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Emile Kolthoff (4)
Guillaume Beijers (4)
Jasper J. van der Kemp (4)
John McLeod (4)
Keith Brown (4)
Nicolien Kop (4)
Remco Spithoven (4)
Richard Nelson-Jones (4)
Ronald van der Wal (4)
Stuart Hall (4)
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Bram van Dijk (3)
Brian J. Taylor (3)
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Catrien Bijleveld (3)
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J.J. Oerlemans (3)
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Luuk van Spijk (3)
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Peter G. Swanborn (3)
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Thom Snaphaan (3)
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Georgios A. Antonopoul... (2)
Goos Cardol (2)
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Hein de Haas (2)
Henk Jongman (2)
Howard S. Becker (2)
Ido Weijers (2)
Ira Helsloot (2)
Ivo van Duijneveldt (2)
J.M.A.M. Janssens (2)
Jackie H. Harvey (2)
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Janet Tolan (2)
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Kimberly Firth Leonard (2)
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Klaus von Lampe (2)
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Lorena Molnar (2)
Lynne Rutter (2)
M. Weulen Kranenbarg (2)
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Majid Yar (2)
Marc Schuilenburg (2)
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Marcha Hartman-van der... (2)
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Sinisa Malesevic (2)
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Stijn Deckers (2)
Susan Howard (2)
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V.R. van der Geest (2)
Vere van Koppen (2)
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Yvette Schoenmakers (2)
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Yvonne van Zaalen (2)
Zina O'Leary (2)
2023 (101)
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Resultaten (965)

Levertijd: 15 werkdagen

Food and Place

A Critical Exploration

2020 || Paperback || Pascale Joassart-Marcelli e.a. || Rowman & Littlefield

This text provides a comprehensive and critical exploration of food from the unique perspective of place. It shows that our experiences with food are deeply influenced by their cultural, social, economic, and political contexts. The authors explore a wide range of questions such as: Do GMOs threaten rural livelihoods? Why don't we eat dogs? Does your neighborhood make you fat? Do community gardens encourage urban gentrification? Can cheese save a local economy? Why are gourmet burgers appeari...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 52,25

Social Work Theories and Methods

2021 || Paperback || Mel Gray e.a. || SAGE

The second edition of a text mapping directly onto a core module of the undergraduate social work degree: theories and methods. Chapters are written by a range of contributors from universities including Lancaster, Birmingham, Nottingham, York, UCLAN, UEA, Manchester and Glasgow.

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 124,45

Critical Ethnography

Method, Ethics, and Performance

2019 || Paperback || D. Soyini Madison || SAGE

Presenting a fresh new look at critical ethnography by emphasizing the significance of ethics and performance in the art and politics of fieldwork, this book celebrates the productive links between theory and method.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen
met 5% korting 40,85

The Essential Guide to Doing Your Research Project / 5th edition

2025 || Paperback || Zina O'Leary e.a. || SAGE

Need to tackle your research project? This practical, straightforward book covers every step along the way so you can confidently take the leap into the research world.

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 16,15

Global Childhoods in International Perspective: Universality, Diversity and Inequalities

Universality, Diversity and Inequalities

2021 || Paperback || Claudio Baraldi e.a. || SAGE

The book gathers a wide spectrum of contributors from Europe, the U.S., South Asia, South Africa and Latin America, who, attuned with present dilemmas in the area of childhood studies, discuss some key theoretical and empirical aspects of child scholarship, such as identity, child wellbeing, child mobility and migration, intergenerational relationships and child abuse.

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 15,20

What Do We Know and What Should We Do About Social Mobility?

2021 || Paperback || Lee Elliot Major e.a. || SAGE

A short, innovative book that outlines what we know about the declining state of social mobility in the UK and proposes what we should do to reverse this downward trajectory and make Britain a more mobile and just society.

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Introducing Intercultural Communication / 4th edition

Global Cultures and Contexts

2023 || Paperback || Shuang Liu e.a. || SAGE

Taking a global and critical perspective, this textbook presents the concepts, theories and applications from the field of intercultural communication in a lively and easy-to-follow style. Covering all the essential topics, from immigration and intercultural conflict, to intercultural health communication and communication in the workplace, this cutting-edge 4th edition: Explains the key theories and concepts you need to know. Brings theory to life with a range of global case studies.

Ties ke...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 33,25

Working with Difference and Diversity in Counselling and Psychotherapy

2020 || Paperback || Rose Cameron || SAGE

A guide to the complexities of working with difference and diversity in counselling and psychotherapy.

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 34,20

Psychodynamic Counselling in a Nutshell

2018 || Paperback || Susan Howard || SAGE

With new material on working with diversity and difference, neuroscience and extended discussion on ethics, this is a quick and easy introduction to the psychodynamic approach.

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 35,15

Safeguarding in Social Work Practice

A Lifespan Approach

2021 || Paperback || Charlotte Chisnell e.a. || Learning Matters

This book brings together common safeguarding themes and knowledge across social work with children, young people and adults to help social workers understand safeguarding across different contexts and age groups.