
Nori Art Coloring (37)
Marleen Verkerk (29)
Jasmin Hajro (18)
» Toon alle opties (482)
Hugo Elena (13)
Kenneth D. Bolden (12)
Smith (12)
Dhr HugoElena (11)
Jones (11)
Chen Yu (10)
Wu Zhongwei (10)
Phaidon Editors (9)
Thomas (9)
Jolley (8)
Piet van der Voort (8)
Williams (8)
Cooper (7)
Perry Pierik (7)
Atkinson (6)
Becker (6)
Denicolo (6)
Evelyn Samuel (6)
Flick (6)
Harrison (6)
Kati Gonzalez (6)
MacInnes (6)
Mark Janes (6)
Plato (6)
Turner (6)
Wright (6)
Anderson (5)
Bradbury (5)
Brown (5)
Clark (5)
Frank Libertas (5)
Gottlieb (5)
Johnson (5)
Miller (5)
Reeves (5)
Rob Coolen (5)
Roberts (5)
Scott (5)
Allan (4)
Bird (4)
Burns (4)
Bushnell (4)
Cook (4)
Delves-Yates (4)
Douglas (4)
Elcock (4)
Ellis (4)
Freeman (4)
Frost (4)
Glazzard (4)
Gregory J. Boyle (4)
Holland (4)
Ir. H.C. Theisens (4)
Joseph Kwabena Osei (4)
Lindsey (4)
Morgan (4)
O'Brien (4)
O'Reilly (4)
Philip Kotler (4)
Privitera (4)
Russell Hibbeler (4)
Stefanie Schaefer-Di M... (4)
White (4)
Wilson (4)
van Nieuwerburgh (4)
yvonne meerstra (4)
Alvesson (3)
Asamod Ka (3)
Austin (3)
Bamber Delver (3)
Banks (3)
Betsey Stevenson (3)
Bottrill (3)
Breakwell (3)
Carter (3)
Charles Horngren (3)
Cox (3)
David Grigoryan (3)
Denzin (3)
Dillon (3)
Dogan Ibrahim (3)
Duncan Angwin (3)
Eleonoor Jap Sam (3)
Field (3)
Gary Armstrong (3)
Gerry Johnson (3)
Gisbert L. Brunner (3)
Glanville (3)
Gray (3)
Greenstein (3)
Gregory (3)
Hall (3)
Harvey (3)
Haski-Leventhal (3)
Hopkins (3)
Howard (3)
Jemimah Steinfeld (3)
Justin Wolfers (3)
Kara (3)
Kelly (3)
Kitchin (3)
Konstantin Serebrov (3)
Layder (3)
Lee (3)
Liana J.F. Romeijn (3)
Lord (3)
Martin (3)
McNiff (3)
Medwell (3)
Murphy (3)
Myhill (3)
Nana Fofi (3)
Nutbrown (3)
Parker (3)
Peter DeMarzo (3)
Peters (3)
Richard Templar (3)
Rogers (3)
Salmons (3)
Shackelford (3)
Spiller (3)
The Open Group (3)
Tracy L. Tuten (3)
Van Haren Learning Sol... (3)
Wall (3)
Ward (3)
Werner Rupprecht (3)
Wodak (3)
Zeigler-Hill (3)
Zwiers (3)
A. Rutter (2)
Abby Osborne (2)
Abernathy (2)
Adrian Thornhill (2)
Alain de Botton (2)
Alastair Bonnett (2)
Alex Cobham (2)
Ali Abdaal (2)
Ali Malik (2)
Alice Roegholt (2)
Allen (2)
Allison-Napolitano (2)
Anderton (2)
Andrews (2)
Ann Davis (2)
Anna Jackman (2)
Anne M. R. Agur (2)
Aron K. Barbey (2)
Arthur Stonehill (2)
Ashman (2)
Asya Pereltsvaig (2)
Bager-Charleson (2)
Baratta (2)
Barbara van Mierlo (2)
Barell (2)
Barker (2)
Barnes (2)
Barr (2)
Barry Render (2)
Battersby (2)
Bazeley (2)
Beckley (2)
Beighton (2)
Beirman (2)
Bell (2)
Ben Mezrich (2)
Bender (2)
Benzo (2)
Bernardo Urbani (2)
Bert Demarsin (2)
Blessings (2)
Booth (2)
Bors (2)
Borthwick (2)
Breslin (2)
Brett Berk (2)
Brett Caraway (2)
Brigitte L. Nacos (2)
Brooker (2)
Bryant (2)
Buckler (2)
Burton (2)
Bush (2)
C. William Thomas (2)
CQ Researcher (2)
Cameron (2)
Campbell (2)
Carden (2)
Carola Hein (2)
Caroline Heitz (2)
Carroll (2)
Cath Sullivan (2)
Cayetano Cardelius (2)
Cazaly (2)
Charles Dickens (2)
Chartered College of T... (2)
Chatfield (2)
Christian Henderson (2)
Chuck Munson (2)
Claire Bingham (2)
Combe (2)
Coomber (2)
Corcoran (2)
Corrie (2)
Courtland Bovee (2)
Crawford (2)
Crawley (2)
Cullen (2)
Cunningham (2)
Curtis (2)
Dan J. Stein (2)
Dan Nadel (2)
Danny Pieters (2)
Davey (2)
David Adjaye (2)
David Eiteman (2)
David Harley (2)
David Waugh (2)
David Welch (2)
Davies (2)
Davis (2)
Dawson (2)
De Bruyckere (2)
DeNora (2)
DeWitt (2)
Deacon David J.D. Loch... (2)
Dean Garratt (2)
Deslandes (2)
Dewe (2)
Dhr Hugo Elena (2)
Dimitar Shterionov (2)
Duke (2)
Durdella (2)
Edgar Allan Poe (2)
Edmonds (2)
Eichsteller (2)
Elliott (2)
Emily Finch (2)
Evans (2)
Everett (2)
Farrell (2)
Fearnley (2)
Felt (2)
Ferdinand (2)
Fichtman Dana (2)
Finlay (2)
Fisher (2)
Forster (2)
Fredrik Hamer (2)
Friedrich Paulsen (2)
Gamble (2)
Garmston (2)
Garvey (2)
Gaudet (2)
Georg Northoff (2)
Gert R. Rebergen (2)
Gill (2)
Gobo (2)
Goldfinger (2)
Gopee (2)
Gorard (2)
Grit Roel (2)
Guy Bird (2)
Guy Brook-Hart (2)
H.C. Theisens (2)
Hanafi (2)
Hanlon (2)
Hannah van Zanten (2)
Hans Baars (2)
Hans Ibelings (2)
Hargreaves (2)
Harris (2)
Haslam (2)
Henk W. Volberda (2)
Heslop (2)
Hill (2)
Hoath (2)
Holosko (2)
Holtbrugge (2)
Horton (2)
Hughes (2)
Ian Lynam (2)
Ignatow (2)
Inkson (2)
Ivan Patrick Liesdek (2)
James (2)
James Abdey (2)
James W. Kalat (2)
Jason Barlow (2)
Jasper Merijn Timmer (2)
Jatinder S. Sidhu (2)
Jay Heizer (2)
Jennifer Johns (2)
Jens Waschke (2)
Jeroen Kraaijenbrink (2)
Joana R. Pereira (2)
Johannes Müller (2)
John Sloman (2)
John Thill (2)
Johns (2)
Jonathan Berk (2)
Jonathan Crawshaw (2)
Jones-Smith (2)
Joost Vogtländer (2)
Joseph Albahari (2)
Josephine Munch Rasmus... (2)
Joyce (2)
Judi Nath (2)
Jule Hintzbergen (2)
Julier (2)
Karin Doull (2)
Karwan Fatah-Black (2)
Kayvan Kian (2)
Keeley (2)
Kees Hintzbergen (2)
Keming Yang (2)
Kenneth Laudon (2)
Kevin F. Steinmetz (2)
Kevin Yoka (2)
Kingston-Hughes (2)
Kirk (2)
Koen Berghuijs (2)
Konrad Ott (2)
L. Käppel (2)
L. Schmidt (2)
Lahman (2)
Lamont (2)
Laura Anne Winter (2)
Laura Gyeney (2)
Learning Through Lands... (2)
Leicester (2)
Liam Ralph (2)
Lian Verkerk (2)
Lievi Van Acker (2)
Lindgren (2)
Linsley (2)
Linton (2)
Love (2)
Luisa M. Trindade (2)
Majid Yar (2)
Malloch (2)
Mansbach (2)
Mansell (2)
Marcel Szabó (2)
Maria Wunderlich (2)
Mark Saunders (2)
Mark Tarrant (2)
Martin Furholt (2)
Martin Hinz (2)
Martin S. Hagger (2)
Maund (2)
McGloin (2)
McLaughlin (2)
McStay (2)
Michael Moffett (2)
Michael Rowe (2)
Mills (2)
Mimi Zeiger (2)
Mooi Standing (2)
Mooney (2)
Moore (2)
Morag Kersel (2)
Morris (2)
Muijs (2)
Murawski (2)
Murji (2)
Murray (2)
Myers (2)
Nadja Sorgarde (2)
Nassauer (2)
Natasha Lindstaedt (2)
Neaum (2)
Neil Brodie (2)
Newman (2)
O. Nakoinz (2)
Olivier Nieuwenhuyse (2)
Opie (2)
P.J. van der Voort (2)
Paddison (2)
Parrott (2)
Patience (2)
Patrick Regner (2)
Paul Woldhek (2)
Pawan Budhwar (2)
Payne (2)
Pearson (2)
Pepin van Roojen (2)
Pernecky (2)
Peter Atkins (2)
Petra Lea Láncos (2)
Philip Baker (2)
Philip Lewis (2)
Pink (2)
Pinto (2)
Popham (2)
Portes (2)
Prior (2)
Punch (2)
Quinten De Coene (2)
Quinton (2)
Rachael Squire (2)
Rafico Ruiz (2)
Ramona Francina (2)
Raymond Schoeman (2)
Reinhard Bernbeck (2)
Rexx Language Associat... (2)
Richard Phillips (2)
Richard Whittington (2)
Richards (2)
Richardson (2)
Rick Honings (2)
Rick M. A. Hollen (2)
Rigby (2)
Robson (2)
Rogerson (2)
Roosje de Leeuwe (2)
Rutter (2)
Ryan Espersen (2)
SOM (2)
Saldana (2)
Salkind (2)
Sarah Riley (2)
Schedlitzki (2)
Schulz (2)
Seedhouse (2)
Seymour (2)
Sharp (2)
Shaw (2)
Shon (2)
Sigmund Gronmo (2)
Silverman (2)
Silvio Lorusso (2)
Simon (2)
Simonsen (2)
Skrbis (2)
Slater (2)
Solomon (2)
Spapé (2)
Spencely (2)
Spencer (2)
Spencer Bailey (2)
Stacy Pyett (2)
Stefan Fafinski (2)
Stefan Svenningson (2)
Stephen Gibson (2)
Stephen Moss (2)
Stephen Robbins (2)
Steven Heller (2)
Stones (2)
Studio Piet Boon (2)
Sue (2)
Sullivan (2)
Susan Ogier (2)
Suter (2)
Swanson (2)
Sweeney (2)
Teresita Fernández (2)
The School of Life (2)
Themin Suwardy (2)
Tight (2)
Tong (2)
Trenoweth (2)
Vos (2)
Walker-Gleaves (2)
Walsh (2)
Walter Harrison (2)
Warden (2)
Warwick-Booth (2)
Waters-Davies (2)
Wayne Modest (2)
Webber (2)
Weinberg (2)
Welch (2)
Wendy Jenkins (2)
Wendy Tietz (2)
Wickens (2)
Wilkinson (2)
Yaakov Stern (2)
Zhao (2)
van Bilsen (2)
van Wormer (2)
xian (2)
Paperback (2144)
Hardcover (983)
E-book via Bookshelf (10)
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Sociologie algemeen (254)
Sociologie van beleids... (211)
Beroepenvoorlichting (176)
» Toon alle opties (171)
Geestelijke gezondheid... (126)
Economie en bedrijf al... (122)
Onderwijs en opvoeding (119)
Psychologie algemeen (97)
Algemene sociale weten... (84)
Kunst algemeen (80)
Bedrijfskunde algemeen (69)
Politicologie (61)
Verpleegkunde en zieke... (59)
Bouwkunst, architectuu... (53)
Geneeskunde algemeen (51)
Museumstudies (51)
Geschiedenis algemeen (44)
Non-fictie informatief... (42)
Didactiek (39)
Beeldende kunst (35)
Psychotherapie en ande... (32)
Cultuur- en mentalitei... (30)
Educatieve uitgaven al... (30)
Management algemeen (29)
Marketing (29)
Personeel en organisat... (29)
Mens en maatschappij a... (26)
Onderwijsvormen en sch... (26)
Archeologie (25)
Sociale geografie alge... (24)
Exacte wetenschappen n... (23)
Historische biografie... (23)
Monografieën (kunst) (23)
Recht algemeen (23)
Vormgeving en design (23)
Bouwkunde (21)
Cultuurwetenschappen a... (20)
Politieke geschiedenis... (20)
Filosofie algemeen (19)
Toegepaste communicati... (18)
Biografieën literaire... (17)
Gezondheidswetenschapp... (15)
Informatica & manageme... (15)
Kunstbeleid- en manage... (15)
Strafrecht en procesre... (15)
Taal en cultuur algeme... (15)
Technische wetenschapp... (15)
Wijsgerige en historis... (15)
Agogiek (14)
Arbeidspsychologie (14)
Fotografie, film, vide... (14)
Tekenen, schilderen, k... (14)
Biologie algemeen (13)
E-commerce (13)
Functieleer (13)
Internationaal (publie... (13)
Landbouwgeschiedenis (13)
Laboratoriumtechniek (12)
Leidinggeven, coachen (12)
Politieke en culturele... (12)
Reclame (12)
Bestuurs- en beleidsku... (11)
Gezondheid algemeen (11)
Organisatiepsychologie (11)
Stadssociologie (11)
Woninginrichting (11)
Esoterie algemeen (10)
Literaire non-fictie a... (9)
Oudheid (tot 500) (9)
Theologie algemeen (9)
Biografieën van kunst... (8)
Kunstgeschiedenis (8)
Landinrichting (8)
Ontwikkelingspsycholog... (8)
Sociale psychologie (8)
Naslagwerken algemeen (7)
Niet-westerse geschied... (7)
Productie, inkoop, log... (7)
Taalkunde (7)
Wetenschap (>12 jaar) (7)
Psychologische testen ... (6)
Taal BVE-sector (MBO +... (6)
Verhalenbundels (6)
Algemene economie (5)
Assisterende beroepen ... (5)
Creatief denken (5)
Cultuursociologie (5)
Elektrotechniek (5)
Informatica algemeen (5)
Moderne geschiedenis (... (5)
Tentoonstellingscatalo... (5)
Vechtsporten (5)
Wiskunde algemeen (5)
Bijbels (4)
Biografieën van music... (4)
Communicatiekunde alge... (4)
Doe-het-zelf (4)
Emancipatie (4)
Muziek algemeen (4)
Overige religies (4)
Privaatrecht en mediat... (4)
Programmeertalen (4)
Verzamelen (4)
Waargebeurde verhalen (4)
Algemene letteren (3)
Datacommunicatie en ne... (3)
Engelse taal, letterku... (3)
Europese overzeese exp... (3)
Fictie kinder- en jeug... (3)
Hobby's algemeen (3)
Humor (3)
Internationale ontwikk... (3)
Jeugd (3)
Literaire fictie algem... (3)
Mens en maatschappij H... (3)
Middeleeuwen (500-1500... (3)
Milieutechniek en mili... (3)
Natuur populair algeme... (3)
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Oorlog en vrede (3)
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Orthopedagogiek (3)
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Regionale cultuur (3)
Scheikunde algemeen (3)
Senioren (3)
Softwarepakketten (boe... (3)
Solliciteren (3)
Specialistische genees... (3)
Staats- en bestuursrec... (3)
Statistiek en methodol... (3)
Talen algemeen (3)
Tuinontwerpen (3)
Wetenschapsfilosofie, ... (3)
Woninginrichting|Lifes... (3)
Aardwetenschappen alge... (2)
Alternatieve geneeswij... (2)
Anatomie en fysiologie (2)
Bedrijfseconomie (2)
Bewegingstherapie, erg... (2)
Biochemie (2)
Farmacie;farmacotherap... (2)
Fictie 15+ (2)
Fiscaal recht (2)
Fysische geografie (2)
Geld- bank- krediet- e... (2)
Gezondheid (>12 jaar) (2)
Informatiekunde (2)
Internationale financi... (2)
Internet (2)
Jodendom (2)
Lichamelijke opvoeding... (2)
Literaire roman, novel... (2)
Literatuurwetenschap (2)
Luchtvaart (2)
Media en computercommu... (2)
Medische en socio-medi... (2)
Muziekgeschiedenis (2)
Naslagwerken (muziek) (2)
Natuurbeheer (2)
Natuurkunde algemeen (2)
Onderwijskunde (2)
Organisatieantropologi... (2)
Praktische filosofie|P... (2)
Psychiatrie (2)
Schoonheidsverzorging (2)
Seksualiteit (2)
Sociale en historische... (2)
Sport en spel algemeen (2)
Taal Hoger Onderwijs (2)
Tandheelkunde (2)
Toegepaste kunst (2)
Wiskundige economie (2)
Zoogdieren (2)
kerk- en dogmengeschie... (2)
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Corwin (219)
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Learning Matters (126)
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Taylor & Francis (65)
Corwin UK (63)
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Mijnbestseller.nl (47)
CQ Press (41)
Eleven international p... (39)
Van Haren Publishing (29)
BIS Publishers (26)
Macmillan (26)
Persell Trading (23)
Elsevier (22)
TU Delft (21)
Jap Sam Books (20)
Leuven University Pres... (19)
Marleen Verkerk (18)
Lannoo (17)
Sidestone Press Academ... (17)
nai010 uitgevers/publi... (17)
Hannibal Books (15)
Sweek (14)
Oxford University Pres... (13)
Amsterdam University P... (12)
Bookmundo (11)
Cengage Learning (11)
John Harper Publishing... (11)
John Wiley and Sons Lt... (11)
Leiden University Pres... (11)
Aspect Publishers (10)
Exhibitions Internatio... (10)
Idea Books B.V. (10)
Mer (10)
Sinolingua (10)
McGraw-Hill (9)
Set Margins' publicati... (9)
Walvaboek (9)
Bookmundo.pt (8)
Cambridge University P... (8)
Sidestone Press Disser... (8)
Mijnmanagementboek.nl (7)
Schoolsupport Uitgever... (7)
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BIS Publishers BV (6)
Bloomsbury Publishing (6)
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Maklu, Uitgever (6)
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Pumbo.nl B.V. (6)
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University of Groninge... (6)
VU University Press (6)
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Elektor International ... (5)
Open Press Tilburg Uni... (5)
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The Greek School (4)
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Boom (2)
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Global Academic Press (2)
Guilford Publications (2)
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Jap Sam Books / TU Del... (2)
Komma, Uitgeverij (2)
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Lecturis (2)
Little, Brown Book Gro... (2)
Loft Publications (2)
Luster Uitgeverij (2)
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Museum Het Schip (2)
Norton & Company (2)
Paul Woldhek (2)
Phaidon Press (2)
Picador (2)
SAGE Publications Pvt.... (2)
SDC Publications (2)
Springer International... (2)
Sustainability Impact ... (2)
The Eriskay Connection (2)
The Pagan Publishing H... (2)
The Raven Publishing H... (2)
Thoth, Uitgeverij (2)
To the Moon Publishing (2)
Uitgeverij De-Luxe-Aap (2)
Uitgeverij WBOOKS (2)
Vakmedianet (2)
Vrije Uitgevers, De (2)
Waanders Uitgevers (2)
Wolters Kluwer Nederla... (2)

Resultaten (3162)

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Notebook | Journal with digitally handmade Illustrated Hardcover | Peach

Notebook of the collection - JUICY FRUITS NOTEBOOKS AND JOURNALS - Peaches

2023 || Hardcover || Sart By Sara Baptista || Bookmundo.pt

This Notebook has an original Hardcover Design, created and handmade by SART, witch makes it an authentic work of art.

Hardcover Notebook ideal for journaling, work, school, brainstorming or even decorate your office with its aesthetic design. Perfect present for stationery lovers. Thouthful gift for birthday, christmas, valentine's day, or just to remember your loved ones (or yourself) they are special.

6" x 9"

Hardcover with lovely Botanical Fruit Illustration of Peaches

120 white, lined p...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

The forgotten children of the war

The story of Regina and Georges, hidden Jewish children

2023 || Paperback || Paul De Keulenaer || Academic & Scientific publishers

On the eve of the Second World War, there were an estimated 70,000 Jews living in Belgium. Between 1942 and 1944, many of them had been deported from the SS Sammellager Mecheln (Dossin barracks) in 28 convoys. However, thanks to the help of organisations and private individuals, there were Jews who were able to go into hiding and escape their terrible fate.

The Forgotten Children of the War is the story of Regina Sluszny and Georges Suchowolski, two of those hidden Jewish children to whom li...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 175,70

Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law 2022

2023 || Hardcover || Marcel Szabó e.a. || Eleven international publishing

The Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law comprises a collection of articles written mainly by Hungarian authors, covering developments in the field of international law and EU law, and progress in the domestic implementation and application of these fields of law. The thematic chapter of Vol. 10 (2022), entitled ‘Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros Project Case Judgment: 25 Years On’, focuses on one of the most important environmentrelated cases of the ICJ, and its impact on the dev...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Van Gogh, Cézanne, Le Fauconnier & the Bergen School

2023 || Paperback || Waanders Uitgevers

In this book, three famous, late nineteenth-century artists take centre stage: Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890), Paul Cézanne (1839-1906) and Henri Le Fauconnier (1881-1945). They played a crucial role in the genesis of the Bergen School. The works of these great masters are juxtaposed with the oeuvres of the very first Bergen School artists: Leo Gestel, Gerrit Willem van Blaaderen, Else Berg, Mommie Schwarz, Dirk Filarski, Arnout Colnot and the Wiegman brothers. This book paints a new and more ...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 56,95

Walking the Tightrope

The Judge and His Freedom to Express His Personal Opinions and Convictions

2023 || Hardcover || Sietske Dijkstra || Eleven international publishing

The judge is the holder of a state office in the rule of law. At the same time s/he is an individual with opinions, convictions and preferences. When the judge speaks, it may not always be clear to the outside world who is talking: the state or the individual. An opinion expressed by a judge may also rub off on the judicial office and, vice versa, the power and authority of the judicial office may reflect on the judge’s opinions, giving them special weight. It makes the judge’s speech int...

Leverbaar vanaf 18 juni

Heart to Heart

Inspiration from early childhood

2023 || Paperback || Binu Singh || Pelckmans

In this book, Binu Singh aims to give a voice to children up to 6 years old and invites you to look at your own life and society from their perspective. She makes a heartfelt call for more focus on our early childhood. She does this through inspiring quotes and short texts on topics such as the inner child, secure attachment, toxic stress, healing through connection, a mother’s power, a father’s power, self-care and social support. Binu Singh brings together science and wisdom and present...

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De toekomstformule

De zoektocht naar de spelregels van morgen

2023 || Paperback || Jo Caudron || Pelckmans || met inkijkexemplaar

De wereld bevindt zich op een keerpunt. Voor het eerst in onze recente geschiedenis is er een overheersend gevoel dat mens, maatschappij en economie op een andere manier verder moeten. Het oude model, het oude normaal, lijkt stilaan op zijn einde te lopen.

We zijn natuurlijk al langer bekend met grote uitdagingen zoals klimaatverandering, digitale transformatie, en maatschappelijke evoluties op het vlak van wonen, werken, mobiliteit, gezondheidszorg en migratie. Sinds kort hebben we echter te...

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Trendsurfing (Engelse versie)

Innovating on Waves of Change

2023 || Paperback || Bert Van Thilborgh || Pelckmans || met inkijkexemplaar

In TRENDSURFING, trendwatcher Bert Van Thilborgh guides you through the processes of change in our rapidly evolving, highly volatile and deceptively ambiguous world. In this methodological book, the author clarifies the techniques of trend analysis and positions them in a structural model. In addition, the book offers numerous tips and tricks that will help readers surf the waves of innovation, identify emerging trends and respond to them effectively.

Bert observes, quantifies, explains and i...

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Apothecaries in medieval Burgundy (1200-1600)

2023 || Paperback || Nanno Bolt || Eburon

"From the era of Charles the Bold in 1477, the State of Burgundy encompassed not only present-day Netherlands but also modern Belgium, various counties in northern France, the Duchy of Burgundy, and the counties of Nevers and Burgundy. Beginning in the 1200s, the first apothecary establishments emerged in the towns within this Burgundian territory. But what was life like for these medieval apothecaries? This book delves into questions such as:

• How did they operate?

• Where were their es...

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A cross-disciplinary model for the (re)development of circular building envelopes

2023 || Paperback || Juan F. Azcárate-Aguerre || TU Delft

The clean energy and Circular Economy transitions in the Built Environment have respectively dominated the academic dialogue in architecture, engineering, and real estate for the last 20+ years. While significant progress has been done, and many fine examples of more sustainable architecture exist, the process has been hindered by traditional systemic models for the planning, contracting, financing, construction, and management of building projects.

If we are to meet the ambitious climate-cha...