Resultaten (95)

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Phoebus Focus XVII: Hairnets, Hoods and Caps

Covering and Adorning the Head from Late Antique to Islamic Egypt (400-1500 AD)

2020 || Paperback || Petra Linscheid || Uitgeverij Kannibaal

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Art History after Deleuze and Guattari

2017 || Paperback || Sjoerd van Tuinen e.a. || Leuven University Press

At the crossroads of philosophy, artistic practice, and art history.Though Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari were not strictly art historians, they reinvigorated ontological and formal approaches to art, and simultaneously borrowed art historical concepts for their own philosophical work. They were dedicated modernists, inspired by the German school of expressionist art historians such as Riegl, Wölfflin, and Worringer and the great modernist art critics such as Rosenberg, Steinberg, Greenbe...

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Van Antwerpen naar Amsterdam – Schilderkunst uit de zestiende en zeventiende eeuw ENGELS

2023 || Hardcover || Hannibal Books

Promotionele tekst

This book presents over ninety masterpieces by Flemish and Dutch artists to show how seventeenth-century Dutch painting could never have flourished the way it did without the foundations laid in sixteenth-century Antwerp. Thoroughly researched, it tells the story of the talented and accomplished artists and merchants who migrated north in search of religious liberty and new commercial opportunities after Antwerp fell to Spanish Catholic troops in 1585.

From Antwerp to Amste...

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Barokke Influencers – Jezuïten, Rubens en de kunst van het overtuigen ENGELS

Jesuits, Rubens, and the Arts of Persuasion

2023 || Hardcover || Esther Van Thielen e.a. || Hannibal Books

Hedendaagse blik op barokke meesterwerken

Hoe gebruikten de jezuïeten de barokke beeldtaal van hun tijd om het publiek te overtuigen van hun visie op mens, geloof en maatschappij? In dit prachtig geïllustreerde boek met onder meer talrijke werken van Peter Paul Rubens trachten verschillende auteurs die complexe vraag te beantwoorden.

De setting is Antwerpen in de zeventiende eeuw. De stad was in die tijd het hoofdkwartier van de jezuïetenorde in de Nederlanden en een bastion tegen het calv...

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Instagrammable (ENG)

2024 || Hardcover || Koenraad Jonckheere || Hannibal Books

Discover the dynamic connection between art history and social media

How are the Holy Trinity and social media related? Why do we love colour filters so much? What makes hashtags so powerful? And why do we experience digital images so differently from their analogue counterparts?

In Instagrammable – What Art Tells Us About Social Media, Koenraad Jonckheere delves into the surprising similarities between 2,500 years of European art history and our modern image culture on social media. He rev...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Art of Art History / 1st edition

A Critical Anthology

2009 || Paperback || Donald Preziosi || Oxford University Press

What is art history? Why, how, and where did it originate, and how have its methods changed over time? The history of art has been written and rewritten since classical antiquity. Since the foundation of the modern discipline of art history in Germany in the late eighteenth century, debates about art and its histories have intensified. Historians, philosophers, psychologists, and anthropologists among others have changed our notions of what art history has been, is,and might be.

This antholog...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Sociology of News / 2nd edition

2020 || Paperback || Michael Schudson || W. W. Norton & Company

The Sociology of News reviews and synthesizes not only what is happening to journalism but also what is happening to the scholarly understanding of journalism. In the Second Edition, each chapter of the book has been updated to account for the radical changes that have reshaped the news industry over the last decade. With a new chapter on the sharp contraction of the news business in the United States since 2007, The Sociology of News examines journalism as a social institution and analyzes t...

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met 5% korting 55,05

Japonisme and the Rise of the Modern Art Movement

The Arts of the Meiji Period

2024 || Hardcover || Gregory Irvine || Van Ditmar Boeken B.V.

From the 1860s through to the early 20th century the rise of Japonisme and the Art Nouveau movement meant that few could ignore or resist the obsession with all things Japanese. This book includes examples of the designed and executed decorative arts of the Meiji periods from the Khalili Collection.

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met 5% korting 40,80

Van Gogh and the Artists He Loved

2024 || Hardcover || Steven Naifeh || Random House USA Inc

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Architecture since 1400 / 1st edition

2014 || Paperback || Kathleen James-Chakraborty || University of Minnesota Press

The first global history of architecture to give equal attention to Western and non-Western structures and built landscapes, Architecture since 1400 is unprecedented in its range, approach, and insight. From Tenochtitlan's Great Pyramid in Mexico City and the Duomo in Florence to Levittown's suburban tract housing and the Bird's Nest Stadium in Beijing, its coverage includes the world's most celebrated structures and spaces along with many examples of more humble vernacular buildings. Lavishl...