
Nannette Ripmeester (22)
A.M. Ripmeester (7)
Paul van Kempen (5)
» Toon alle opties (104)
Henk Fuchs (4)
Perry Pierik (4)
Rene Luijk (4)
René Luijk (4)
Rieke Wynia (4)
Rudolf Steiner (4)
Twan Huys (4)
Vera Lukassen (4)
Archie Pollock (3)
Elle van Lieshout (3)
Erik van Os (3)
Henk van der Linden (3)
J. van Drongelen (3)
Joe Rubino (3)
Joop Soonieus (3)
Joseph Cavanna (3)
Jules L. Ellis (3)
Lina Zedelius (3)
Mister Jack (3)
Mohamed El-Fers (3)
Priscilla van Lierop (3)
Rene Hombergen (3)
Ruud van den Belt (3)
Stephen Robbins (3)
A.G. Sciarone (2)
Ad Maas (2)
Agaath Koudstaal (2)
Alias Pyrrho (2)
Anton Kruft (2)
Anton Zandhuis (2)
Ard Sprinkhuizen (2)
Bert Snel (2)
Bert Stoop (2)
Bjarne Stroustrup (2)
Brené Brown (2)
Carla van Beers (2)
Claudia Mariele Wulf (2)
Clegg (2)
Daniël Goleman (2)
David Penney (2)
Denicolo (2)
Eliyahu M. Goldratt (2)
Eric Corijn (2)
Eric Kollen (2)
Eugene McLaughlin (2)
Francien Schoordijk (2)
Frederike Huygen (2)
Geert Hulshof (2)
Guus Martens (2)
Han Berghs (2)
Hans Kruger (2)
Hans ten Dam (2)
Hans van der Meer (2)
Harris (2)
Heine Wind (2)
Herbert Wittel (2)
I. Helsloot (2)
Inge Teunissen (2)
Jacobien Beeker (2)
Jacques-Matthieu de Jo... (2)
Jan Hein Mooren (2)
Jan Jonker (2)
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John McLeod (2)
Jolet Plomp (2)
Jos Oonincx (2)
Jules E. Ellis (2)
L.W. Naudts (2)
Leo Balai (2)
M. Demaret (2)
M. Fullan (2)
M.P. Rosillo (2)
Margot Scholte (2)
Mari Paz Rosillo (2)
Marjan Dorresteijn (2)
Marleen Tienstra (2)
Martine Demaret (2)
Maurits van der Mersch (2)
Michael Mandersloot (2)
Monique Hulsbergen (2)
N.G.A. Kamminga (2)
Nicky Heijne (2)
Nico Braas (2)
Nicole Muller (2)
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvan... (2)
P. Maccotta (2)
P.J. Meijer (2)
Patricia Maccotta (2)
Petra Biemans (2)
Rahman Syaifoel (2)
Remko van der Pols (2)
Ria van der Knaap (2)
Robert Lemm (2)
Rosanne de Bruin (2)
Samuli Schielke (2)
Sandra Guarda (2)
Stephanie Kaars (2)
Stuart Hall (2)
Suzet Volders (2)
Sven Hassel (2)
Wieke Pot (2)
William Gijsen (2)
Yvonne van de Voort (2)
Nederlands (1174)
Engels (363)
Frans (6)
» Toon alle opties (2)
Psychologie algemeen (89)
Geschiedenis algemeen (66)
Management algemeen (64)
» Toon alle opties (153)
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Onderwijs en opvoeding (51)
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Gebundelde literaire c... (10)
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Recht algemeen (9)
Taalkunde (9)
Talen algemeen (9)
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Fiscaal recht (4)
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Gezondheidswetenschapp... (2)
Grammatica, lexicograf... (2)
Informatica & manageme... (2)
Internationaal (publie... (2)
Journalistiek (2)
Klinische psychologie (2)
Landinrichting (2)
Letterkunde (2)
Literaire fictie algem... (2)
Literaire non-fictie a... (2)
Literatuurgeschiedenis... (2)
Middeleeuwen (500-1500... (2)
Natuur populair algeme... (2)
Onderwijsvormen en sch... (2)
Oorlog en vrede (2)
Oorlogs- en verzetsrom... (2)
Oosterse religies waar... (2)
Organisatieantropologi... (2)
Paramedisch algemeen (2)
Pastoraat (2)
Politieke en culturele... (2)
Regionale cultuur (2)
Relaties(boeken over e... (2)
Spaanse taal, letterku... (2)
Spiritualiteit (2)
Stadssociologie (2)
Systeemanalyse en -the... (2)
Taalbeheersing (2)
Tentoonstellingscatalo... (2)
Theater, film- en tele... (2)
Toegepaste communicati... (2)
Toepassingsgerichte wi... (2)
True crime (2)
Zwangerschap en opvoed... (2)
kerk- en dogmengeschie... (2)

Resultaten (1565)

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Gramática de uso del español B1-B2

teoria y práctica con solucionario

2013 || Paperback || Intertaal


Eentalige oefengrammatica Spaans op niveau B1-B2 met theorie en oefeningen. Met oplossingen en woordenlijst Spaans – Engels – Frans – Duits.

eentalige oefengrammatica Spaans op niveau B1-B2

op de linkerpagina steeds de theorie en op de rechterpagina de oefeningen

met uitgebreide woordenlijst Spaans – Engels – Frans – Duits

met oplossingen, ideaal om zelfstandig mee te werken

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

The Global Contemporary and the Rise of New Art Worlds

2013 || Paperback || Hans Belting e.a. || MIT Press Ltd

Mapping the new geography of the visual arts, from the explosion of biennials to the emerging art markets in Asia and the Middle East. The geography of the visual arts changed with the end of the Cold War. Contemporary art was no longer defined, exhibited, interpreted, and acquired according to a blueprint drawn up in New York, London, Paris, or Berlin. The art world distributed itself into art worlds. With the emergence of new art scenes in Asia and the Middle East and the explosion of bienn...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Engineering Vibrations

International Edition

2013 || Paperback || Daniel Inman || Pearson Education

For one/two-semester introductory courses in vibration for undergraduates in Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics Serving as both a text and reference manual, Engineering Vibration, 4e, connects traditional design-oriented topics, the introduction of modal analysis, and the use of MATLAB, Mathcad, or Mathematica. The author provides an unequaled combination of the study of conventional vibration with the use of vibration design, computation, analysis ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry / 2nd revised edition

2013 || Paperback || Stuart Warren e.a. || Oxford University Press

The solutions manual to accompany Organic Chemistry provides fully-explained solutions to problems that accompany each chapter of the second edition of the book.

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

The Ethics of Tourism

Critical and Applied Perspectives

2013 || Paperback || Brent Lovelock e.a. || Taylor & Francis

There are increasingly strident calls from many sectors of society for the tourism industry, the world’s largest industry, to adopt a more ethical approach to the way it does business. In particular there has been an emphasis placed on the need for a more ethical approach to the way the tourism industry interacts with consumers, the environment, with indigenous peoples, those in poverty, and those in destinations suffering human rights abuses. This book introduces students to the important ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Rights and the Law

2013 || Paperback || Olufemi Amao || Taylor & Francis

The control of multinational corporations is an area of law that has attracted immense attention both at national and international level. In recognition of the importance of the subject matter, the United Nations Secretary General has appointed a special representative to work in this area. The book discusses the current trend by MNCs to self regulate by employing voluntary corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy.

Olufemi Amao argues that the CSR concept is insufficient to deal with e...

Levertijd: 24 werkdagen

The Design of Everyday Things / 2nd edition

2013 || Paperback || Don Norman || Hachette Book Group USA

Even the smartest among us can feel inept as we fail to figure out which light switch or oven burner to turn on, or whether to push, pull, or slide a door. The fault, argues this ingenious,even liberating,book, lies not in ourselves, but in product design that ignores the needs of users and the principles of cognitive psychology. The problems range from ambiguous and hidden controls to arbitrary relationships between controls and functions, coupled with a lack of feedback or other assistance ...

Levertijd: 24 werkdagen

Common Ground

Democracy and Collectivity in an Age of Individualism

2013 || Paperback || Jeremy Gilbert || Pluto Press

Under neoliberalism the cult of individualism reigns supreme, forced upon us through culture, media and politics, it fatally limits our capacity to escape the current crisis of democratic politics. In Common Ground, Jeremy Gilbert asks us to reimagine the philosophical relationship between individuality, collectivity, affect and agency, proposing a radically non-individualist mode of imagining social life. The book considers how opponents of neoliberal hegemony, and of the individualist tradi...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems / 6th edition

Pearson New International Edition

2013 || Paperback || Theodore Wildi || Pearson || ook als eBook

For courses in Motor Controls, Electric Machines, Power Electronics, and Electric Power. This best-selling text employs a theoretical, practical, multidisciplinary approach to provide introductory students with a broad understanding of modern electric power. The scope of the book reflects the rapid changes that have occurred in power technology over the past few years-allowing the entrance of power electronics into every facet of industrial drives, and expanding the field to open more career ...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Excel 2013 Power Programming with VBA

2013 || Paperback || John Walkenbach || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Maximize your Excel 2013 experience using VBA application development The new Excel 2013 boasts updated features, enhanced power, and new capabilities. Naturally, that means John Walkenbach returns with a new edition of his bestselling VBA Programming book and covers all the methods and tools you need to know in order to program with Excel. With this comprehensive guide, "Mr.

Spreadsheet" shows you how to maximize your Excel experience using professional spreadsheet application development ti...