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Oxford University Press (239)
Blackstone's International Law Documents / 16th edition
2024 || Paperback || Malcolm (Principal Evans || Oxford University Press
Celebrating over 30 years as the market-leading series, Blackstone's Statutes have an unrivalled tradition of trust and quality. With a rock-solid reputation for accuracy, reliability, and authority, they remain first-choice for students and lecturers, providing a careful selection of up-to-date legislation for exams and course use.
Caleb Williams
2009 || Paperback || William Godwin || Oxford University Press
Caleb Williams is a psychological thriller and suspenseful tale of detection and pursuit. It is also a powerful political novel, inspired by the events following the French Revolution. This new edition reprints the original novel of 1794, the grittier, topical text that reflects Godwin's political philosophy.
Four Major Plays
Doll's House; Ghosts; Hedda Gabler; and The Master Builder
2008 || Paperback || Henrik Ibsen || Oxford University Press
Taken from the highly acclaimed Oxford Ibsen, this collection of Ibsen's plays includes A Doll's House, Ghosts, Hedda Gabler, and The Master Builder. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes t...
A Discourse on the Method
of Correctly Conducting One's Reason and Seeking Truth in the Sciences
2008 || Paperback || Rene Descartes || Oxford University Press
Descartes's A Discourse on the Method of Correctly Conducting One's Reason and Seeking the Truth in the Sciences marks a watershed in European thought; in it, the author provides an informal intellectual autobiography in the vernacular for a non-specialist readership, sweeps away all previous philosophical traditions, and sets out in brief his radical new philosophy.
International Economics
Theory, Application, and Policy
2012 || Paperback || Charles van Marrewijk || Oxford University Press
Covering both trade and international finance, this innovative text provides a thoroughly up-do-date and comprehensive treatment of each area. Throughout, the theory is illustrated with empirical evidence and an abundance of relevant case studies. It includes an online study guide.
Physical Chemistry / 2nd edition
Quanta, Matter, and Change
2013 || Paperback || Peter Atkins e.a. || Oxford University Press
Physical Chemistry: Quanta, Matter, and Change 2nd edition takes an exciting and innovative molecular approach to the teaching of physical chemistry. The text focuses on our understanding of the properties of matter at the molecular level, and how these can be linked to the macroscopic world via statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. For the second edition the structure of the text has been radically re-organised.
Instead of being in chapters, material is broken down into 97 short 'topics'...
The Welfare State
A Very Short Introduction
2016 || Paperback || David Garland || Oxford University Press
Welfare states vary across nations and change over time. And the balance between markets and government; free enterprise and social protection is perennially in question. But all developed societies have welfare states of one kind or another - they are a fundamental dimension of modern government.
And even after decades of free-market criticism and reform, their core institutions have proven resilient and popular. This Very Short Introduction describes the modern welfare state, explaining its...
Fabrication Engineering at the Micro- and Nanoscale
2019 || Paperback || Stephen A. Campbell || Oxford University Press
Designed for advanced undergraduate or first-year graduate courses in semiconductor or microelectronic fabrication, Fabrication Engineering at the Micro- and Nanoscale, Fourth Edition, covers the entire basic unit processes used to fabricate integrated circuits and other devices.
vandaag verzonden
Teaching Today: A Practical Guide / 5th Revised Edition
2014 || Paperback || Geoff Petty || Oxford University Press
Now in its fifth edition, Teaching Today is a comprehensive and readable introduction to teaching. Focusing on practical methods, techniques and strategies, Teaching Today has been one of the best-selling teacher training textbooks for the past 20 years. Retaining its practical and user-friendly approach, the fifth edition includes chapters on differentiation, equality, inclusion and working with stake-holders.