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Oxford University Press (239)
Human Physiology / 5th edition
2022 || Paperback || Gillian Pocock e.a. || Oxford University Press
The human body is a complicated and beautiful machine, governed by the laws of physics and chemistry. By understanding its physiology - how it performs its varied functions - it is possible to build strategies for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. In this latest edition, expanded and restructured coverage of sensory physiology and the respiratory system, a new comprehensive glossary of key terms, and additional online learning resources make Human Physiology even more student-f...
Brownlie's Principles of Public International Law
2019 || Paperback || James Crawford || Oxford University Press
Brownlie's Principles of Public International Law has been shaping the study and application of international law for over 50 years. Serving as a single-volume introduction to the field as a whole, the book is one of the classic treatises on international law, now fully updated to order to take account of recent developments. It includes extensive references in order to provide a solid foundation for further research.
Authored by James Crawford, the ninth edition further secures the work as t...
Behavioural Economics
A Very Short Introduction
2017 || Paperback || Michelle Baddeley || Oxford University Press
Traditionally economists have based their economic predictions on the assumption that humans are super-rational creatures, using the information we are given efficiently and generally making selfish decisions that work well for us as individuals. Economists also assume that we're doing the very best we can possibly do - not only for today, but over our whole lifetimes too. But increasingly the study of behavioural economics is revealing that our lives are not that simple.
Instead, our decisio...
Molecular Diagnostics
2019 || Paperback || Anthony Warford e.a. || Oxford University Press
One of the most notable trends in biomedical science in recent years has been the increasing use of molecular techniques as part of the diagnosis of disease. As such, there is a growing need for students to understand the technological basis of molecular analysis and to have a comprehensive appreciation of their use in diagnosis. Combining coverage of molecular techniques with their application to diagnostic pathology, this book provides students with a thorough andup to date appreciation of ...
The Oxford Handbook of Cities in World History
2016 || Paperback || Peter Clark || Oxford University Press
In 2008 for the first time the majority of the planet's inhabitants lived in cities and towns. Becoming globally urban has been one of mankind's greatest collective achievements over time, and raises many questions. How did global city systems evolve and interact in the past? How have historic urban patterns impacted on those of the contemporary world? And what were the key drivers in the roller-coaster of urban change over the millennia - market forces such as trade and industry, rulers and ...
Tort Law Directions
2020 || Paperback || Carol Brennan e.a. || Oxford University Press
The Directions series has been written with students in mind. The ideal guide as they approach the subject for the first time, this book will help them: - Gain a complete understanding of the topic: just the right amount of detail conveyed clearly- Understand the law in context: with scene-setting introductions and highlighted case extracts, the practical importance of the law becomes clear - Identify when and how to evaluate the law critically: they'll be introduced to the key areas of debat...
vandaag verzonden
Contemporary Security Studies / 6th edition
2022 || Paperback || Alan Collins || Oxford University Press
With unrivalled coverage of a wide range of issues - from terrorism, inter-state conflict and nuclear deterrence, to environmental security, health, and transnational crime - Contemporary Security Studies is the definitive introduction to Security Studies. Bringing together contributions from leading scholars, it provides a student-friendly guide to traditional and critical theoretical approaches, as well as the most important contemporary issues that dominate the modern security field. The s...
Introduction to International Relations / 8th revised edition
Theories and Approaches
2021 || Paperback || George Sorensen e.a. || Oxford University Press
Offering unrivalled coverage of classical theories, contemporary approaches, and current issues, together with an exceptionally clear writing style, Introduction to International Relations provides a uniquely accessible and engaging introduction to the subject. With an emphasis on theoretical approaches and their application to the real world, the authors encourage critical engagement with the theories presented, highlighting their strengths, weaknesses, and the major points of contention. Th...
New European Union Series-The European Union / 6th edition
How does it work?
2022 || Paperback || Daniel Kenealy || Oxford University Press
The European Union: How does it work? is the perfect concise introduction to the EU's structure and operations for students coming to the subject for the first time. The sixth edition has been substantially updated to reflect a range of challenges confronting the EU. It incorporates expanded discussions of pressing policy challenges, including migration, climate change, the future of the EU-UK relationship after Brexit, and the erosion of democratic principles in some EU member states.
It als...
Introduction to International Relations and Global Politics / 9th edition
2025 || Paperback || Georg (Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Aarhus) Sørensen e.a. || Oxford University Press
Introduction to International Relations and Global Politics provides students with a complete understanding of theory and how it applies to the real world. With comprehensive coverage of all major classical and contemporary theories and approaches, the text focuses on the connections between theory and current issues in international relations.