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Studieboeken (81)
Vocabulaire 2000 revu / Druk 11
2014 || Hardcover || Jef de Spiegeleer || Plantyn NV
Vocabulaire 2000 blijft een uniek werkje. Het boek biedt geknipt materiaal voor systematisch woordenschatonderricht in het secundair (aso/tso), het hoger of het volwassenenonderwijs (vanaf RG 2).
In 2014 verschijnt een herwerkte versie:
- Meer dan 6000 woorden en idiomatische uitdrukkingen: alles wat je nodig hebt voor het dagelijkse leven en de bedrijfscommunicatie.
- Per thema onderverdeeld volgens ERK-niveaus.
- Vertaling en verhelderende contexten met de meest gebruikte communicatieve uit...
Intercultural Readiness
Four Competences for Working Across Cultures
2014 || Hardcover || U. Brinkmann e.a. || Macmillan
Drawing on research from 30,000 individuals and their practical experience as intercultural management consultants, the authors provide insights into the broader landscape of intercultural management through their exploration of 4 competencies: Intercultural Sensitivity, Intercultural Communication, Building Commitment and Managing Uncertainty.
Principles of Chemical Engineering Processes / 2nd edition
Material and Energy Balances
2014 || Hardcover || Nayef Ghasem e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Principles of Chemical Engineering Processes: Material and Energy Balances introduces the basic principles and calculation techniques used in the field of chemical engineering, providing a solid understanding of the fundamentals of the application of material and energy balances. Packed with illustrative examples and case studies, this book:Discusses problems in material and energy balances related to chemical reactorsExplains the concepts of dimensions, units, psychrometry, steam properties,...
Gower Handbook of Project Management / 5th edition
2014 || Hardcover || Rodney Turner || Taylor & Francis
This Handbook was the first APM Body of Knowledge Approved title for the Association for Project Management. Over the course of five editions, Gower Handbook of Project Management has become the definitive desk reference for project management practitioners. The Handbook gives an introduction to, and overview of, the essential knowledge required for managing projects.
The team of expert contributors, selected to introduce the reader to the knowledge and skills required to manage projects, inc...
The Proteus Paradox
How Online Games and Virtual Worlds Change Us-And How They Don't
2014 || Hardcover || Nick Yee || Yale University Press
A surprising assessment of the ways that virtual worlds are entangled with human psychology Proteus, the mythical sea god who could alter his appearance at will, embodies one of the promises of online games: the ability to reinvent oneself. Yet inhabitants of virtual worlds rarely achieve this liberty, game researcher Nick Yee contends. Though online games evoke freedom and escapism, Yee shows that virtual spaces perpetuate social norms and stereotypes from the offline world, transform play i...
Scenario Based Strategy
Navigate the Future
2014 || Hardcover || Paul de Ruijter || Taylor & Francis
We need strategy. The world is changing, the future uncertain. What is required is vision: What might the future bring? Where is our business going? What are our fundamental business values? This book is a manual for all those who want to apply strategy in organisations.
It is intended for everyone who wants to put the future on the agenda, to look beyond the short term and beyond mere profit. It describes in practical terms the eight questions we must continually discuss in order to pursue a...
Advanced Topics in Forensic DNA Typing: Interpretation
2014 || Hardcover || John M. Butler || Elsevier
Advanced Topics in Forensic DNA Typing: Interpretation builds upon the previous two editions of John Butler's internationally acclaimed Forensic DNA Typing textbook with forensic DNA analysts as its primary audience. Intended as a third-edition companion to the Fundamentals of Forensic DNA Typing volume published in 2010 and Advanced Topics in Forensic DNA Typing: Methodology published in 2012, this book contains 16 chapters with 4 appendices providing up-to-date coverage of essential topics ...
Enterprise Risk Management / 2nd edition
From Incentives to Controls
2014 || Hardcover || James Lam || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
A fully revised second edition focused on the best practices of enterprise risk management Since the first edition of Enterprise Risk Management: From Incentives to Controls was published a decade ago, much has changed in the worlds of business and finance. That's why James Lam has returned with a new edition of this essential guide. Written to reflect today's dynamic market conditions, the Second Edition of Enterprise Risk Management: From Incentives to Controls clearly puts this discipline ...
Games, Strategies, and Decision Making
2014 || Hardcover || Joseph Harrington || Macmillan
This innovative textbook makes the tools and applications of game theory and strategic reasoning both fascinating and easy to understand. At the heart of the book is a diverse collection of strategic scenarios, not only from business and politics, but from history, fiction, sports, and everyday life as well.
The Great Transformation of Japanese Capitalism
2014 || Hardcover || Sebastien Lechevalier || Taylor & Francis
In the 1980s the performance of Japan’s economy was an international success story, and led many economists to suggest that the 1990s would be a Japanese decade. Today, however, the dominant view is that Japan is inescapably on a downward slope. Rather than focusing on the evolution of the performance of Japanese capitalism, this book reflects on the changes that it has experienced over the past 30 years, and presents a comprehensive analysis of the great transformation of Japanese capitali...