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Resultaten (126)
morgen verzonden
Van orakelbot to weblog / deel 2 / druk 1
lesboek Klassiek Chinees
|| Paperback || Paul van Els || Leiden University Press
Deel 2, deel één is verkrijgbaar onder het ISBN 9789087281090
De uitspraken van Confucius, de strategieën van Sunzi, de wonderverhalen van Gan Bao en de gedichten van Li Bai al deze teksten zijn lang geleden opgetekend in het Klassiek Chinees, een taal die al meer dan tweeduizend jaar wordt gebruikt door denkers, dichters, schrijvers, dokters, priesters en andere geletterden in China. 'Van orakelbot tot weblog' is het eerste Nederlandstalige lesboek voor deze eeuwenoude, maar nog springl...
morgen verzonden
Writing in context / druk 1
insular manuscript culture 500-1200
|| Paperback || Erik Kwakkel || Leiden University Press
Dit boek bevat zes studies geschreven door prominente onderzoekers van het insulaire boek. De leidraad wordt gevormd door het handschrift als fysiek object, hoewel er ook aandacht is voor schrift op en in andere objecten.
Verschillende aspecten van de Engelse schriftcultuur van voor 1200 komen aan de orde: van de layout in de Angelsaksische oorkonden (Kathryn Lowe) tot de overgang van Angelsaksische naar een Normandische-Geinspireerde schriftstijl (Teresa Webber). Twee hoofdstukken presenter...
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Contemporary Rhetorical Citizenship
2015 || Paperback || Christian Kock e.a. || Leiden University Press
Being a citizen is not just about holding a passport or being allowed to vote. It is also about how we communicate with each other about common societal issues. Rhetorical citizenship is about how we as citizens participate in society by means of discourse. How do we talk and write about civic issues? How are we addressed? How do we listen?
This book presents studies from different academic fields of theoretical issues raised by public discourse, focusing on understanding and evaluating how it...
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Mirrors of Entrapment and Emancipation
forugh Farrokhzad and Sylvia Plath
|| Paperback || Leila Rahimi Bahmany || Leiden University Press
Mirrors of Entrapment and Emancipation explores the rich diversity of the meanings associated with the mirror and reflection in literature by women on the basis of the works of the Persian Forugh Farrokhzad (1935-1967) and her American contemporary Sylvia Plath (1932-1963). These two poets astutely employed mirror images for the realization as well as for communication of their turbulent psycho-emotional states to their readers, thereby capturing and conveying the essence of women desperately...
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Irreverent Persia
invective, satirical and burlesque poetry from the origins to the timurid period (10th to 15th century)
2015 || Paperback || Riccardo Zipoli || Leiden University Press
Poetry expressing criticism of social, political and cultural life is a vital integral part of Persian literary history. Its principal genres - invective, satire and burlesque - have been very popular with authors in every age. Despite the rich uninterrupted tradition, such texts have been little studied and rarely translated. Their irreverent tones range from subtle irony to crude direct insults, at times involving the use of outrageous and obscene terms. This anthology includes both major a...
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The Island of Skyros from Late Roman to Early Modern Times Archaeological studies Leiden University (ASLU)
an archaeological survey
2015 || Paperback || Michalis Karambinis || Leiden University Press
Aegean archaeology has mainly concentrated on Prehistoric and Greco-Roman times and has provided relatively little information on human activity and material culture in the medieval period. Historical research concerning the medieval era is sufficiently developed but archaeological research on the medieval Aegean has mainly focused on matters of art and architecture. In fact, we have an overall picture of the medieval and post-medieval periods for only a few islands of the Aegean. This ASLU v...
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Terrorists on Trial
a performative perspective
2016 || Paperback || Beatrice de Graaf e.a. || Leiden University Press
Terrorism trials are an exceptional opportunity for better understanding and, hence, countering terrorism, since they are often the only place where most if not all of the actors of a terrorist incident meet again, and where the media report and broadcast their respective accounts. A nexus between terrorist violence, law enforcement and public opinion, terrorism trials showcase justice in progress and thus demonstrate to the world how terrorism suspects are treated under national law.
This vo...
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Legaliteit en legitimiteit
de grondslagen van het recht
2016 || Paperback || Paul Cliteur e.a. || Leiden University Press
Dit boek is een inleiding in het denken over recht en staat met een zwaar accent op de vraag hoe de staat om moet gaan met religie.
Paul Cliteur en Afshin Ellian zijn hoogleraar encyclopedie van de rechtswetenschap aan de universiteit van Leiden.
'Cliteur en Ellian herinneren de lezer aan de kernwaarden van onze samenleving. Elke bladzijde leest als een aansporing hier verdraaid zuinig op te zijn' - Sebastien Valkenberg, schrijver van Op denkles (2015)
'Een waardevolle bijdrage aan actuele én ...
Spatial patterns in landscape archaeology
A GIS Procedure to Study Settlement Organization in Early Roman Colonial Territories
|| Paperback || Anita Casarotto || Leiden University Press
This 43th volume of the ASLU series presents a useful GIS procedure to study settlement patterns in landscape archaeology. In several Mediterranean regions archaeological sites have been mapped by fieldwalking surveys, producing large amounts of data. These legacy site-based survey data represent an important resource to study ancient settlement organization. Methodological procedures are necessary to cope with the limits of these data, and more importantly with the distortions on data patter...
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Bureaucrats of Liberation
Southern Africa and American Lawyers and Clients During the Apartheid Era
2020 || Paperback || Myra Ann Houser || Leiden University Press
"Bureaucrats of Liberation" narrates the history of the Southern Africa Project of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, a civil rights organization founded in 1963 at the request of President John F. Kennedy. Between 1963 and 1994, the Southern Africa Project connected lawyers from Namibia, South Africa, and the United States. Within the Project’s network, activist lawyers exchanged funding resources, provided logistical support for political trials, and mediated new voting ...