
Finance & Control (2)

Resultaten (157)

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Gemotiveerd leren en lesgeven / Druk 2 (e-book)

De kracht van intrinsieke motivatie

2020 || E-book via Bookshelf || Anje Ros e.a. || Coutinho

Gemotiveerd leren en lesgeven zet motivatieprocessen helder uiteen en geeft aan wat je als leraar kunt doen om de intrinsieke motivatie van leerlingen te ondersteunen. Als leerlingen gemotiveerd zijn, zijn ze betrokken en nieuwsgierig en beter in staat om te gaan met uitdagingen en tegenslagen. Ook halen ze vaak betere schoolresultaten. In de praktijk blijkt echter dat de motivatie van leerlingen gedurende hun schoolloopbaan afneemt. Ze vinden het saai op school en zijn minder betrokken bij s...

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Van contextuele theorie naar praktijk (e-book)

2020 || E-book via Bookshelf || Jaap van der Meiden || Coutinho

Mensen leven in relaties, omdat we elkaar nodig hebben. Daarom worden onze relaties gekenmerkt door wederkerigheid: we ontvangen van de ander, en geven aan de ander. In de contextuele benadering van Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy wordt dit ‘relationele ethiek’ genoemd. Daarmee wordt een fundament van hechte, duurzame (familie)relaties blootgelegd; de bron voor geslaagde relaties.

Van contextuele theorie naar praktijk beschrijft de relevantie en de toepasbaarheid van de contextuele benadering voor ...

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UML Distilled / 3rd edition (e-book)

A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language

2020 || E-book via Bookshelf || Martin Fowler || Pearson

Pressured with tight deadlines, application developers do not have the luxury of keeping completely up-to-date with all of the latest innovations in software engineering. Once in a great while, a tremendous resource comes along that helps these professionals become more efficient. The first two editions of UML Distilled have been perennial best-sellers because of their concise, yet thorough, nature.

This eagerly-anticipated third edition allows you to get acquainted with some of the...

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Modern Operating Systems / 4th edition (e-book)

2020 || E-book via Bookshelf || Andrew Tanenbaum e.a. || Pearson

Modern Operating Systems, Fourth Edition, is intended for introductory courses in Operating Systems in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Electrical Engineering programs. The widely anticipated revision of this worldwide best-seller incorporates the latest developments in operating systems (OS) technologies. The Fourth Edition includes up-to-date materials on relevant OS.

Tanenbaum also provides information on current research based on his experience as an operating systems...

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Fundamentals of Database Systems / 7th edition (e-book)

2020 || E-book via Bookshelf || Ramez Elmasri e.a. || Pearson

For database systems courses in Computer Science This book introduces the fundamental concepts necessary for designing, using, and implementing database systems and database applications. Our presentation stresses the fundamentals of database modeling and design, the languages and models provided by the database management systems, and database system implementation techniques. The book is meant to be used as a textbook for a one- or two-semester course in database systems at the junior, s...

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Probability and Statistics for Engineers / 9th edition (e-book)

2020 || E-book via Bookshelf || Richard Johnson e.a. || Pearson

For an introductory, one or two semester, or sophomore-junior level course in Probability and Statistics or Applied Statistics for engineering, physical science, and mathematics students. An Applications-Focused Introduction to Probability and Statistics Miller & Freund's Probability and Statistics for Engineers is rich in exercises and examples, and explores both elementary probability and basic statistics, with an emphasis on engineering and science applications. Much of the data has bee...

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Law for Business Students (e-book)

2020 || E-book via Bookshelf || Alix Adams e.a. || Pearson

Law for Business Students is the popular textbook for introducing legal concepts to non-law students in a practical, engaging way through real-life cases relevant to the business world. A clear explanation of the study of law and study skills leads into the main core topics of law: contract (including intellectual property), tort, employment and business organisations (including formation), governance and dissolution.

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Responsible Innovation in Large Technological Systems (e-book)

2020 || E-book via Bookshelf || J. Roland Ortt e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Large technological systems, such as seaports, nuclear power stations, wind farms and natural gas extraction, provide vital functions for society. And yet these large technological systems have an impact on different stakeholder groups in both positive and negative ways.

This book defines responsible innovation and describes how both the innovation process and the resulting innovation outcome can be designed, created and implemented in a way that respects the various stakeholder groups involv...

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Understanding Digital Culture (e-book)

2020 || E-book via Bookshelf || Vincent Miller || SAGE

This is not simply a book about 'internet studies'.

It is a book that considers many wider forms of digital culture, including mobile technologies, surveillance, algorithms, ambient intelligence, gaming, big data and technological bodies (to name a few) in order to explore how digital technology - in a broad sense - is used within the wider contexts of our everyday lives.

"The first edition of Understanding Digital Culture set a new benchmark as the most comprehensive, scholarly and accessibl...

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Basisboek Duurzame Ontwikkeling / Druk 4 (e-book)

2020 || E-book via Bookshelf || Dr. Niko Roorda || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar

Basisboek Duurzame Ontwikkeling biedt studenten een brede introductie op duurzame ontwikkeling. Het boek is gericht op studenten van alle disciplines in het hoger onderwijs. Het beschrijft duurzame ontwikkeling op een evenwichtige manier, rekening houdend met people, planet en profit/prosperity. Het boek heeft oog voor de mondiale kant van duurzame ontwikkeling en de toekomstaspecten ervan. Basisboek Duurzame Ontwikkeling is tot stand gekomen in nauwe samenwerking met meer dan dertig docenten...