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Introductory Mathematical Analysis / 14th edition
for Business, Economics, and the Life and Social Sciences
2018 || Hardcover || Ernest Haeussler e.a. || Pearson
NOTE: Before purchasing, check with your instructor to ensure you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, and registrations are not transferable. To register for and use Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products, you may also need a Course ID, which your instructor will provide.
Haeussler, Paul, and Wood establish a strong algebraic foundation that sets this text apart from other applied mathematics texts, paving the way for students ...
Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles / 5th edition
2018 || Hardcover || Christie Geankoplis e.a. || Pearson
Today, chemical engineering students need a thorough understanding of momentum, heat, mass transfer, and separation processes. Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles, Fifth Edition offers a unified and up-to-date treatment of all these topics. Thoroughly updated to reflect the field's latest methods and software technologies, it covers both fundamental principles and practical applications.
The Science of Nutrition / 5th edition
2019 || Hardcover || Janice Thompson e.a. || Pearson
For introductory Nutrition courses for Majors. Move students beyond memorization with a functional approach to nutrition The Science of Nutrition helps students master tough nutrition concepts while providing rich support to save instructors time. This best-selling, thoroughly current, research-based nutrition text is uniquely organized around the highly regarded functional approach, which organizes vitamins and minerals based on their functions within the body and is easily seen in the organ...
Practice of English Language Teaching / 5th edition
2015 || Hardcover || Jeremy Harmer || Pearson
The highly acclaimed Practice of English Language Teaching is the essential guide for teachers of English in a wide range of contexts. The fifth edition has been revised to reflect new developments in language teaching. It explains current pedagogy to teachers who want to access the most relevant ELT practices and incorporate them into their lessons.
Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering / 5th edition
2016 || Hardcover || H. Fogler || Pearson
The Definitive, Fully Updated Guide to Solving Real-World Chemical Reaction Engineering Problems For decades, H. Scott Fogler's Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering has been the world's dominant text for courses in chemical reaction engineering. Now, Fogler has created a new, completely updated fifth edition of his internationally respected book. The result is a refined book that contains new examples and problems, as well as an updated companion Web site. More than ever, Fogler has succ...
Kirk's Fire Investigation
2017 || Hardcover || Ph.D. David J. Icove e.a. || Pearson
The Eighth Edition of Kirk's Fire Investigation is included in required and supplemental fire investigation professional training and certification programs by the National Fire Academy, the International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI), and the National Association of Fire Investigators (NAFI). This text blends both academic information for the student and real-world applications for the practicing fire safety professional to become the best in their field. The leading Fire Investi...
Machine Elements in Mechanical Design / 6th Edition
2023 || Hardcover || Robert Mott e.a. || Pearson
The concepts, procedures, data, and analysis techniques needed to design and integrate machine elements into mechanical devices and systems. Thousands of college students have used this book to learn about the principles and practices of mechanical design for over three decades-and many practicing engineers have either continued to use it in their careers, or newly discovered it as an invaluable resource in their work. The emphasis is on applying the technology of various machine elements whi...
Principles of Parallel Programming
2023 || Hardcover || Calvin Lin e.a. || Pearson
With the rise of multi-core architecture, parallel programming is an increasingly important topic for software engineers and computer system designers. Principles of Parallel Programming, written by well-known researchers Calvin Lin and Lawrence Snyder, focuses on the underlying principles of parallel computation, explains the various phenomena, and clarifies why these phenomena represent opportunities or barriers to successful parallel programming. This book is ideal for an upper-level unde...
dinsdag verzonden
Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#
2006 || Hardcover || Robert C. Martin || Pearson
With the award-winning book Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices, Robert C. Martin helped bring Agile principles to tens of thousands of Java and C++ programmers. Now .NET programmers have a definitive guide to agile methods with this completely updated volume from Robert C.
Martin and Micah Martin, Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#. This book presents a series of case studies illustrating the fundamentals of Agile development and Agile design, and mov...
dinsdag verzonden
Cloud Computing
2013 || Hardcover || Thomas Erl || Pearson
Clouds are distributed technology platforms that leverage sophisticated technology innovations to provide highly scalable and resilient environments that can be remotely utilized by organizations in a multitude of powerful ways. To successfully build upon, integrate with, or even create a cloud environment requires an understanding of its common inner mechanics, architectural layers, and models, as well as an understanding of the business and economic factors that result from the adoption and...