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Taylor & Francis (58)
Urban Geography / 5th edition
2017 || Paperback || Tim Hall e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This revised fifth edition not only examines the new geographical patterns forming within and between cities, but also investigates the way geographers have sought to make sense of this urban transformation. It is structured into three sections: 'contexts', 'themes' and 'issues' that move students from a foundation in urban geography through its major themes to contemporary and pressing issues. The text critically synthesizes key literatures in the following areas:
- the urban world
- changin...
Policy Analysis / 6th edition
Concepts and Practice
2017 || Paperback || David Weimer e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Often described as a public policy “bible,” Weimer and Vining remains the essential primer it ever was. Now in its sixth edition, Policy Analysis provides a strong conceptual foundation of the rationales for and the limitations to public policy. It offers practical advice about how to do policy analysis, but goes a bit deeper to demonstrate the application of advanced analytical techniques through the use of case studies.
Updates to this edition include:A chapter dedicated to distinguishi...
Multilevel Analysis / 3rd edition
Techniques and Applications
2017 || Paperback || Joop Hox e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Applauded for its clarity, this accessible introduction helps readers apply multilevel techniques to their research. The book also includes advanced extensions, making it useful as both an introduction for students and as a reference for researchers. Basic models and examples are discussed in nontechnical terms with an emphasis on understanding the methodological and statistical issues involved in using these models.
The estimation and interpretation of multilevel models is demonstrated using...
Sensate Focus in Sex Therapy
The Illustrated Manual
2017 || Paperback || Linda Weiner e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Sensate Focus in Sex Therapy: The Illustrated Manual is an illustrated manual that provides health professionals with specific information on the use of the structured touching opportunities used regularly by Sexologists to address their clients' sexual difficulties (Sensate Focus 1) and enhance intimate relationships (Sensate Focus 2).
The Rediscovery of Teaching
2017 || Gert J. J. Biesta || Taylor & Francis
The Rediscovery of Teaching presents the innovative claim that teaching does not necessarily have to be perceived as an act of control but can be understood and configured as a way of activating possibilities for students to exist as subjects. By framing teaching as an act of dissensus, that is, as an interruption of egological ways of being, this book positions teaching at the progressive end of the educational spectrum, where it can be reconnected with the emancipatory ambitions of educatio...
Latent Variable Models / 5th edition
An Introduction to Factor, Path, and Structural Equation Analysis
2017 || Paperback || John C. Loehlin e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Latent Variable Models: An Introduction to Factor, Path, and Structural Equation Analysis introduces latent variable models by utilizing path diagrams to explain the relationships in the models. This approach helps less mathematically-inclined readers to grasp the underlying relations among path analysis, factor analysis, and structural equation modeling, and to set up and carry out such analyses. This revised and expanded fifth edition again contains key chapters on path analysis, structural...
Human Factors in Simple and Complex Systems / 3rd edition
2017 || Hardcover || Robert W. Proctor e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Recently, there have been a number of advances in technology, including in mobile devices, globalization of companies, display technologies and healthcare, which require significant input and evaluation from human factors specialists. This textbook has been completely updated, with some chapters folded into other chapters and new chapters added.
City / 2nd edition
2017 || Paperback || Phil Hubbard || Taylor & Francis
City provides an accessible yet critical introduction to one of the key ideas in human geography. While most of the world’s population now lives in cities, the definition and theoretical specification of the city nonetheless remains elusive. In this extensively updated second edition, Phil Hubbard considers the different ways that the lived and messy realities of urban life have been approached by geographers, past and present.
Situating these in the context of ongoing debates concerning gl...
Ten Steps to Complex Learning / 3rd edition
A Systematic Approach to Four-Component Instructional Design
2017 || Paperback || Jeroen J.G. van Merrienboer e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Ten Steps to Complex Learning presents a path from an educational problem to a solution in a way that students, practitioners, and researchers can understand and easily use. Students in the field of instructional design can use this book to broaden their knowledge of the design of training programs for complex learning. Practitioners can use this book as a reference guide to support their design of courses, curricula, or environments for complex learning.
Now fully revised to incorporate the ...
Implementing the Expressive Therapies Continuum
A Guide for Clinical Practice
2017 || Paperback || Sandra Graves-Alcorn e.a. || Taylor & Francis || ook als eBook
Implementing the Expressive Therapies Continuum aims to explore the use of the Expressive Therapies Continuum (ETC) in the form of specific expressive therapy initiatives intended to be used in both educational and professional settings.