› Creatief denken (4)
› Psychologie algemeen (4)
› Leidinggeven, coachen (3)
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› Laurence King Publishi... (16)
› BIS Publishers (12)
› Gerrickens, Uitgeverij (3)
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Resultaten (44)
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Legends of King Arthur
A Quest Card Game
2023 || Cards || Tony Johns e.a. || BIS Publishers
Complete quests to win the favour of King Arthur and re-create the legends of the Holy Grail and the Knights of the Round Table in this new card game
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Brain Gym
40 workouts to boost your brain health
2023 || Cards || Dr Sabina Brennan || BIS Publishers
Train your brain for emotional wellbeing: feel happier and more productive with 40 science-based brain workouts
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Playing Cards: Day of the Dead
2019 || Cards || Cavolo || Laurence King Publishing
Card games popular as ever
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The Feedback Game (Heruitgave)
2017 || Cards || Peter Gerrickens || Gerrickens, Uitgeverij || met inkijkexemplaar
The Feedback Game (Kwaliteitenspel Engels)
Dit kaartspel is de Engelse versie van het Kwaliteitenspel. Het is een kleurrijk persoonlijkheidsspel dat je helpt om meer zicht te krijgen op de vraag: Wie ben ik? Het spel bestaat uit 140 kaarten met daarop karaktereigenschappen. Op de ene helft staan woorden die kwaliteiten aanduiden, bv. betrouwbaar, flexibel. Op de andere helft staan woorden die vervormingen (of valkuilen) aanduiden, bv. arrogant, chaotisch.
Door het spelen van ´The Feedback Ga...
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Is this okay?
(Unacceptable) behaviour at work
2022 || Cards || Christien Smit || Uitgeverij Thema
What is your opinion? Is it acceptable to touch a colleague during a conversation? Or for a company to ask employees without children to not take days off during school holidays? Could one ask a colleague with tattoos on his arms to not wear short sleeved clothing?
Everyone has the right to a safe workplace. But what that means exactly is different for everyone. What behaviour do you think is really unacceptable? On the basis of 100 situations, discuss (unacceptable) behaviour in the workpla...
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Who Are You?
The science-based personality game
2023 || Cards || Sanna Balsari-Palsule || BIS Publishers BV
Discover your unique personality type and learn more about yourself and those around you with this fun, insightful game of choice.
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Genius Writers (Genius Playing Cards)
2019 || Cards || George || Laurence King Publishing
Add a touch of class to your poker table with some of the most exciting literary figures of the 20th and 21st centuries. Fifty-four writers have been chosen from the following categories: Modern, Mid-Century, Postmodern, Contemporary. Marcel George's stunning watercolour portraits of writers of fiction – including Samuel Beckett, Doris Lessing, Roberto Bolaño and Zadie Smith – ensure that even if you don't win you're in good company.
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Love Oracles
Sex and Romance Inspiration from the Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful
2019 || Cards || Higgie || Laurence King Publishing
Struggling to meet the right partner? Worried your powers of seduction are lacking somewhat? Want to improve your relationships with family and friends? Elizabeth Taylor, Shakespeare and a host of famous lovers are here to help. Simply select any card from the pack, choose the oracle’s advice on one-night stands, long-term relationships and break ups, or family and friends and any obstacle becomes surmountable.
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Musical Experiments for After Dinner
2019 || Cards || Parkinson || Laurence King Publishing
Dinner parties getting a bit glum? Shake things up with these postprandial experiments
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the Meaning of Flowers
2021 || Cards || Rowan Blossom || Laurence King Publishing
From orange blossom for innocence to yellow roses for infidelity, flowers have been used to convey messages for millennia. With Floriography you can use them to pass secret codes, uncover hidden feelings and be sure your gifts aren't getting lost in translation. Plus, you'll know never to give a ranunculus to your mum or orchids to your boss! In addition to their meanings, these 50 illustrated cards explore the significance of flowers in history, pop culture and art. Now you truly can say it ...