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SAGE (237)
morgen verzonden
Statistical Methods for the Social and Behavioural Sciences
A Model-Based Approach
2020 || Paperback || David B. Flora || SAGE
Flora provides a comprehensive survey of the major statistical procedures, along with an innovative model-based approach, teaching researchers how to understand and choose the best model to fit their data.
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The Social Life of Gender
2018 || Paperback || Ray || SAGE
The Social Life of Gender provides a comprehensive approach to gender as an organizing social relation and presents a critical sociology based on the unique insights gleaned from the study of gender.
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Putting Professional Leadership into Practice in Social Work
2018 || Hardcover || Scourfield || SAGE
This comprehensive textbook engages in the essential discussion of what professional leadership means in the context of contemporary social work and why this is considered to be important for the future of the profession.
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Early Childhood Educational Research
International Perspectives
2018 || Hardcover || Nutbrown || SAGE
This book offers an accessible critique of recent Early Childhood Educational Research, taking an international perspective, and highlighting strengths and key focus areas within the field. It will also identify areas where researchers have yet to offer significant insights that support the development of theory, policy and practice.
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Reasons to Reason in Primary Maths and Science
2018 || Hardcover || Borthwick || SAGE
This book explores what reasoning is and what it is not. It includes background theory and a rationale for primary teachers alongside examples of how reasoning in primary mathematics and science classes can develop.
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Research Design & Method Selection
Making Good Choices in the Social Sciences
2018 || Paperback || Diana Panke || SAGE
Heavily grounded in theory and context, this book explores the philosophical issues and debates surrounding social science research to help build solid, logical proposals and move from research concepts to fully realized designs.
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Marketing Communications
Objectives, Strategy, Tactics
2018 || Hardcover || Rossiter || SAGE
Uniting industry experience with academic expertise, the authors combine marketing communications and advertising with the branding perspective to provide students with a practical planning system and a seven-step approach enabling them to create a consistent and comprehensive marketing plan.
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100 Activities for Teaching Study Skills
2018 || Paperback || Catherine Dawson || SAGE
Skill up your students with this tried and tested set of teaching activities, designed to develop academic study skills across levels.
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Mindful by Design
A Practical Guide for Cultivating Aware, Advancing, and Authentic Learning Experiences
2018 || Paperback || Krause || SAGE
This resource explores how mindfulness can improve teaching and learning, and helps students develop 21st century skills including creativity, entrepreneurship, innovation, and communication.
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The Big Book of Literacy Tasks, Grades K-8
75 Balanced Literacy Activities Students Do (Not You!)
2018 || Paperback || Akhavan || SAGE
With 75 tasks on full-color pages, this book offers a literacy instruction plan that ensures students benefit from independent effort and engagement.