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Piet Vollaard (11)
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Winy Maas (8)
M. Kloos (7)
Angeliki Sioli (6)
Joran Kuijper (6)
Kirsten Hannema (6)
Mark Hendriks (6)
Olv Klijn (6)
Roberto Cavallo (6)
Tom Avermaete (6)
Ton Heijdra (6)
Véronique Patteeuw (6)
Wido Quist (6)
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Christoph Grafe (5)
David Peleman (5)
Eireen Schreurs (5)
Frank van der Hoeven (5)
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Michael W. Mehaffy (5)
Tillmann Klein (5)
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Bart Decroos (4)
Carlien Donkor (4)
Hans Ibelings (4)
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Lara Schrijver (4)
Maarten Kloos (4)
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Nikos A. Salingaros (4)
Pierijn van der Putt (4)
Saskia de Wit (4)
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Tijs van den Boomen (4)
Uri Gilad (4)
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Stanley Kurvers (3)
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Teun van den Ende (3)
W.J. Quist (3)
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Harm Tilman (2)
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Mary Campbell Gallaghe... (2)
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Michiel Kruidenier (2)
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Negar Sanaan Bensi (2)
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Nupur Tron (2)
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Peter Mörtenböck (2)
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S. Brakkee (2)
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Shamila Gostelow (2)
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Ward Verbakel (2)
Willemijn Wilms Floet (2)
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Yael Allweil (2)
Yvonne Lub (2)
Yvonne van Mil (2)
2020 (86)
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Resultaten (679)

Leverbaar vanaf 6 juni

Reporting the Delta

An exploration of climate, space, and society through archival documentaries

2025 || Paperback || Luca Iuorio e.a. || nai010 uitgevers/publishers

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Transformatie Strijp-S

2018 || Paperback || Thom Aussems e.a. || Uitgeverij Lecturis B.V.

Van Philips-industriegebied op zijn retour tot creatief stadshart van ​Eindhoven (​Brainport-regio)​: een fascinerende en complexe transformatie naar hoogstedelijkheid. Strijp-S was het grootste (27 hectare) industrieterrein van Philips. Daar stond de eerste glasfabriek. Ook het NatLab, het veelgeroemde onderzoekscentrum van Philips, bevond zich op het terrein. Tienduizenden werkten er en voelden zich innerlijk verbonden met het gebied langs de spoorlijn. Ze waren ​trots op gebouw...

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maandag verzonden

Brokers of Modernity

east Central Europe and the Rise of Modernist Architects, 1910-1950

2019 || Paperback || Martin Kohlrausch || Leuven University Press

The first half of the twentieth century witnessed the rise of modernist architects. Brokers of Modernity reveals how East Central Europe turned into one of the pre-eminent testing grounds of the new belief system of modernism. By combining the internationalism of the CIAM organization and the modernising aspirations of the new states built after 1918, the reach of modernist architects extended far beyond their established fields. Yet, these architects paid a price when Europe’s age of extre...

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Urban Andes

Design-led explorations to tackle climate change

2022 || Paperback || Viviana D’Auria e.a. || Leuven University Press

Climate change in the Andes is affecting the relation between urban development and the landscape. Design-led explorations are reframing landscape logics and urbanisation patterns within the Cachi River Basin of Ayacucho, Peru. A co-production of students, researchers and designers, the book suggests alternative futures, crossing scales of landscape systems to new settlement typologies.

Urban Andes marks the start of the new series LAP on innovative design research in architecture, urbanism, ...

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Young People’s Housing Opportunity in Post-reform China

2018 || Paperback || Wenjing Deng || TU Delft Open

The inquiry that has culminated in this thesis was inspired by the challenges that many young Chinese people were facing when trying to gain access to affordable housing at the time of study, the early 2010s. By then, more than thirty years of housing reforms had completely changed how housing was being provided in China. The resulting structure had led young people to access housing in ways that were very different from those of their parents’ generation (Deng, Hoekstra & Elsinga, 2017). T...

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Towards a new policy direction for an improved housing delivery system in Nigerian cities

Theoretical, Empirical and Comparative Perspectives

|| Paperback || Job Taiwo Gbadegesin || TU Delft Open

In Nigeria, housing units are not adequate for the entire population, especially in cities (Anosike et al. 2011, Makinde 2014). For instance, the deficit grows at an alarming rate, from about 8 million in 1991 to over 16 million in 2000s (Aribigbola, 2000; Aribigbola and Ayeniyo 2012). The challenges of housing provision are not only quantitative but also qualitative and have to be dealt with in a dual institutional perspective: the formal and the informal sector (Makinde, 2014; National Popu...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Changing Values on Water in Delta Cities

The case of Guangzhou in China’s Pearl River Delta

2018 || Paperback || Yuting Tai || TU Delft Open

The thesis develops an empirically tested analytical framework which links value theory with planning and design practices to investigate context-specific spatial transformations as a result of individual and collective value judgements. Four key aspects of water values including flood safety, as well as economic, social and environmental values, are studied, and their interrelationships are discussed. Morphological analyses and value assessments are conducted to explore in what sense spatial...

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Pregledi održivosti i otpornosti građene sredine

2018 || Paperback || Saja Kosanović e.a. || TU Delft Open

Održiva i otporna građena sredina je složen sistem čije se značenje kontinualno razvija. Cilj ove publikacije je da problemu održivosti i otpornosti pristupi kroz sistematsko istraživanje različitih segmenata i razmera izgrađenog okruženja, odnosno da predstavljanjem preglednih radova (poglavlja), među kojima je uspostavljena odgovarajuća funkcionalna veza, podstakne razvoj specijalizovanog znanja, podigne kritičku svest o potrebi za interdisciplinarnim i transdiciplinarnim istra...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Regional Design

Discretionary Approaches to Planning in the Netherlands

|| Paperback || Verena Balz || TU Delft Open

This thesis elaborates on the role and position of regional design in spatial planning. Building upon the argument that design in this realm aims to improve planning guidance by judging its implications for particular situations, the thesis develops an analytical framework for an enhanced understanding of how design both influences, and is influenced by, prevailing planning rationales. The analytical framework is applied to a set of regional design initiatives that evolved in the context of D...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Amsterdam 2050 Complex Projects

2019 || Paperback || Kees Kaan e.a. || TU Delft Open

By using Amsterdam as a living laboratory, graduate students, researchers and teachers of the architectural design chair of Complex Projects at the Department of Architecture at TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment have been interested in seeing how ‘growth’ and rapid ‘changes’ – growth of numbers of inhabitants and tourists, and change of energy, mobility, health and leisure concepts - will affect the City of Amsterdam on a time horizon 2050. How can innovatio...