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Studieboeken (61)
English for Cabin Crew
2010 || Paperback || Terence Gerighty || Cengage Learning
English for Cabin Crew is an essential course for those preparing for a career as a cabin crew member. It is equally suitable for those already working in the industry who need to improve their communication skills when carrying out their pre and in-flight responsibilities. English for Cabin Crew is a comprehensive course designed to:Improve fluency and pronunciationBuild key vocabulary and expressionsDevelop listening skillsIdeal for group teaching, one-to-one or self-study.
English for Cabi...
Management and Cost Accounting / 12th Edition
2023 || Paperback || Colin Drury e.a. || Cengage Learning
The new twelfth edition of Drury & Tayles’ Management and Cost Accounting is supported by a fully updated MindTap – a fully flexible online learning platform customizable to suit instructors’ specific course needs, and which provides students with all the tools they need to succeed. These include an interactive eReader, engaging multimedia, practice questions, assessment materials, revision aids, and analytics to help you track students’ progress. Additionally, a fully updated compani...
Economics / 6th Edition
2023 || Paperback || N. Mankiw e.a. || Cengage Learning
Now firmly established as one of the leading economics principles texts in the UK and Europe, the sixth edition of Economics has been fully updated. Much revered for its friendly and accessible approach, emphasis on active learning and unrivalled support resources, this edition features a brand-new chapter on sustainability economics as well as exciting coverage on modern monetary theory, digitization, Industry 4.0 and the costs and benefits of globalization. This title is available with Mind...
Multivariate Data Analysis / 8th edition
2018 || Paperback || Joseph Hair e.a. || Cengage Learning
For over 30 years, this text has provided students with the information they need to understand and apply multivariate data analysis. The eighth edition of Multivariate Data Analysis provides an updated perspective on the analysis of all types of data as well as introducing some new perspectives and techniques that are foundational in today¿s world of analytics.Multivariate Data Analysis serves as the perfect companion for graduate and postgraduate students undertaking statistical analysis f...
Brain and Behavior / 5th customized edition
2024 || Paperback || J. Kalat e.a. || Cengage Learning
Research Methods / 2nd edition
The Essential Knowledge Base
2015 || Paperback || William Trochim || Cengage Learning
From an expert team in the research methods field, RESEARCH METHODS: THE ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE BASE, 2nd Edition, is written specifically for users who are new to research methods. The book streamlines and clarifies explanations of fundamental, yet difficult, concepts in a familiar, engaging style. Readers learn about the relationship between theory and practice, which helps them become better researchers and better consumers of research.
Psychology / 10th edition
Foundations and Frontiers
2015 || Paperback || Douglas Bernstein || Cengage Learning
Psychology: Foundations And Frontiers introduces readers to the fascinating world of psychology by presenting important findings from established and current research, emphasizing the many ways psychological theory and research results are being applied to benefit human welfare, and providing helpful visuals and learning tools. An integrated pedagogical study system helps readers master the material step by step. Try This activities illustrate psychological principles or phenomena by providin...
Strategy and Organization + Strategic Management (Custom Bundle Edition University of Amsterdam)
2022 || Paperback || Daft e.a. || Cengage Learning
Organization Development and Change
2019 || Paperback || Thomas Cummings e.a. || Cengage Learning
Market-leading text Organization Development and Change provides students with an excellent grounding in the theoretical underpinnings of the subject as well as describing, in practical terms, how behavioural science can be used to develop organizational strategies, structures and processes. It will enrich students' understanding and study of organization development, change management and human resources management. This is the first time the textbook has been adapted for Europe, South Afric...
Organic Chemistry / 9th edition
2015 || Paperback || John McMurry || Cengage Learning
Master organic chemistry with the help of this proven best-seller! John McMurry's ORGANIC CHEMISTRY is consistently praised as the most clearly written book available for the course. In John McMurry's words: "I wrote this book because I love writing. I get great pleasure and satisfaction from taking a complicated subject, turning it around until I see it clearly from a new angle, and then explaining it in simple words." Through his lucid writing and ability to show the beauty and logic of org...