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Nadya Kotova Gallery, X Years in Art, 2012-2022

2023 || Hardcover || Nadya Kotova e.a. || Mer

The book X Years in Art celebrates the ten year anniversary of the Antwerp based Nadya Kotova Gallery. Studying economics in the early 1990s in St. Petersburg—during the shift from a planned market economy to a free market economy in Russia—she initially didn’t think of becoming a gallerist or an art dealer. The turning point though was when she discovered the work of Igor Kislitsyn, who was—and still is—relatively unknown, partly because he is zealously religious. Kotova was strong...

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Raphael Gold & Silk

The Revolution of Tapestry Design

2023 || Hardcover || Katja Schmitz-von Ledebur || Hannibal Books


In 1515, Pope Leo X commissioned the Italian

painter Raffaello Sanzio (1483–1520), now

generally known as Raphael in English, to make

the cartoons for a series of ten tapestries with

scenes from the lives of Saints Peter and Paul.

This commission played an instrumental part

in the stylistic development of the Flemish

tapestries, a marvellous illustration of princely

splendour in the sixteenth century. Under

Habsburg rule, Brussels soon emerged as a

leading manufactory for exqui...

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Insect Queens Vol 2

Grayscale Coloring Book

2023 || Paperback || Nori Art Coloring || Brave New Books

Journey deeper into the enchanting realm of "Insect Queens Vol 2," a grayscale coloring book that continues to celebrate the exquisite fusion of women, insects, and flowers. Within its pages, you'll discover 33 single-sided illustrations that invite you to explore the captivating connection between the beauty of the human form and the wonders of the natural world.

Each illustration in "Insect Queens Vol 2" is a mesmerizing blend of grace and nature's artistry, where women are adorned with del...

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Alien Ocean Creatures

2023 || Paperback || Nori Art Coloring || Brave New Books

Dive into a world of otherworldly wonders with the "Alien Ocean Creatures Grayscale Coloring Book." This unique coloring book offers a captivating journey beneath the surface of an extraterrestrial ocean, where imagination knows no bounds. Unearth the secrets of the deep as you bring to life 50 incredible grayscale illustrations of alien ocean creatures, each waiting for your creative touch.

Inside these pages, you'll encounter a breathtaking array of bizarre and fantastical beings that defy ...

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All sizes are beautiful

Grayscale Coloring Book

2023 || Paperback || Nori Art Coloring || Brave New Books

Celebrate the beauty of diversity with the "All Sizes Are Beautiful Grayscale Coloring Book," a collection of 57 single-sided grayscale coloring pages that lovingly showcase the radiance of beautiful, confident, and diverse women of all sizes.

In this empowering coloring book, you'll find grayscale illustrations that capture the essence of body positivity and self-acceptance. Each page features unique and stunning representations of women who proudly embrace their bodies, proving that beauty ...

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Creative Theories of (Just-About) Everything

A Journey into Origins and Imaginations

2020 || Paperback || Jeroen Lutters || Valiz

Creativiteit wordt geprezen als de drijvende kracht en de belangrijkste vaardigheid van de eenentwintigste eeuw. Het debat over de oorsprong en het potentieel van creativiteit speelt zich voornamelijk af binnen het domein van de natuur- en sociale wetenschappen, en weinig in de humaniora. Gebruikmakend van inzichten uit deze velden, puttend uit ideeën van Parmenides, Spinoza, Goethe, Emerson, Nietzsche, Freud, Benjamin, Bergson, Deleuze, Spivak en vele anderen, stelt Jeroen Lutters dat creat...

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Dürer in Detail -ENG-

2020 || Hardcover || Till-Holger Borchert || Idea Books B.V.

Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528), schilder, graficus en theoreticus, is een van de belangrijkste en invloedrijkste kunstenaars van de noordelijke renaissance. Hij kende alle grote Italiaanse kunstenaars van zijn tijd: Rafaël, Bellini, Leonardo da Vinci... Op tekengebied was Dürer een wonderkind. Vanaf 1512 genoot Dürer de bijzondere bescherming van keizer Maximiliaan I. Gravures, altaarstukken, (zelf)portretten, aquarellen en boeken volgden elkaar in snel tempo op. De close-ups in dit boe...