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Resultaten (326)

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Software Architecture Foundation 2nd edition / Druk 2

CPSA Foundation® Exam Preparation

2023 || Paperback || Gernot Starke e.a. || Van Haren Publishing

This book covers everything you need to master the iSAQB© Certified Professional for Software Architecture - Foundation Level (CPSA-F) certification.

This internationally renowned education and certification schema defines various learning paths for practical software architects. This book:

• concentrates on the foundation level examination

• explains the CPSA-F© curriculum in version 2023

• covers every learning goal - for best-possible exam preparation

• describes the examination ...

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Data Visualization Practitioner's Guide

EDF certification handout

2024 || Paperback || Michel Dekker || Van Haren Publishing

To harness the potential of data, it is crucial for data professionals to present it in a visual format that is both interactive and comprehensible to management and decision makers. The human brain has a strong inclination towards visual information, making data visualization an incredibly powerful tool for the efficient analysis, interpretation, and communication of data. The Data Visualization Practitioner's Guide, functions as textual add on to a Certified Data Visualization Course. The E...

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met 5% korting 21,75

Project Excellence Baseline for Achieving Excellence in Projects and Programmes

for Achieving Excellence in Projects and Programmes

2024 || Paperback || IPMA || Van Haren Publishing

What defines whether a project or programme is “good” or “bad”? When we’re striving for excellence in the execution of our projects and programmes, what do we mean? IPMA has given its extended definition in the PEB, the Project Excellence Baseline. This model is based on the well-known EFQM model, but is adapted to the field of project- and programme management and after over 10 years of use has been adapted to the model we’re using now.

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Foundation of ABC of ICT

study guide

2021 || Paperback || Paul Wilkinson || Van Haren Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar

‘ABC is like an iceberg, much of it hidden beneath the surface, yet capable of inflicting enormous damage’ to your organization, or more importantly, your business! With growing importance of IT to business operations we can no longer afford to have our ITSM improvement programs and initiatives fail because of Attitude, Behavior or culture issues.

This book describes what ABC is, why it is important and gives practical cases and examples in dealing with ABC issues. The book contains more t...

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Best practice ITIL® 2011 Edition - A Pocket Guide

a pocket guide

2012 || Paperback || Jan van Bon || Van Haren Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar

Note: This pocket book is available in several languages: English, German, Dutch.

Since 2001 the Van Haren Publishing ITIL Pocket Guides have helped readers all over the world to understand the essentials of ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library), the leading framework for IT service management. This pocket guide does exactly the same as previous editions: offering a concise summary of ITIL, based on ITIL® 2011 Edition. We have condensed the full ITIL framework, found in 2000 pages, into just 200 p...

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met 5% korting 20,20

ITIL® Pocketguide - 2011 editie

2011 || Paperback || Jan van Bon || Van Haren Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar

Note: This pocket book is available in several languages: English, German, Dutch.

Vanaf 2001 hebben de ITIL pocketguides van Van Haren Publishing lezers over de gehele wereld ingeleid in de wereld van ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library), het belangrijkste framework voor IT-servicemanagement. Deze pocketguide voorziet weer in dezelfde behoefte als de vorige edities: het bieden van een nauwgezette samenvatting van ITIL, gebaseerd op ITIL 2011 Editie. De essentie van 2000 pagina's van de officiële ...

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morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 34,12

Best practice - Verandermanagement in organisaties

basisprincipes en praktijk

2012 || Paperback || Tanja van den Akker || Van Haren Publishing

Dit boek gaat in op alle belangrijke zaken die te maken hebben met veranderingen in organisaties en het verandermanagement dat daarbij wordt ingezet.

Met 'verandermanagement' wordt hier bedoeld het doorvoeren van wezenlijke veranderingen in organisaties, teams en individuen. In dit boek komen daarbij niet alleen de belangrijkste theorieën en opvattingen over de 'harde' benaderingen van verandermanagement aan bod, maar wordt ook ingegaan op de 'zachte aspecten', zoals (organisatie)cultuur, h...

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ITIL® Intermediate Release, Control and Validation Courseware

2018 || Paperback || Pelle Råstock || Van Haren Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar

ITIL® Intermediate Release, Control and Validation – 4 days

The four courses in Service Capability is aimed at students who need deep knowledge of the processes and the roles of ITIL. Service Lifecycle covered in the course but the primary focus is on processes, functions, roles and activities of its application and use by lifecycle. The courses within the Service Capability is role-based modules, each with a separate certification. Each course includes a grouping of processes and roles wi...

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TOGAF Series TOGAF® Version 9.2 - A Pocket Guide

2018 || Paperback || The Open Group || Van Haren Publishing

This is the official Pocket Guide for the TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2, from The Open Group. It is published in hard copy and electronic formats by Van Haren Publishing. The TOGAF Standard, a standard of The Open Group, is a proven Enterprise Architecture methodology and framework used by the world's leading organizations to improve business efficiency. It is the most prominent and reliable Enterprise Architecture standard, ensuring consistent standards, methods, and communication among Ente...

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Proactive Project Management

How to make common sense common practice

2019 || Paperback || Morten Fangel || Van Haren Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar

One mindset is that the project management process itself should be lead. You promote proactive project management by planning and evaluating relevant management initiatives – and by adapting the level of effort and the tools for the project’s degree of complexity. The entire book can be considered as a method with tools for such planning and evaluating the project management.

Another mindset is that the project management is not only a task for the project managers. The project owners, ...