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Resultaten (1504)

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Business Research Methods / 6th edition

2022 || Paperback || Emma Bell e.a. || Oxford University Press

This extremely popular text is the complete introduction to doing business research and is the ideal guide for students embarking on a research project. The authors have extensively revised this sixth edition to make it the most engaging and relevant text available. New chapters on quantitative methods and visual research offer extensive coverage of these areas and even greater practical support in applying these techniques, while cutting-edge material on inclusivity and bias in research, fem...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

The Routledge Handbook of Hotel Chain Management / 1st edition

2020 || Paperback || Maya Ivanova e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Understanding the global hotel business is not possible without paying specific attention to hotel chain management and dynamics. Chains are big business, approximately 80 percent of hotels currently being constructed around the world are chain affiliated and, in 2014, the five largest brands held over a one million rooms. The high economic importance of the hotel chains and their global presence justifies the academic research in the field however, despite this, there is no uniform coverage ...

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Hardwiring Happiness

2024 || Paperback || PhD Rick Hanson || Van Ditmar Boeken B.V.

With New York Times bestselling author, Dr. Hanson's four steps, you can counterbalance your brain's negativity bias and learn to hardwire happiness in only a few minutes each day.

Why is it easier to ruminate over hurt feelings than it is to bask in the warmth of being appreciated? Because your brain evolved to learn quickly from bad experiences and slowly from good ones, but you can change this.

Life isn't easy, and having a brain wired to take in the bad and ignore the...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Difficult Conversations

How to Discuss What Matters Most

2023 || Paperback || Bruce Patton e.a. || Penguin

What is a difficult conversation? Asking for a pay rise, saying 'no' to your boss or spouse, confronting a friend or neighbor, asking a difficult favor, apologizing. This book helps you to turn your difficult conversations into positive, problem-solving experiences.

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met 5% korting 21,80

Lunch with the FT

A Second Helping

2024 || Paperback || Lionel Barber || Van Ditmar Boeken B.V.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

The Fundamentals of Workplace Learning

Understanding How People Learn in Working Life

2010 || Paperback || Knud Illeris || Taylor & Francis

Fundamentals of Workplace Learning is a comprehensive guide to how people learn in the workplace, and the issues and challenges involved. Examining the essential aspects of workplace learning and unravelling the various influences which affect the success of work-based learners, Knud Illeris presents a holistic model to explain how diverse individuals can be encouraged and invited to learn at work. Approaching workplace learning from the perspective of learners as human beings, with complex s...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Soil and Water Contamination / 2nd edition

2013 || Paperback || Marcel van der Perk || Taylor & Francis

Soil and Water Contamination, Second Edition gives a structured overview of transport and fate processes of environmental contaminants. Dealing with all topics essential for understanding and predicting contaminant patterns in soil, groundwater and surface water, it contributes to the formation of a solid basis for adequate soil and water pollution control and integrated catchment management. A unique feature of this work is that it does not treat water and soil pollution as independent proce...

Vandaag besteld,
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met 5% korting 18,95

New World Economy: A Beginner's Guide

2024 || Paperback || Randy Charles Epping || Random House USA Inc

What is blockchain? What is Bitcoin? How can central banks be instrumental in guiding a nation's economy? What are the underlying causes of trade deficits? Do trade wars actually help the domestic economy? How has the behavior of millennials and Generation Z affected the global economy? Find out all this and more in this definitive guide to the world economy.

As the global economic landscape shifts at an increasing rate, it's more important than ever that citizens understand the buil...

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morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 21,80

How to Sell Anything to Anybody

2024 || Paperback || Joe Girard || Simon & Schuster Nederland B.V.

Joe Girard, 'the world's greatest salesman' according to the Guinness Book of Records, shares his method of salesmanship in this indispensable book, now updated for the twenty-first century.

Vandaag besteld,
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The Lean Startup

How Relentless Change Creates Radically Successful Businesses

2011 || Paperback || Eric Ries || Penguin

Most new businesses fail. But most of those failures are preventable.The Lean Startup is a new approach to business that's being adopted around the world. It is changing the way companies are built and new products are launched.The Lean Startup is about learning what your customers really want. It's about testing your vision continuously, adapting and adjusting before it's too late.Now is the time to think Lean.