ArtEZ Press (32)
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Over waarneming en beeldende kunst
2020 || Paperback || Onno Zijlstra || ArtEZ Press
Een vloeiende lijn, een cirkel, een paar rechte lijnen en daarna een kromme. Om dit voor ons te kunnen zien hebben wij het vermogen van verbeelding nodig. Verbeelding is heel belangrijk voor de mens en is er altijd. In dit boek ligt het accent op de relatie tussen verbeelding en kunst, op verbeelding die visuele beelden schept, geschreven door de filosoof Onno Zijlstra. Een belangrijke rol is in het boek weggelegd voor de achttiende-eeuwse filosoof Immanuel Kant en zijn denken over verbeeldin...
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Academia Gerhard Richter: artist-educator
Studies in art-based learning
2017 || Hardcover || Jeroen Lutters || ArtEZ Press
'Ema (Nude on a staircase)' pulls the reader into the mind of Ema, the young woman descending the staircase in Gerhard Richter's 1966 painting, 'Ema'. Ema is a young artist who wants to discover what her greatest form of creativity is. She embarks on a journey of awakening, a quest for mastery that brings her into dialogue with her teachers and with her great mentors, the artists Gerhard Richter, Marcel Duchamp and John Cage. Ema explores her field, finds her own voice, considers the world an...
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ArtEZ Academia Letting art teach
art education after Joseph Beuys
2017 || Hardcover || Gert J.J. Biesta || ArtEZ Press
In this book, Gert Biesta presents a new approach to contemporary art education by showing the unique possibilities the arts offer to establish a dialogue with the world around us. This approach to art education is based on teaching as a process of showing, where the teacher shows the student what could be good, important or meaningful to master in the world. As a starting point for illustrating this method, the book proposes 'How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare' (1965) by Joseph Beuys, wh...
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Lautner A-Z
An Exploration of the Complete Built Work
2021 || Paperback || Jan-Richard Kikkert e.a. || ArtEZ Press
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Navigating Music Technology
Implementing a practice-based application of music technology into music-based therapeutic interventions and professional training
2022 || Paperback || Arthur Jaschke e.a. || ArtEZ Press
Music and technology are ubiquitous. In recent decades, developments in music-listening technology have ensured that our personal music is everywhere and accessible at all times. But how does the coupling of these two phenomena work in therapeutic contexts? In this groundbreaking handbook, Carola Werger, Marijke Groothuis, and Artur Jaschke investigate the various opportunities that music technology can bring to the profession, the field, and the development of music therapy in general. The b...
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On the Contrary
Rethinking Engaged Art in an Age of Social Unrest
2024 || Paperback || Eef Veldkamp || ArtEZ Press
'On the Contrary: Rethinking Engaged Art in an Age of Social Unrest' is a collection of essays that re-evaluate key artistic concepts that influence the way in which engaged practices are conducted. Historically produced ideas about, for example, spectatorship, autonomy, what an artwork is, and the political role of the artist determine to a large degree how contemporary practices constitute themselves. Might these concepts be faulty when acted out in practices that occupy fundamentally diffe...
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2019 || Paperback || Jeroen van den Eijnde e.a. || ArtEZ Press
Hoe verschillend ontwerpers ook zijn, basiskennis van de vijf belangrijkste thematische pijlers waarop elk product is gebouwd, is onmisbaar: materiaal, constructie, functie, betekenis en markt. Kennis van deze pijlers helpt de ontwerper bij het kritisch ontwikkelen en beoordelen van zijn product, maar ook bij het beantwoorden van vragen als de volgende: "Wat will ik maken en op welke manier?", "Wat is mijn fascinatie?", "Hoe verhoud ik mij tot de wereld, en welke plaats wil ik daarin innemen?...
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No University
2021 || Paperback || Jeroen Lutters || ArtEZ Press
The innovation of higher education is incredibly important to the future of our society. In this volume, Jeroen Lutters traces the source of his pedagogical philosophy on higher education, the Free University of Bernard Lievegoed, founded in 1971. Fifty years after this alternative form of higher education was launched, the concept remains a crucial guideline for Lutters in creating a non-reductionist, de-disciplined, multi-level form of higher education. Essential reading for those looking f...
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Gesprekken met Michelangelo
De kunstenaar als leraar
2024 || Hardcover || Jeroen Lutters || ArtEZ Press
In deze essaybundel van Jeroen Lutters staat de verbeelding van de scheppende mens centraal. Dit is het verhaal van de mens die door zijn scheppende kracht in staat is chaos te veranderen in orde, vormeloosheid te transformeren in vorm en duisternis te veranderen in licht. Michelangelo’s werk, het hoogtepunt van de Renaissance, is de belangrijkste bron in dit boek. Michelangelo brengt het idee van de universele menselijke scheppende kracht in beeld, die zich kan manifesteren in ieder indivi...
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Een ruimtelijke verkenning van designonderzoek tussen ik-wij-doe(n)-denk(en)
een ruimtelijke verkenning van designonderzoek tussen ik-wij-doe(n)-denk(en)/Exploring the space for design research between I-we-do-think
2017 || Paperback || Jeroen van den Eijnde || ArtEZ Press
Authored by Jeroen van den Eijnde, professor of product and interior design at ArtEZ Institute of the Arts, this book explores how scientific thinking and artisanal making are inextricably linked. Based on the fact that the regulations at some universities in the Netherlands make it possible to obtain a doctoral degree with artistic work, this book discusses both Van den Eijnde's views on the type of research he advocates in an art college and why this type of research by artistically moti...