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Resultaten (703)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Why The Face?

2018 || Hardcover || Jean Jullien e.a. || Phaidon

A hilarious guessing game of facial reactions created by the author of bestselling This Is Not A BookJean Jullien tickles the funnybone once again with a book of facial overreactions. Faces are presented first, allowing the reader to wager predictions of what may have prompted such an expression, before the dramatic answer is revealed. Why the face? reads the text alongside an agitated boy with eyes and nose scrunched up.

Pick up the full-page flap to reveal a whole mess of smelly items, from...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Decarbonizing Logistics

Distributing Goods in a Low Carbon World

2018 || Paperback || Prof Alan McKinnon || Kogan Page Ltd

Logistics accounts for around 9-10% of global CO2 emissions and will be one of the hardest economic sectors to decarbonize. This is partly because the demand for freight transport is expected to rise sharply over the next few decades, but also because it relies very heavily on fossil fuel. Decarbonizing Logistics outlines the nature and extent of the challenge we face in trying to achieve deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from logistical activities.

It makes a detailed assessment of...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Statistics, Global Edition / 13th edition

2018 || Paperback || James T. McClave || Pearson

For courses in introductory statistics.

Classic, yet contemporary; theoretical, yet applied—McClave & Sincich’s Statistics gives you the best of both worlds. This text offers a trusted, comprehensive introduction to statistics that emphasises inference and integrates real data throughout. The authors stress the development of statistical thinking, the assessment of credibility, and value of the inferences made from data. This edition is extensively revised with an eye on clearer, more con...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Computer Science: An Overview / 13th Global Edition

2018 || Paperback || J. Brookshear e.a. || Pearson

A ground-up approach to foundational computer science.Computer Science: An Overview, 13th edition, is an introduction for students of all backgrounds. This edition contains over 1,000 questions and exercises to reinforce core concepts.This text is comprehensive and highly accessible, making it ideal for undergraduate studies in computer science.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Purchasing and Supply Chain Management / 2nd edition

A Sustainability Perspective

2018 || Paperback || Thomas Johnsen e.a. || Taylor & Francis

For too long, business has focused on short-term cost advantages through low-cost country sourcing with little regard for the longer-term implications of global sustainability. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Second Edition, not only fully addresses the environmental, social and economic challenges of how companies manage purchasing and supply chains, but also delves deeper into emerging areas such as modern slavery, digital technologies and circular supply chains. In addition to expl...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Social Psychology of Ethnic Identity / 2nd edition

2018 || Paperback || Maykel Verkuyten || Taylor & Francis

In contrast to other disciplines, social psychology has been slow in responding to the questions posed by the issue of ethnicity. The Social Psychology of Ethnic Identity, Second Edition, demonstrates the important and diverse contribution that social psychology can make. Comprehensively updated to include the latest research on dual and multiple identities, mutual links between sense of ethnic identity and social contexts, and the development of ethnic identity in adolescence, this new editi...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Game Design Workshop / 4th Edition

A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games, Fourth Edition

2018 || Paperback || Tracy Fullerton || Taylor & Francis

Game Design Workshop is a truly great book, and has become, in my opinion, the de facto standard text for beginner- to intermediate-level game design education. This updated new edition is extremely relevant, useful and inspiring to all kinds of game designers. - Richard Lemarchand, Interactive Media & Games Division, School of Cinematic Arts, University of Southern California.

The updates refresh elements of the book that are important as examples, but don't radically alter the thing about t...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Reality of Artifacts

An Archaeological Perspective

2018 || Paperback || Taylor & Francis

Artifacts are hybrids, both natural and cultural. They are also an essential component in the process of human evolution. In recent years, a wide range of disciplines, including cognitive science, sociology, art history, and anthropology, have all grappled with the nature of artifacts, leading to the emergence of a renewed interdisciplinary focus on material culture.

The Reality of Artifacts: An Archaeological Perspective develops an argument for the artifact as a status conferred by human en...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

When the Moon Was Ours

A Novel

2018 || Paperback || Anna-Marie McLemore || St. Martin's Publishing Group

From the author of The Weight of Feathers comes a young adult novel about a girl hiding the truth, a boy with secrets from his past, and four sisters who could ruin them both.

Recipient of a Stonewall Honor and longlisted for the National Book Award, McLemore delivers a second stunning and utterly romantic novel, again tinged with magic.

To everyone who knows them, best friends Miel and Sam are as strange as they are inseparable. Roses grow out of Miel's wrist, and rumors say that she spilled...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Interior Design Illustrated / 4th edition

2018 || Paperback || Francis D.K. Ching e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

The bestselling guide to interior design, updated with new code and technology Interior Design Illustrated is the definitive guide to design for interior spaces. Richly illustrated in author Francis Ching's signature style, this book introduces complex design concepts in a visually stunning format; from defining the space and using the elements of design, to planning building systems and incorporating sustainable materials, this volume embodies the idea that beauty and function are not separa...