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Resultaten (122)
morgen verzonden
The Aftermath of Feminism
Gender, Culture and Social Change
2008 || Paperback || Angela McRobbie || SAGE
Drawing on a wealth of material from film, television, art and popular culture, Angela McRobbie tackles the so-called 'end' of feminism.
Moroccan Households in the World Economy / 1st edition
Labor and Inequality in a Berber Village
2008 || Paperback || David Crawford || Louisiana State University Press
In the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco, far from the hustle and noise of urban centers, lies a village made of mud and rock, barely discernible from the surrounding landscape. Yet a closer look reveals a carefully planned community of homes nestled above the trees, where rock slides are least frequent, and steep terraces of barley fields situated just above spring flood level. The Berber-speaking Muslims who live and farm on these precipitous mountainsides work together at the arduous task of...
Literary Theory / 2nd edition
An Introduction
2008 || Paperback || Terry Eagleton || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
A quarter of a century on from its original publication, Literary Theory: An Introduction still conjures the subversion, excitement and exoticism that characterized theory through the 1960s and 70s, when it posed an unprecedented challenge to the literary establishment. Eagleton has added a new preface to this anniversary edition to address more recent developments in literary studies, including what he describes as "the growth of a kind of anti-theory", and the idea that literary theory has ...
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What is Geography?
2008 || Paperback || Alastair Bonnett || SAGE
What is Geography? Geography is a fundamental fascination with, and a crucial method for, understanding the way the world works. This title offers readers a short and highly accessible account of the ideas and concepts constituting geography.
Introduction to Nanoscience
2008 || Hardcover || Gabor L. Hornyak || Taylor & Francis
Tomorrow's nanoscientist will have a truly interdisciplinary and nano-centric education, rather than, for example, a degree in chemistry with a specialization in nanoscience. For this to happen, the field needs a truly focused and dedicated textbook. This full-color masterwork is such a textbook.
It introduces the nanoscale along with the societal impacts of nanoscience, then presents an overview of characterization and fabrication methods. The authors systematically discuss the chemistry, ph...
The Histories
2008 || Paperback || Herodotus || Oxford University Press
Herodotus is not only known as the `father of history', as Cicero called him, but also the father of ethnography; as well as charting the historical background to the Persian Wars, his curiosity also prompts frequent digression on the cultures of the peoples he introduces. While much of the information he gives has proved to be astonishingly accurate, he also entertains us with delightful tales of one-eyed men and gold-digging ants. This readable new translation is supplemented with expansive...
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, and The Natural History of Religion
2008 || Paperback || David Hume || Oxford University Press
David Hume is the greatest and also one of the most provocative philosophers to have written in the English language. No philosopher is more important for his careful, critical, and deeply perceptive examination of the grounds for belief in divine powers and for his sceptical accounts of the causes and consequences of religious belief, expressed most powerfully in the Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion and The Natural History of Religion. The Dialogues ask if belief in God can be inferred ...
Maritime Economics / 3rd edition
2008 || Paperback || Martin Stopford || Taylor & Francis
For 5000 years shipping has served the world economy and today it provides a sophisticated transport service to every part of the globe. Yet despite its economic complexity, shipping retains much of the competitive cut and thrust of the “perfect†market of classical economics. This blend of sophisticated logistics and larger than life entrepreneurs makes it a unique case study of classical economics in a modern setting.
The enlarged and substantially rewritten Maritime Economics u...
An Introduction to the Johannine Gospel And Letters / 1st edition
2008 || Paperback || Jan Van Der Watt || Bloomsbury Publishing
This accessible guide to the Gospel and Letters of John introduces readers to key issues arising from historical, literary, and theological approaches to the Johannine literature, also discussing the methodological rationale underlying each of these approaches. After introducing the reader to the development of the narrative structure of the book, the message (theology) is discussed in detail, with the aim of introducing the reader to the interrelatedness of the multiple theological ideas in ...
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Key Concepts in Governance
2008 || Paperback || Mark Bevir || SAGE
Clear, student-friendly introduction to the technical concepts and policies of contemporay governance.