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Resultaten (170)
maandag verzonden
KADOC Studies on Religion, Culture and Society Sign or Symptom?
exceptional corporeal phenomena in religion and medicine in the 19th and 20th centuries
2017 || Paperback || Tine Van Osselaer e.a. || Leuven University Press
Religion and science on paranormal events.
Described as 'the hand of God', as 'pathological' or even as 'a clever trick', exceptional corporeal phenomena such as miraculous cures, stigmata, and incorrupt corpses have triggered heated debates in the past. Depending on their definition as either 'supernatural', 'psycho-somatic' or 'fraudulent', different authorities have sought to explain these enigmatic occurrences by stimulating inquiries and claiming jurisdiction over them. As a consequence,...
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Dora, Hysteria and Gender
Reconsidering Freud’s Case Study
2018 || Paperback || Daniela Finzi e.a. || Leuven University Press
‘Dora’ is one the most important and interesting case studies Sigmund Freud conducted and later described. It constitutes a key text in his oeuvre and finds itself at the crossroads of his studies in hysteria, the theory of sexuality and dream interpretation. The Dora case is both a literary and theoretically ground-breaking text and an account of a ‘failed’ treatment. In Dora, Hysteria and Gender renowned Freud scholars reflect on the Dora case, presenting various innovative and cont...
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The United States of Belgium
The Story of the First Belgian Revolution
2018 || Paperback || Jane C. Judge || Leuven University Press
In 1790, between the birth of America (1776) and the creation of the French National Assembly (1789), nine provinces nestled between the French and Dutch borders declared themselves a new free and independent country: the United States of Belgium. Before then, the provinces had been part of the vast Austrian Habsburg Empire ruled by Joseph II. In 1789 revolutionaries from Brussels to Ghent to Namur recruited a grass-roots army that, to the surprise of many, successfully chased imperial forces...
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The Leopard, the Lion, and the Cock
colonial Memories and Monuments in Belgium
2019 || Paperback || Matthew Stanard || Leuven University Press
The degree to which the late colonial era affected Europe has been for long underappreciated, and only recently have European countries started to acknowledge not having come to terms with decolonisation. In Belgium, the past two decades have witnessed a growing awareness of the controversial episodes in the country’s colonial past. This volume examines the long-term effects and legacies of the colonial era on Belgium after 1960, the year the Congo gained its independence, and calls into qu...
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Aberrant Nuptials
Deleuze and Artistic Research
2019 || Paperback || Paulo De Assis e.a. || Leuven University Press
Aberrant Nuptials explores the diversity and richness of the interactions between artistic research and Deleuze studies. “Aberrant nuptials” is the expression Gilles Deleuze uses to refer to productive encounters between systems characterised by fundamental difference. More than imitation, representation, or reproduction, these encounters foster creative flows of energy, generating new material configurations and intensive experiences. Within different understandings of artistic research,...
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The Figure of Knowledge
Conditioning Architectural Theory, 1960s - 1990s
2020 || Paperback || Sebastiaan Loosen e.a. || Leuven University Press
It is a major challenge to write the history of post-WWII architectural theory without boiling it down to a few defining paradigms. An impressive anthologising effort during the 1990s charted architectural theory mostly via the various theoretical frameworks employed, such as critical theory, critical regionalism, deconstructivism, and pragmatism.
Yet the intellectual contours of what constitutes architectural theory have been constantly in flux. It is therefore paramount to ask what kind of ...
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Neo-Thomism in Action
Law and Society Reshaped by Neo-Scholastic Philosophy, 1880-1960
2021 || Paperback || Wim Decock e.a. || Leuven University Press
In his encyclical Aeterni Patris (1879), Pope Leo XIII expressed the conviction that the renewed study of the philosophical legacy of Saint Thomas Aquinas would help Catholics to engage in a dialogue with secular modernity while maintaining respect for Church doctrine and tradition. As a result, the neo-scholastic framework dominated Catholic intellectual production for nearly a century thereafter.
This volume assesses the societal impact of the Thomist revival movement, with particular atten...
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This Obscure Thing Called Transparency
Politics and Aesthetics of a Contemporary Metaphor
2022 || Paperback || Emmanuel Alloa || Leuven University Press
Transparency is the metaphor of our time. Whether in government or corporate governance, finance, technology, health or the media – it is ubiquitous today, and there is hardly a current debate that does not call for more transparency. But what does this word actually stand for and what are the consequences for the life of individuals? Can knowledge from the arts, and its play of visibility and invisibility, tell us something about the paradoxical logics of transparency and mediation? This O...
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The Hybrid Practitioner
Building, Teaching, Researching Architecture
2022 || Paperback || Eireen Schreurs e.a. || Leuven University Press
The practice of architecture manifests in myriad forms and engagements. Overcoming false divides, this volume frames the fertile relationship between the cultural and scholarly production of academia and the process of designing and building in the material world. It proposes the concept of the hybrid practitioner, who bridges the gap between academia and practice by considering how different aspects of architectural practice, theory, and history intersect, opening up a fascinating array of p...
maandag verzonden
Sexuality and Psychoanalysis
philosophical Criticisms
2011 || Paperback || Jens de Vleminck e.a. || Leuven University Press
The relationship between sexuality and psychoanalysis can be described in terms of an old and stormy love affair. The same can be said about the relationship between psychoanalysis and philosophy. It is precisely this fascinating love triangle' that the present volume of essays aims to explore. A diverse group of philosophers and psychoanalysts reflected on the concept of sexuality in Freudo-Lacanian psychoanalysis. The result is a stimulating collection of essays where the role of sexualit...