
Carola Hein (13)
Kees Somer (12)
Piet Vollaard (11)
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Dick van Gameren (9)
Klaske Havik (9)
Ulrich Knaack (9)
Alice Roegholt (8)
Dirk van den Heuvel (8)
Paul Groenendijk (8)
Winy Maas (8)
M. Kloos (7)
Joran Kuijper (6)
Kirsten Hannema (6)
Olv Klijn (6)
Roberto Cavallo (6)
Tom Avermaete (6)
Ton Heijdra (6)
Véronique Patteeuw (6)
Wido Quist (6)
Angeliki Sioli (5)
Christoph Grafe (5)
David Peleman (5)
Eireen Schreurs (5)
Frank van der Hoeven (5)
Frederique van Andel (5)
Kas Oosterhuis (5)
Marc Schoonderbeek (5)
Mark Hendriks (5)
Michael W. Mehaffy (5)
Tillmann Klein (5)
Andrej Radman (4)
Anita Blom (4)
Bart Decroos (4)
Hans Ibelings (4)
Henriette Bier (4)
Herman Hertzberger (4)
Herman van Bergeijk (4)
Jantje Engels (4)
Lara Schrijver (4)
Maarten Kloos (4)
Nelson Mota (4)
Nikos A. Salingaros (4)
Pierijn van der Putt (4)
Saskia de Wit (4)
Tijs van den Boomen (4)
Adrien Ravon (3)
Alan Hess (3)
Annuska Pronkhorst (3)
Ashley Paine (3)
Bruno Notteboom (3)
Carlien Donkor (3)
Darinka Czischke (3)
Eric Frijters (3)
Fransje Hooimeijer (3)
Hanneke Ronnes (3)
Hans Teerds (3)
Harald Mooij (3)
Jacques Vink (3)
Janneke Bierman (3)
Kornelia Dimitrova (3)
Laura Lubbers (3)
M. Behm (3)
Maarten Liefooghe (3)
Manuela Triggianese (3)
Marie-Thérèse van Th... (3)
Martine Bakker (3)
Matteo D'Agostino (3)
Maurice Hermans (3)
Niels de Zwarte (3)
Peter de Winter (3)
Rafico Ruiz (3)
Rob Gruben (3)
Sara Stroux (3)
Sereh Mandias (3)
Sergio M. Figueiredo (3)
Stanley Kurvers (3)
Stavros Kousoulas (3)
Susan Holden (3)
Taco Hermans (3)
Teun van den Ende (3)
Theo Baart (3)
Uri Gilad (3)
W.J. Quist (3)
Wouter Davidts (3)
Wouter van Elburg (3)
X. Xia (3)
Aaron Betsky (2)
Abidin Kusno (2)
Aleksandar Stanicic (2)
Alex Elaut (2)
Andreas Luible (2)
Annenies Kraaij (2)
Arjan den Boer (2)
Armina Pilav (2)
Arna Mackic (2)
Arna Mačkić (2)
Arnold Reijndorp (2)
Baires Raffaelli (2)
Bernard Colenbrander (2)
Bernard Hulsman (2)
Bianca de Vlieger (2)
Carlos Machado e Moura (2)
Cathelijne Nuijsink (2)
Catja Edens (2)
Charo Sanjuan (2)
D. Scagliola (2)
Dalia Milián Bernal (2)
Edith Wouters (2)
Els Vervloesem (2)
Elsbeth Ronner (2)
Evelien Pieters (2)
Fabian de Kloe (2)
Frank Foole (2)
Frank Suurenbroek (2)
Fred Feddes (2)
Gerlin Heestermans (2)
Gideon Spanjar (2)
Giuseppe Resta (2)
H. de Haan (2)
Harm Tilman (2)
Heidi Sohn (2)
Helge Mooshammer (2)
Henk Engel (2)
Henk van der Veen (2)
Hilde Heynen (2)
Hilde Sennema (2)
Hilde de Haan (2)
Ids Haagsma (2)
Inge Bobbink (2)
J. Linders (2)
Jan-Richard Kikkert (2)
Jane Jacobs (2)
Javier Arpa (2)
Jennifer Schoone (2)
Jens Schneider (2)
Jiaxiu Cai (2)
Joachim Declerck (2)
Joar Nango (2)
Jocelyn Piirainen (2)
Joe Leijten (2)
Joeri De Bruyn (2)
John Macarthur (2)
Jolanthe Kugler (2)
Jorge Mejía (2)
Jorge Mejía Hernánde... (2)
K. Kleijn (2)
Kenneth Frampton (2)
Kinfolk (2)
Kris Pint (2)
Lena Knappers (2)
Lev Bratishenko (2)
Lidwine Spoormans (2)
Lidy Meijers (2)
Lisa Diedrich (2)
Lorin Niculae (2)
Luuk Oost (2)
Marco Broekman (2)
Marije Peute (2)
Marius Grootveld (2)
Mark Proosten (2)
Mary Campbell Gallaghe... (2)
Maurits de Hoog (2)
Mia Roth-Čerina (2)
Michelle Provoost (2)
Michiel Dehaene (2)
Michiel Kruidenier (2)
Mick Eekhout (2)
Mirko Zardini (2)
Moises Puente (2)
Negar Sanaan Bensi (2)
Nikki Manger (2)
Nupur Tron (2)
Olindo Caso (2)
Paul Meurs (2)
Peter Camp (2)
Peter Karstkarel (2)
Peter Mörtenböck (2)
Peter Veenstra (2)
Queenie Lin (2)
Rachel Keeton (2)
Rajesh Heynickx (2)
Renate Dorrestein (2)
Robert A. Gorny (2)
S. Brakkee (2)
Sabine Lebesque (2)
Sandra Guarda (2)
Sandra van Assen (2)
Shamila Gostelow (2)
Simone Vermaat (2)
Sofia Opfer (2)
Sofie De Caigny (2)
Stefan Devoldere (2)
Steffen Nijhuis (2)
Susana Oliveira (2)
Susanne Pietsch (2)
Suzanne Loen (2)
Sven Sterken (2)
Thaleia Konstantinou (2)
Theodora Chatzi Rodopo... (2)
Thomas Auer (2)
Tihamér Salij (2)
Tycho Saariste (2)
Uta Pottgiesser (2)
Victor Muñoz Sanz (2)
Ward Verbakel (2)
Willemijn Wilms Floet (2)
Yael Allweil (2)
Yvonne Lub (2)
2020 (89)
2021 (78)
2024 (72)
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Resultaten (684)

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Landscape Strategies in Architecture

2019 || Paperback || Daniel Jauslin || TU Delft Open

This thesis explores the ways in which landscape is relevant as a concept for designing architecture. Buildings that have been designed like landscapes have become a topic in contemporary architecture. The apparent distinction between architecture and landscape is questioned in exemplary theories and new designs.

The core of this thesis is three case studies of architectural designs that use landscape strategies. The analytical model for landscape architectural composition that Steenbergen an...

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Energy Innovation #5

4TU.BOUW Lighthouse projects + PDeng

2020 || Paperback || Siebe Bakker e.a. || TU Delft Open

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morgen verzonden

The Privatisation of a National Project

The settlements along the Trans-Israel Highway since 1977

2020 || Paperback || Gabriel Schwake || TU Delft Open

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Multiscale spatial ­contexts and ­neighbourhood effects

2020 || Paperback || Ana Petrović || TU Delft Open

This thesis has developed alternative methods of operationalising neighbourhoods at multiple spatial scales and used them to advance our understanding of spatial inequalities and neighbourhood effects. The underlying problem that motivated this thesis is that many empirical studies use predefined administrative units, and often this does not align with the underlying theory or geography. Despite the extensive literature on neighbourhood effects and, more generally, on sociospatial inequalitie...

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SPECIAL ISSUE: Dutch Connections

Essays on the International Relationships in Architectural History in Honor of Herman van Bergeijk

2020 || Paperback || Herman van Bergeijk e.a. || TU Delft Open

Throughout his career, Herman van Bergeijk built his own unique expertise on the Dutch 19th and early 20th century architectural history. He has become an inspiration for scholars in the Netherlands, Europe and beyond. The extraordinary response of colleagues when asked to contribute a chapter in this Festschrift stands as an example of Herman’s widespread influence. Invitations for keynotes and lectures or courses keep reaching him, and he will continue to teach and write. He has an open i...

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Powerskin Conference Proceedings

April 9th 2021 - Munich

2021 || Paperback || Thomas Auer e.a. || TU Delft Open

The PowerSKIN Conference aims to address the role of building skins to accomplish a carbon neutral building stock. Topics such as building operation, embodied energy, energy generation and storage in context of envelope, energy and environment are considered.

The focus of the PowerSKIN issue 2021 deals with the question of whether simplicity and robustness stay in contradiction to good performance of buildings skins or whether they even complement each other: simplicity vs. performance?

As an...

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Ontwerpen, tekenen, maken & betekenen

2021 || Paperback || Walter Lockefeer || TU Delft Open

Deze dissertatie is het resultaat van een lang onderzoekstraject naar het waarom en het hoe vrijevormarchitectuur ontworpen, getekend en gemaakt wordt en wat de filosofische en fenomenologische betekenis is van vrijevormarchitectuur. Het antwoord op deze waarom en hoe vragen wordt in vier delen behandeld:

In de eerste twee delen - het ontwerpen en het tekenen - wordt antwoord gegeven op de vragen: hoe worden de gebouwen ontworpen? Hoe worden ze getekend? Wat is het aandeel van de ontwerper e...

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Rietveld Pavilion De Zonnehof

a design project of the Department for Heritage and Architecture, TU Delft MSc1 AR1AH010 Fall 2020/21

2021 || Paperback || Noah van Asselt e.a. || TU Delft Open

This booklet presents the work of fourth-year students from Delft University of Technology, Faculty of

Architecture and the Built Environment, Chair of Heritage & Architecture, Section Heritage & Architecture.

What you see is the result of one semester’s work (20 weeks) to study together the conservation and

redesign of De Zonnehof in Amersfoort. The international group of students worked all on the architectural

relation to de Zonnehof, on different ways to exhibit, on climate control and ...

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met 5% korting 28,45

Journal of Facade Design Engineering 2023 - 1

2024 || Paperback || Thaleia Konstantinou e.a. || TU Delft

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morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 28,50

J.M. (Jan) van Hardeveld (1891-1953)

Over (zakelijk) expressionisme, modernistische betonwoningen en traditionalisme

2023 || Paperback || Mart J.M. Franken || Uitgeverij Verloren

J.M. (Jan) van Hardeveld (1891-1953), architect te Amsterdam, heeft in zijn omvangrijke oeuvre alle toen gangbare stijlen toegepast. Gedurende zijn hele carrière heeft hij de flexibiliteit gevoeld om te ontwerpen op een wijze, die hem en zijn opdrachtgevers uit de verschillende gremia passend achtten. Die veelzijdigheid is ook terug te vinden in zijn vele functies en publicaties, waarin hij die pluriformiteit in bouwen bepleitte. Die houding leidde er wel toe dat hij, bekeerling tot het kath...