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Resultaten (967)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Peacekeeping in Holland 2001-2010 / druk 1

de inrichting van het Nederlandse beleid in het licht van de polarisatie rondom moslims

2012 || Paperback || Hans Crebas || Vrije Uitgevers, De

In de dissertatie Peacekeeping in Holland 2001-2010 evalueert onderzoeker Hans Crebas de inrichting van het Nederlandse beleid in het licht van de polarisatie rondom moslims. De auteur ontwikkelt hiervoor een toetsingsmodel op basis van de visie van de VN op binnenlandse vrede en veiligheid, en lessons learned op het vlak van vredesoperaties en terrorismebestrijding. Daarbij worden politieke waarden in het geding gebracht die weliswaar niet universeel worden gedeeld, maar die wel wereldwijd e...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

De Mens van Morgen

Van homo sapiens naar homo conexus

2019 || Paperback || Margôt van Brakel || GrowingStories

De mens heeft altijd de neiging zich te vergelijken met de toonaangevende technologie van zijn tijd. Steeds weer gaan we de concurrentiestrijd aan met datgene wat we zelf hebben gecreëerd. Nu zijn dat computers en robots – kunstmatige intelligentie. Ons ideale mensbeeld lijkt op dat van een superrobot: extreem slim, voorspelbaar en in staat tot het leveren van topprestaties. Al vanaf de geboorte wordt daarom alles wat we doen en kunnen gedocumenteerd, in curves gegoten en vergeleken met wa...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Gender Matters in Global Politics / 3rd edition

A Feminist Introduction to International Relations

2022 || Paperback || Laura J. Shepherd e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Gender Matters in Global Politics is a comprehensive textbook for advanced undergraduates studying politics, international relations, and development. It provides students with an accessible but in-depth account of feminist methodologies, gender theory, and feminist approaches to key topics and themes in global politics.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

The Dynamics of Persuasion / 7th edition

Communication and Attitudes in the Twenty-First Century

2020 || Paperback || Richard M. Perloff || Taylor & Francis

Now in its seventh edition, this essential text continues to provide students with a comprehensive yet accessible overview of the study and practice of persuasive communication. Attuned to the swift changes in the world of persuasion in the twenty-first century, this book covers how theories and research illuminate and adapt to our present digital era, with continued attention to ethical implications and today's big topics. This new edition features updated definitions of key terms in the fie...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Research Methods / 3rd edition

The basics

2021 || Paperback || Nicholas Walliman || Taylor & Francis

Research Methods: The Basics is an accessible, user-friendly introduction to the different aspects of research theory, methods and practice. This third edition provides an expanded and fully updated resource suitable for students and practitioners in a wide range of disciplines including the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. It is structured in two parts - the first covers the nature of knowledge and the reasons for doing research, the second explains the specific methods used...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Power Struggles

Dignity, Value, and the Renewable Energy Frontier in Spain

2018 || Paperback || Jaume Franquesa Bartolome || Indiana University Press

Wind energy is often portrayed as a panacea for the environmental and political ills brought on by an overreliance on fossil fuels, but this characterization may ignore the impact wind farms have on the regions that host them. Power Struggles investigates the uneven allocation of risks and benefits in the relationship between the regions that produce this energy and those that consume it. Jaume Franquesa considers Spain, a country where wind now constitutes the main source of energy production.

In particular, he looks at the Southern Catalonia region, which has traditionally been a source of energy production through nuclear reactors, dams, oil refineries, and gas and electrical lines. Despite providing energy that runs the country, the region is still forced to the political and economic periphery as the power they produce is controlled by centralized, international Spanish corporations. Local resistance to wind farm installation in Southern Catalonia relies on the notion of dignity: the ability to live within one's means and according to one's own decision...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Humanizing the Sacred / 1st edition

Sisters in Islam and the Struggle for Gender Justice in Malaysia

2015 || Paperback || Azza Basarudin || University of Washington Press

In recent years, global attention has focused on how women in communities of Muslims are revitalizing Islam by linking interpretation of religious ideas to the protection of rights and freedoms. Humanizing the Sacred demonstrates how Sunni women activists in Malaysia are fracturing institutionalized Islamic authority by generating new understandings of rights and redefining the moral obligations of their community. Based on ethnographic research of Sisters in Islam (SIS), a nongovernmental or...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Beyond Nature and Culture

2014 || Paperback || Philippe Descola || The University of Chicago Press

Successor to Claude Levi-Strausa at the College de France, Philippe Descola has become one of the most important anthropologists working today, and Beyond Nature and Culture has been a major influence in European intellectual life since its publication in 2005. Here, finally, it is brought to English-language readers. At its heart is a question central to both anthropology and philosophy: what is the relationship between nature and culture? Culture - as a collective human making, of art, lang...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
vandaag verzonden

The Science of Mythology

Essays on the Myth of the Divine Child and the Mysteries of Eleusis

2024 || Paperback || C. G. Jung e.a. || Taylor & Francis Group Limited

Science of Mythology provides an account of the meaning and the purpose of mythic themes that is linked to modern life: the heroic battles between good and evil of yore are still played out, reflected in contemporary fears.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Media Choice

A Theoretical and Empirical Overview

2009 || Paperback || Tilo Hartmann || Taylor & Francis

Presents the research in media psychology, bridging selective exposure into a larger framework of choice in media usage. Considering the myriad media options available to use, this work seeks to answer such questions as: what mechanisms guide an individual's exposure to/choice of media and how can researchers model them.