Resultaten (127)

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Monitoring Children's Rights in the Netherlands

30 Years of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

2019 || Paperback || Ton Liefaard e.a. || Leiden University Press

This first volume in the Monitoring Children’s Rights in the Netherlands series pays tribute to the 30th anniversary of the CRC and includes a report on the rights of children in the Netherlands, presenting key facts and figures relating to the rights of children. The report shows that there are significant concerns relating to discrimination, exclusion and disparities in the implementation of children’s rights in the Netherlands. It also demonstrates that there are reasons for concern wi...

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De la gloria al olvido

Estudio arqueológico de la primera ciudad española fundada en la Tierra Firme de América: Santa María de la Antigua del Darién

2020 || Paperback || Alberto Sarcina || Leiden University Press

Este libro resume seis años de investigación arqueológica en el sitio donde fué fundada la primera ciudad europea en la tierra continental de América, Santa María de la Antigua del Darién. Una experiencia en el noroeste Colombiano que, a una rigurosa investigación arqueológica conducida con el método estratigráfico, une un amplio trabajo con la comunidad y un enfoque multidisciplinario.

Santa María de la Antigua del Darién fue la primera ciudad que los españoles fundaron en la ...

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Why biodiversity loss is not a disaster

2020 || Paperback || Bas Haring || Leiden University Press

Everyone knows that species go extinct and biodiversity decreases. It seems obvious that this loss might have disastrous consequences. Maybe because of a cascading effect we will end up in a barren moonscape – and if that does not happen, we at the very least remain dependent on biodiversity for food, health and well-being.

This essay tries to remove some fear; there are no reasons to believe that biodiversity loss will cause any kind of disaster. Nature is not like a machine that stalls i...

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Herensha - Herencia

Reflecties op Antilliaans erfgoed. Deel 1. Toen en nu

2021 || Paperback || Gert Oostindie e.a. || Leiden University Press

Het Antilliaanse culturele erfgoed verdient het om meer aandacht te krijgen en nader te worden onderzocht. Dit tweedelige boek, geschreven door een team van Antilliaanse en Nederlandse wetenschappers, biedt een staalkaart van reflecties op het culturele erfgoed van Aruba, Bonaire en Curaçao en van de Antilliaanse diaspora in Nederland. In het eerste deel, Toen en nu, wordt onderzocht hoe in het koloniale verleden werd aangekeken tegen de lokale culturen en hoe die culturen zich langzamerhand...

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Nederlands kolonialisme van archief tot geschiedschrijving

Een gids voor onderzoekers

2023 || Paperback || Sanne Ravensbergen e.a. || Leiden University Press

In archieven, bibliotheken en musea over de hele wereld liggen Nederlandse koloniale bronnen: kilometers aan brieven, verslagen en dagboeken, en depots vol afbeeldingen, kaarten en objecten. Maar de informatie in dit enorme koloniale archief spreekt niet voor zich. Hoe is dit bronnenmateriaal gevormd en welke gevolgen heeft dat voor historisch onderzoek? Hoe ga je als historicus om met racisme, oriëntalisme en eenzijdigheid in koloniale bronnen? En hoe deden historici dat de afgelopen eeuwen?

Dit boek biedt handreikingen aan onderzoekers in drie stappen. Deel I bespreekt de diepe verstrengeling van geschiedschrijving met overzeese handel en koloniaal bestuur, en toont hoe die ook na de formele dekolonisatie nog sporen achterlaat in de historiografie. Deel II richt zich op methodologie. Het behandelt hoe en waarom koloniale bronnen gevormd zijn en biedt aanknopingspunten om die opnieuw, vanuit verschillende perspectieven, te analyseren. Deel III geeft een praktisch overzicht van belangrijke archieven, collecties en typen bronnen: uiteenlopend van overheids- en bedrijfsdocumenten tot mondelinge overleveringen, van kerkelijke rapporten tot scheepsjournalen, en van foto’s tot digitaal materiaal...

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A Hundred Years of Republican Turkey

2023 || Paperback || Erik Jan Zürcher e.a. || Leiden University Press

The Republic of Turkey was founded a hundred years ago on 29 October 1923. Turkey holds a unique position between Europe and the Middle East. It continues to captivate international attention, evoking hopes and fears in the hearts and minds of contemporary observers. As a critical commemoration of its centenary, this book presents a mosaic of one hundred carefully curated fragments by expert authors, shedding light on politics, economy, society, culture, gender, and arts in a hundred years of...

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Rethinking Ostia / druk 1

a spatial enquiry into the urban society of Rome's imperial Port-Town

2011 || Paperback || Hanna Stöger || Leiden University Press

'Rethinking Ostia' presents an archaeological and spatial approach to Roman urbanism, focused on Rome's port city. It takes the reader along the route of a 'spatial investigation', offering a fresh look and detailed insights into the past society and the built environment of this port town. Following a scaled approach, the book examines different aspects of Ostia's urban landscape, applying Space Syntax's methods for spatial analysis to the urban neighbourhood of one city block - Insula IV ii...

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Digging holes abroad / druk 1

an ethnography of Dutch archaeological research projects abroad

2012 || Paperback || Sjoerd van der Linde || Leiden University Press

Over the last few decades, western archaeology increasingly abandoned its 'ivory tower' in order to investigate, negotiate and develop its position and role in global society. The way in which we deal with other peoples views in the interpretation of archaeological materials, the way in which we integrate our narratives and practices with other heritage demands,and the way in which we deal with power differences in both these processes; all are challenging issues when undertaking archaeologic...

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Colonial and Global History through Dutch Sources The Travels of Pieter Albert Bik

writings from the Dutch Colonial World of the Early Nineteenth Century

2017 || Paperback || Mikko Toivanen || Leiden University Press

The unpublished writings of a Dutch colonial official, Pieter Albert Bik (1798-1855) are studied and contextualized in this book. The remarkable autobiographical manuscript of Bik, which is here presented in English translation with annotations, provides a unique glimpse of the wide horizons of the world of Dutch colonialism, tracing his many journeys in Europe, the Dutch East Indies and Japan as well as across the oceans in the first half of the nineteenth century.

In this work, Mikko Toivan...

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Ishikawa Sanshirō’s Geographical Imagination

Transnational Anarchism and the Reconfiguration of Everyday Life in Early Twentieth-Century Japan

2020 || Paperback || Nadine Willems || Leiden University Press

In modern Japan, anti-establishment ideas have related in many ways to Japan’s capitalist development and industrialisation. Activist and intellectual Ishikawa Sanshirō exemplifies this imagination, connecting European and Japanese thought during the first decades of the twentieth century. This book investigates the emergence of a strand of non-violent anarchism, reassessing in particular the role of geographical thought in modern Japan as both a vehicle of political dissent and a basis fo...