
Janine Janssen (13)
Peter J. van Koppen (11)
Mick Cooper (7)
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Jemimah Steinfeld (6)
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Windy Dryden (5)
Andrew Reeves (4)
Charlotte Sills (4)
Dave Mearns (4)
Dina Siegel (4)
Emile Kolthoff (4)
Guillaume Beijers (4)
Jasper J. van der Kemp (4)
John McLeod (4)
Keith Brown (4)
Nicolien Kop (4)
Remco Spithoven (4)
Richard Nelson-Jones (4)
Ronald van der Wal (4)
Stuart Hall (4)
Tim Bond (4)
Anne-Marie Slotboom (3)
Ben Baarda (3)
Bram van Dijk (3)
Brian J. Taylor (3)
C.C.J.H. Bijleveld (3)
Catrien Bijleveld (3)
Hans Moors (3)
Hans Nelen (3)
J.J. Oerlemans (3)
Jan Terpstra (3)
John W. Creswell (3)
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Luuk van Spijk (3)
Maarten Bolhuis (3)
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Michaela Rogers (3)
Pamela Davies (3)
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Peter G. Swanborn (3)
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Sofie Bager-Charleson (3)
Thom Snaphaan (3)
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Alastair Gibson (2)
Ali Gardner (2)
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Andreas Vossler (2)
André De Zutter (2)
Andy Mantell (2)
Barbara Mitchels (2)
Biljana Van Rijn (2)
Brett Caraway (2)
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Caspar Hermans (2)
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Ernest T. Stringer (2)
Eugene McLaughlin (2)
Ewan Ingleby (2)
Fiona McDermott (2)
Frits Goossens (2)
Geert Hofstede (2)
George Mair (2)
Georgios A. Antonopoul... (2)
Goos Cardol (2)
Guus Meershoek (2)
Hans Boutellier (2)
Hein de Haas (2)
Henk Jongman (2)
Howard S. Becker (2)
Ido Weijers (2)
Ira Helsloot (2)
Ivo van Duijneveldt (2)
J.M.A.M. Janssens (2)
Jackie H. Harvey (2)
Jan Hendriks (2)
Jan Remmerswaal (2)
Jan Willem Sap (2)
Janet Tolan (2)
Jennifer Johns (2)
John Macionis (2)
John Muncie (2)
John Scott (2)
John Sharry (2)
Jurja Steenmeijer (2)
Jurjen Jansen (2)
Kate Wall (2)
Kathy Charmaz (2)
Keith F Punch (2)
Keming Yang (2)
Kevin F. Steinmetz (2)
Kim Vermeulen (2)
Kimberly Firth Leonard (2)
Kirsten Amis (2)
Klaus von Lampe (2)
Liam Ralph (2)
Lorena Molnar (2)
Lynne Rutter (2)
M. Weulen Kranenbarg (2)
M.J.J. Kunst (2)
Majid Yar (2)
Marc Schuilenburg (2)
Marcelo F. Aebi (2)
Marcha Hartman-van der... (2)
Marijke Deveer (2)
Marijke Malsch (2)
Marjolein Leezenberg (2)
Mart van Dinther (2)
Martin Payne (2)
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Mats Alvesson (2)
Michael Rowe (2)
Michiel de Ronde (2)
Michiel van der Wolf (2)
Miriam Losse (2)
Mirjam Groen (2)
Neil Gibson (2)
Nel Jessurun (2)
Nigel Horner (2)
Norman K. Denzin (2)
Otto Adang (2)
Patricia Leavy (2)
Paul B. Pedersen (2)
Paul du Gay (2)
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Paula Beesley (2)
Peter F. Conrad (2)
Peter Francis (2)
Peter Jenkins (2)
Petrus C. van Duyne (2)
Pierre Bourdieu (2)
Pieter Tops (2)
Rachael Jolley (2)
Raj Patel (2)
Ray Pawson (2)
Rebecca Kirkbride (2)
Richard M. Perloff (2)
Richard Phillips (2)
Richard Rogers (2)
Richard Staring (2)
Richard de Brabander (2)
Rick Hood (2)
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Robert Bor (2)
Robert Horselenberg (2)
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Ronald Hetem (2)
Rose Cameron (2)
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Rupa Marya (2)
Sally Lee (2)
Scott Buckler (2)
Sheila B. Robinson (2)
Sijtze de Roos (2)
Sinisa Malesevic (2)
Stacy L. Mallicoat (2)
Stephen Palmer (2)
Steven Loyal (2)
Stijn Deckers (2)
Susan Howard (2)
Toine Spapens (2)
Trevor Lindsay (2)
V.R. van der Geest (2)
Vere van Koppen (2)
Victor van der Geest (2)
Vincent de Waal (2)
W. van der Wagen (2)
Willem-Jan de Gast (2)
Wim Hardyns (2)
Yvette Schoenmakers (2)
Yvonne Grambergen-Hoog... (2)
Yvonne van Zaalen (2)
Zina O'Leary (2)
2023 (101)
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Resultaten (965)

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

The Princeton Guide to Historical Research

2021 || Paperback || Zachary Schrag || Princeton University Press

The essential handbook for doing historical research in the twenty-first centuryThe Princeton Guide to Historical Research provides students, scholars, and professionals with the skills they need to practice the historian's craft in the digital age, while never losing sight of the fundamental values and techniques that have defined historical s

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

A History of Archaeological Thought

2006 || Paperback || Bruce G. Trigger || Cambridge University Press

In its original edition, Bruce Trigger's book was the first ever to examine the history of archaeological thought from medieval times to the present in world-wide perspective. Now, in this new edition, he both updates the original work and introduces new archaeological perspectives and concerns. At once stimulating and even-handed, it places the development of archaeological thought and theory throughout within a broad social and intellectual framework.

The successive but interacting trends a...

Levertijd: 9 werkdagen

Social Anthropology and Human Origins

2019 || Paperback || Alan Barnard || Cambridge University Press

The study of human origins is one of the most fascinating branches of anthropology, yet it has rarely been considered by social anthropologists. This powerful study aims to bridge this gap, addressing the fundamental questions surrounding human evolution from the perspective of social anthropology.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

International Security and Gender

2012 || Paperback || Nicole Detraz || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

What does it mean to be secure? In the global news, we hear stories daily about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, about domestic-level conflicts around the world, about the challenges of cybersecurity and social security. This broad list highlights the fact that security is an idea with multiple meanings, but do we all experience security issues in the same way? In this book, Nicole Detraz explores the broad terrain of security studies through a gender lens. Assumptions about masculinity and ...

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

Introduction to Sociological Theory / 4th edition

Theorists, Concepts, and their Applicability to the Twenty-First Century

2024 || Paperback || Michele Dillon || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Introduces both classical and contemporary sociological theory in a single comprehensive volume Introduction to Sociological Theory helps undergraduate and graduate students appreciate the diverse perspectives found in sociological analysis, apply theoretical concepts to contemporary issues, and think analytically about everyday occurrences beyond the classroom. Covering a diverse range of theorists and conceptual frameworks, this easily accessible textbook integrates carefully selected prima...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

An Introduction to Criminological Theory / 5th edition

2018 || Paperback || Roger Hopkins Burke || Taylor & Francis

This book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to criminological theory for students taking courses in criminology at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Building on previous editions, this book presents the latest research and theoretical developments. The text is divided into five parts, the first three of which address ideal type models of criminal behaviour: the rational actor, predestined actor and victimized actor models.

Within these, the various criminological t...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Handbook of Coaching Psychology / 2nd edition

A Guide for Practitioners

2018 || Paperback || Stephen Palmer || Taylor & Francis

The Handbook of Coaching Psychology: A Guide for Practitioners provides a clear and extensive guide to the theory, research and practice of coaching psychology. In this new and expanded edition, an international selection of leading coaching psychologists and coaches outlines recent developments from a broad spectrum of areas. Part One examines perspectives and research in coaching psychology, looking at both the past and the present as well as assessing future directions.

Part Two presents a...

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maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 52,25

The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research

2023 || Paperback || Norman K. Denzin e.a. || SAGE

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Investigating Culture / 3rd editon

An Experiential Introduction to Anthropology

2020 || Paperback || Carol Delaney e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd || met inkijkexemplaar

The third edition of Investigating Culture: An Experiential Introduction to Anthropology, the highly praised innovative approach to introducing aspects of cultural anthropology to students, features a series of revisions, updates, and new material. * Offers a refreshing alternative to introductory anthropology texts by challenging students to think in new ways and apply cultural learnings to their own lives * Chapters explore key anthropological concepts of human culture including: language, ...

Vandaag besteld,
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met 5% korting 55,10

Six Key Approaches to Counselling and Therapy

2010 || Paperback || Richard Nelson-Jones || SAGE

This is a new edition of a bestselling introductory counselling textbook. Richard Nelson-Jones is an established and much loved author who's books have helped to train thousands of counsellors and therapists.