAF 9 Foundation and TOGAF 9 Certified, respectively.
The purpose of certification to TOGAF 9 Certified is to provide validation that, in addition to the knowledge and comprehension of TOGAF 9 Foundation level, the Candidate is able to analyze and apply this knowledge. The learning objectives at this level therefore focus on application and analysis in addition to k...
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The TOGAF® Standard 10th Edition - Enterprise Agility and Digital Transformation
TOGAF® Standard, 10th Edition
2022 || Paperback || The Open Group || Van Haren Publishing
"This document is the Enterprise Agility and Digital Transformation TOGAF Series Guide Set. It contains two TOGAF Series Guides that have been developed and approved by The Open Group, and is part of the TOGAF Standard, 10th Edition.
TOGAF® Series Guide: Enabling Enterprise Agility
This document is designed to help Enterprise Architects requiring information on how to adapt and use the TOGAF framework to support an Agile enterprise.
It covers the following topics:
• An introduction to the ...
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Contractmanagement bij project- en servicemanagement - de methode CATS RVM
2022 || Paperback || Linda Tonkes e.a. || Van Haren Publishing
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Basiskennis informatiebeveiliging op basis van ISO27001 en ISO27002 / Druk 4
2023 || Paperback || Jule Hintzbergen e.a. || Van Haren Publishing
Dit boek is in eerste instantie ontwikkeld als studieboek voor het examen Information Security Foundation based on ISO/IEC 27001 van EXIN.
De vierde druk is een ingrijpende herziening van de vorige druk, waarbij de inhoud is aangepast aan de totaal herziene versie van de ISO/IEC 27002 die in 2022 is verschenen.
Het bevat de basiskennis die onmisbaar is voor iedereen die beroepsmatig betrokken is bij informatiebeveiliging of IT. In al deze gevallen is kennis over informatiebeveiliging van bela...
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Certified Test Automation Professional (CTAP) Courseware
2023 || Paperback || Rob Flier || Van Haren Publishing
With the arrival of Agile, DevOps and Scrum, Test automation can no longer be ignored as a means of testing faster and better. Where manual software testing used to be the basis for the test professional, this is shifting. Automated testing is of such importance and should be seen as a fundamental skill of every testing professional.
This course gives you an overview of the most important developments in the field of test automation. You will learn what the most important varieties are in too...