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One of a Kind

The Unique World of Island Animals

2022 || Hardcover || Mario Ludwig || Persell Trading

Giants, dwarves, living fossils - many animal species living on remote islands have developed extravagant features that would have denied them a chance of survival elsewhere. Text in English and German.

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2022 || Paperback || Pii Daenen || Komma, Uitgeverij

Beeldend kunstenaar Pii Daenen produceert al ruim 50 jaar sculpturen, installaties, video’s, foto’s, prints, artefacten, multiples, interieur- en meubelstukken. Hij haalt zijn inspiratie vooral uit de elementaire menselijke behoeftes en technologische ontwikkelingen en geeft met zijn kunst met humor commentaar op hoe wij hier als mens mee omgaan.

In 2012 begon Pii zijn werk te archiveren in FileMaker Pro. Zijn totale oeuvre is hierdoor een visuele encyclopedie geworden; een kunstwerk an s...

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The Fold

2022 || Paperback || Fleur Van Dodewaard || Idea Books B.V.

With elementary materials – wood, paper, clay, tape, paint – artist Fleur van Dodewaard creates ephemeral compositions that play with the possibilities of photography, sculpture, and painting. Situated at the intersection of these disciplines, her work uses photography to achieve the final result. ‘The Fold’ presents ten years of practice, reshaped according to the principles of book production methods such as folding, cutting, and binding. Operating like a “making-of” documentary...

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Accountable Temporary Expedients

2022 || Paperback || Irina Baldini || Brave New Books

Accountable Temporary Expedients is a practice that challenges the ability of dancers to attend to multiple stimuli at once and instigate situations which embrace confusion, doubt and uncertainty. This work stands in response to the notion that dance urges to emancipate. Baldini’s current critique sees dance as being "stuck, gooey, a victim of its own habit and, so in love with itself, it does not recognise its limitations. It is self-seduced, self-sufficient, and self-indulgent. Dance is n...

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New Earth

A Photographic Journey Of The Geldingadalir Eruption

2022 || Hardcover || Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove || Matador

Toen de Fagradalsfjall-vulkaan in IJsland op 19 maart 2021 uitbarstte, was de Belgische fotograaf en natuurgids Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove ter plaatse met zijn camera. Zijn doel? Het vulkanische spektakel ervaren en vastleggen vanop de eerste rij. Het werd het begin van een unieke fotografische reis, die al zijn verwachtingen overtrof.

In dit boek deelt Jeroen zijn verzameling foto’s van dag één van de uitbarsting tot en met de laatste dag. Daarnaast biedt hij je een uniek inzicht in hoe de f...

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Design: The Whole Story

2022 || Paperback || Elizabeth Wilhide || Thames & Hudson Ltd

A revised edition of this popular history of design, updated to reflect innovations since the book's first publication in 2016. Design: The Whole Story takes a close look at the key developments, movements and practitioners of design around the world, from the beginnings of industrial manufacturing to the present day. Organized chronologically, it locates design within its technological, cultural, economic, aesthetic and theoretical contexts.

From the high-minded moralists of the 19th century...

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A Photographic Album of the World's Largest Animals

2022 || Hardcover || Amos Nachoum e.a. || Persell Trading

Big animals and big emotions - photographer friends Amos Nachoum and Marko Dimitrijevic captivate us with fascinating animal photographs and touching stories. Text in English and German.

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Nordic Painting

The Rise of Modernity

2022 || Hardcover || Katharina Alsen e.a. || Prestel

This large-format, lavishly illustrated book offers a comprehensive survey of the fin-de- sie cle and modernist painting of Scandinavia.

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Practicing Art Internationally

Friendship, Alterity, Solidarity

2022 || Paperback || Binna Choi e.a. || Valiz

What is at stake in this book is an attempt to de-align the discussion of international art practice from the rhetoric of globalization and an exclusive focus on the contemporary. Instead, it seeks to trace a genealogy of trans-local practices, with histories and methods that link to networks of friendship and solidarity, and of the visual arts as participating in a longer history of contact between individuals motivated by shared interests and struggles. Visual art is not limited to a discip...

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2022 || Hardcover || Claudio Contreras Koob || Persell Trading

Experience the fascinating life of a flamingo colony in Mexico up close, with flamingo expert and photographer Claudio Contreras Koob. Text in English, German and Spanish.