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Resultaten (706)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Electronic Devices / 10th edition

Conventional Current Edition

2018 || Paperback || Thomas Floyd || Pearson || ook als eBook

For courses in basic electronics and electronic devices and circuits A user-friendly, hands-on introduction to electronic devices filled with practical applications and software simulationElectronic Devices (Conventional Current Version), 10/e, provides a solid foundation in basic analog electronics and a thorough introduction to analog integrated circuits and programmable devices. The text identifies the circuits and components within a system, helping students see how the circuit relates to...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets / 12th Global Edition

2018 || Paperback || Frederic S. Mishkin || Pearson

For courses in money and banking, or general economics. A unified framework for understanding financial marketsThe Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets brings a fresh perspective to today's major questions surrounding financial policy. Influenced by his term as Governor of the Federal Reserve, Frederic Mishkin offers students a unique viewpoint and informed insight into the monetary policy process, the regulation and supervision of the financial system, and the internationalizati...

Levertijd: 9 werkdagen

Equitation Science / 2nd edition

2018 || Paperback || Paul McGreevy e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

A new edition of a highly respected textbook and reference in the rapidly emerging field of equitation science. Equitation Science, 2nd Edition incorporates learning theory into ethical equine training frameworks suitable for riders of any level and for all types of equestrian activity. Written by international experts at the forefront of the development of the field, the welfare of the horse and rider safety are primary considerations throughout.

This edition features a new chapter on resear...

Levertijd: 21 werkdagen

Understanding Motivation and Emotion / 7th edition

2018 || Paperback || Johnmarschall Reeve || John Wiley & Sons Inc

The past ten years have seen an explosion of useful research surrounding human motivation and emotion; new insights allow researchers to answer the perennial questions, including "What do people want?" and "Why do they want what they want?" By delving into the roots of motivation, the emotional processes at work, and the impacts on learning, performance, and well-being, the seventh edition of Understanding Motivation and Emotion provides a toolbox of practical interventions and approaches for...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Purchasing and Supply Chain Management / 2nd edition

A Sustainability Perspective

2018 || Hardcover || Mickey Howard e.a. || Taylor & Francis

For too long, business has focused on short-term cost advantages through low-cost country sourcing with little regard for the longer-term implications of global sustainability. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Second Edition, not only fully addresses the environmental, social and economic challenges of how companies manage purchasing and supply chains, but also delves deeper into emerging areas such as modern slavery, digital technologies and circular supply chains. In addition to expl...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Adobe Photoshop CC for Photographers 2018

A Professional Image Editor's Guide to the Creative Use of Photoshop for the Macintosh and PC

2018 || Paperback || Martin Evening || Taylor & Francis

Adobe Photoshop CC for Photographers by acclaimed digital imaging professional Martin Evening has been revamped to include detailed instruction for all of the updates to Photoshop CC on Adobe’s Creative Cloud, including significant new features, such as the painting tool and Pen path tool refinements and Range Masking in Camera Raw. This guide covers all the tools and techniques photographers and professional image editors need to know when using Photoshop, from workflow guidance to core sk...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Systems Thinking in Practice

Applications of the Event Analysis of Systemic Teamwork Method

2018 || Hardcover || Neville A. Stanton e.a. || Taylor & Francis

This book brings the state of the science together for Distributed Cognition (DCOG) in complex socio-technical systems. It introduces the latest thinking on the Event Analysis of Systemic Teamwork (EAST) method with practical guidance and applications in domains as diverse as: aviation, rail transportation, road transportation, and sports science.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

The Influence of Values on Consumer Behaviour

The value compass

2018 || Paperback || Erik Kostelijk || Taylor & Francis

Substantial progress has been made in the conceptualization of values within psychology. The importance of values is also acknowledged in marketing, and companies use values to describe the core associations of their brand. Yet despite this, the values concept has received limited attention in marketing theory.

The Influence of Values on Consumer Behaviour aims to bridge the gap between the conceptual progress of values in psychology, and the current practice in marketing and branding literat...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

In Other Words / 3rd edition

A Coursebook on Translation

2018 || Paperback || Mona Baker || Taylor & Francis

In Other Words has been the definitive coursebook for students studying translation for nearly three decades. Assuming no knowledge of foreign languages, it offers a practical guide based on extensive research in areas as varied as lexis, grammar, pragmatics, semiotics and ethics. It thus provides a solid basis for training a new generation of well-informed, critical students of translation.

Drawing on linguistic theory and social semiotics, the third edition of this best-selling text guides ...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Food and Beverage Management / 6th Edition

2018 || Paperback || Bernard Davis e.a. || Taylor & Francis

This introductory textbook provides a thorough guide to the management of food and beverage outlets, from their day-to-day running through to the wider concerns of the hospitality industry. It explores the broad range of subject areas that encompass the food and beverage market and its main sectors - fast food and casual dining, hotels and quality restaurants and event, industrial and welfare catering. It also looks at some of the important trends affecting the food and beverage industry, cov...