Resultaten (32)
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Managing and Organizations
An Introduction to Theory and Practice
2021 || Hardcover || Clegg || SAGE
Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice has been praised for its breadth, innovative content and application to real life. Along with its full coverage of all the essential topics of organizational behaviour, it offers a critical perspective that equips readers with the tools to question dominant assumptions about organizations.
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Sustaining Change in Organizations
2023 || Hardcover || Hodges || SAGE
Indispensable to understanding change, this unique text provides a comprehensive examination of how change can be sustained within organizations today.
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Study Skills for Business and Management
How to Succeed at University and Beyond
2013 || Paperback || Tissington || SAGE
An ideal study companion throughout a business and management degree, this text provides up-to-date coverage of hot topics such as effective reading, essay skills, how to use social media and how to secure employment after university.
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Work Stress and Coping: Forces of Change and Challenges
2023 || Paperback || Dewe || SAGE
A historical account of workplace stress and what the research in the field of occupational stress tells us about the changing nature of work and what individuals and organizations can do about it to create more liveable environments.
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Sustaining Change in Organizations
2014 || Paperback || Hodges || SAGE
Indispensable to understanding change, this unique text provides a comprehensive examination of how change can be sustained within organizations today.
maandag verzonden
2011 || Hardcover || Ashkanasy || SAGE
The Second Edition combines current research, theory and practice to provide unprecedented coverage of topics relating to both the culture and climate of modern organizations.
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The SAGE Handbook of Family Business
2022 || Hardcover || Leif Melin || SAGE
Edited by the leading figures in the field, with contributions and editorial board support from the most prominent names in family business, the handbook reflects on the development and present status of the field in terms of applied theories, methods, chosen research issues and theoretical contributions.
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Cases in Nonprofit Management
2016 || Paperback || Libby || SAGE
Case Studies in Nonprofit Management consists of original cases that are designed to teach students how to apply leadership and management principles that are essential for any nonprofit professional.
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Key Concepts in Organization Theory
2012 || Paperback || Cunliffe || SAGE
Contains an A-Z list of all the key terms a student studying organization theory needs to understand, along with clear definitions, discussions of each area and further reading.
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The SAGE Handbook of Process Organization Studies
2017 || Hardcover || Langley || SAGE
The SAGE Handbook of Process Organization Studies offers a compendium of perspectives on process thinking, process organizational theory, process research methodology and empirical applications.