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Resultaten (122)
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Mathematical Misconceptions
A Guide for Primary Teachers
2020 || Paperback || Anne D. Cockburn e.a. || SAGE
This book dispells the common misconceptions in maths and helps teachers inspire a succesful understanding and engagement of number learning
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Kraanspoor / Engelse editie / druk 1
2009 || Hardcover || T. Hooykaas e.a. || Uitgeverij Architectura & Natura
Dutch edition ISBN 9789076863757Located on the water along the quay of the northern banks of the IJ in Amsterdam is one of the few remnants of the this citys rich port history: het Kraanspoor. An office building, 270 metres long and approximately 13 metres wide, now stands where ships used to be loaded and unloaded. With a flourish, het Kraanspoor put a forgotten city district in the international limelight, transforming it into one of the most coveted locations in Amsterdam, where a variet...
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The Historiography of Landscape Research on Crete / druk 1
2008 || Paperback || Marina Gkiasta || Leiden University Press
Analyse van geschiedschrijving van archeologisch landschapsonderzoek op Kreta
In 'The Historiography of Landscape Research' on Crete evalueert Marina Gkiasta de geschiedschrijving van een eeuw archeologisch landschapsonderzoek op het Griekse eiland Kreta. Sinds het begin van deze discipline (1900) wordt een aantal relevante projecten uitgelicht en grondig geanalyseerd. Gkiasta benoemd vijf tradities ofwel manieren van aanpak binnen onderzoek naar oude landschappen. Ze toont aan dat deze tr...
A Midsummer Night's Dream: The Oxford Shakespeare
2008 || William Shakespeare || Oxford University Press
A Midsummer Night's Dream is perhaps the best loved of Shakepeare's plays. It brings together aristocrats, workers, and fairies in a wood outside Athens, and from there the enchantment begins. Simple and engaging on the surface, it is none the less a highly original and sophisticated work, remarkable for both its literary and its theatrical mastery.
It is one of the very few of Shakespeare's plays which do not draw on narrative sources, which suggests that it reflects his deepest imaginative ...
Strategy Safari / 2nd Edition
The complete guide through the wilds of strategic management
2023 || Paperback || Henry Mintzberg e.a. || Pearson
"Henry Mintzberg's views are a breath of fresh air which can only encourage the good guys." The Observer "My favourite management book of the last 25 years? No contest. The Rise & Fall of Strategic Planning." Tom Peters, managment guru Strategy is the most prestigious but also the most confusing part of business. Managers are constantly bombarded with new jargon and the latest fads promising the magic bullet for every strategic problem.
The world of strategy can seem to be an impenetrable jun...
Key Management Ratios / 4th edition (e-book)
The 100+ Ratios Every Manager Needs to Know
2008 || E-book via Bookshelf || Ciaran Walsh || Pearson
Financial measures are critical for business success and if you're a manager, for your career. That may scare some people. But here's the good news: there is a relatively small number of essential management ratios with which you can measure any aspect of business performance you need to. If you can master these, you will have a firm grip of business finance and need never be put off by the numbers again. Key Management Ratios cuts straight to the measures that matter. It shows you what t...
Main Currents of Marxism
The Founders - The Golden Age - The Breakdown
2008 || Paperback || Leszek Kolakowski || WW Norton & Co
Renowned philosopher Leszek Kolakowski was one of the first scholars to reveal both the shortcomings and the dangers posed by communist regimes. He now presents, for the first time in one paperback volume, his definitive Main Currents of Marxism: "A prophetic work," according to the Library of Congress, that provides "the most lucid and comprehensive history of the origins, structure, and posthumous development of the system of thought that had the greatest impact on the 20th century."
Applied Dental Materials / 9th edition
2008 || Paperback || John F. McCabe e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
This textbook covers all aspects of materials science relevant to the practice of dentistry. It is aimed primarily at undergraduate dental students, although it will also be useful for practising dentists, dental technicians and dental assistants. The 9th edition has been extensively revised to include the many advances in dental materials and their use that have occurred during the past nine years.
The chapters on Resin-based filling materials and Adhesive restorative materials have been exp...
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Group Supervision
A Guide to Creative Practice
2008 || Paperback || Brigid Proctor || SAGE
The only book on the market amongst the plethora of supervision books to look solely at group supervision
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Brief Person-Centred Therapies
2008 || Paperback || Keith Tudor || SAGE
The first book to tackle using person-centred therapy in a time-limited setting.