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Resultaten (37)

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Sensory Evaluation of Food

Principles and Practices

2010 || Hardcover || Harry T. Lawless e.a. || Springer

The ?eld of sensory science has grown exponentially since the publication of the p- vious version of this work. Fifteen years ago the journal Food Quality and Preference was fairly new. Now it holds an eminent position as a venue for research on sensory test methods (among many other topics).

Hundreds of articles relevant to sensory testing have appeared in that and in other journals such as the Journal of Sensory Studies. Knowledge of the intricate cellular processes in chemoreception, as we...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Basics of PET Imaging / 3rd edition

Physics, Chemistry, and Regulations

2015 || Hardcover || Gopal B. PhD Saha || Springer

The Third Edition of this classic text presents the basic concepts of PET imaging technology. Topics include basic physics of PET imaging; detectors, scanners and data collection; storage, display, and PACS; PET radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals; reimbursement for PET procedures; and performance of PET studies. This revised edition is thoroughly updated and includes information on new PET scanning detectors and PET/MRI scanners; PET/MRI data acquisition; software packages; recently devel...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Food Physics

Physical Properties - Measurement and Applications

2007 || Hardcover || Ludger Figura e.a. || Springer

This is the first textbook in this field of increasing importance for the food and cosmetics industries. It is indispensable for future students of food technology and food chemistry as well as for engineers, technologists and technicians in the food industries. It describes the principles of food physics starting with the very basics - and focuses on the needs of practitioners without omitting important basic principles.

It will be indispensable for future students of food technology and foo...

Levertijd: 11 werkdagen

Design of Ship Hull Structures

A Practical Guide for Engineers

2021 || Hardcover || Yasuhisa Okumoto e.a. || Springer

In this book, the four authors show us the condensed experience how to design ship hull structures from a practical viewpoint. In three parts, the book presents the fundamentals, the theory and the application of structural design of hulls. The topics are treated comprehensively with an emphasis on how to achieve reliable and efficient ship structures.

The authors have in particular introduced their experiences with the rapid increase of ship sizes as well as the introduction of ship types wi...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Vehicle Dynamics : Theory and Application / 3rd edition

2017 || Hardcover || Reza N. Jazar || Springer || ook als eBook

This intermediate textbook is appropriate for students in vehicle dynamics courses, in their last year of undergraduate study or their first year of graduate study. It is also appropriate for mechanical engineers, automotive engineers, and researchers in the area of vehicle dynamics for continuing education or as a reference. It addresses fundamental and advanced topics, and a basic knowledge of kinematics and dynamics, as well as numerical methods, is expected.The contents are kept at a theo...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Integrated Business Planning

How to Integrate Planning Processes, Organizational Structures and Capabilities, and Leverage SAP IBP Technology

2018 || Hardcover || Robert Kepczynski e.a. || Springer

This book presents a comprehensive introduction to Integrated Business Planning (IBP), building on practitioner's experience and showcasing the value gains when moving from disconnected planning to IBP. It also proposes a road map for the transformation of planning, including technological initiatives, business priorities and organizational processes, and demonstrates how to motivate different IBP stakeholders to work together, when and how to connect strategic (to be understood as long term ...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 69,30

Handboek wondzorg + StudieCloud / Druk 3

2016 || Hardcover || Wit-Gele Kruis van Vlaanderen e.a. || Springer

Nog duidelijker, handiger en actueler. Drie in een! Het nieuwe 'Handboek wondzorg' is een nieuwe actualisering van de in 2004 verschenen bundeling van het 'Basisboek wondzorg' en 'Specifieke wondzorg deel 1 en 2', oorspronkelijk uitgebracht in 1997. 

Deze derde, herziene druk speelt in op de huidige trends en vernieuwingen in de dynamische wereld van de wondzorg. Kleurenillustraties ondersteunen de herziene teksten. De productbijlage is niet alleen samen met wondproductfabrikanten geactua...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Fundamentals of Business Process Management / 2nd edition

2018 || Hardcover || M. Dumas e.a. || Springer

This textbook covers the entire Business Process Management (BPM) lifecycle, from process identification to process monitoring, covering along the way process modelling, analysis, redesign and automation. Concepts, methods and tools from business management, computer science and industrial engineering are blended into one comprehensive and inter-disciplinary approach. The presentation is illustrated using the BPMN industry standard defined by the Object Management Group and widely endorsed by...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 114,00

Leerboek dialyseverpleegkunde + StudieCloud / Druk 6

2016 || Hardcover || H.P. de Bruin-Heil e.a. || Springer

Dit leerboek is bedoeld voor cursisten van de verschillende dialyseopleidingen

en bijscholingen, maar dient ook als naslagwerk voor dialyseverpleegkundigen en

andere zorgverleners.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

2006 || Hardcover || Christopher M. Bishop || Springer