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Resultaten (134)
De betekeniseconomie
De waarde van verweven leven
2022 || Paperback || Kees Klomp || Hogeschool Rotterdam
We hebben in de afgelopen eeuwen de vruchten van het huidige economische systeem kunnen plukken. De wereldwijde ontwikkeling van welvaart is gepaard gegaan met ontegenzeggelijk positieve ontwikkelingen: de levensverwachting is hoger dan ooit, het percentage mensen dat leeft in armoede is lager dan ooit, meer mensen dan ooit hebben toegang tot schoon drinkwater en onderwijs en het gemiddelde inkomen is hoger dan ooit. Economische groei lijkt het ultieme recept voor een florerende wereld. Dat l...
International Health and Safety at Work / 4th edition
for the NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
2021 || Paperback || Phil Hughes e.a. || Taylor & Francis
International Health and Safety at Work has been specially written in simple English for the thousands of students who complete the NEBOSH International General Certificate in Health and Safety each year. Fully revised in alignment with the 2019 syllabus, this fourth edition provides students with all they need to tackle the course with confidence. Clear, easily accessible information is presented in full colour, with discussion of essential principles such as ILO and OSH conventions as well ...
A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything
2021 || Paperback || Steven D. Levitt e.a. || Penguin
In which the book's central idea is set forth: namely, if morality represents howpeople would like the world to work, then economics shows how it actually doeswork.Why the conventional wisdom is so often wrong...How "experts"-fromcriminologists to real-estate agents to political scientists-bend the facts...Whyknowing what to measure, and how to measure it, is the key to understandingmodern life...
morgen verzonden
Economics / 3rd Global Edition
2021 || Paperback || Daron Acemoglu e.a. || Pearson
Forcourses in the principles of economics. An evidence-based approach to economics Throughout Economics, 3rd Edition, authors DaronAcemoglu, David Laibson, and John List use real economic questions anddata to help you learn about the world around you. Taking a freshapproach, they use the themes of optimization, equilibrium, and empiricism tonot only illustrate the power of simple economic ideas, but also to explain andpredict what's happening in today's society. Each chapter begins with anemp...
Behavioral Economics / 3rd Edition
2018 || Paperback || Edward Cartwright || Taylor & Francis
Over the last few decades behavioral economics has revolutionized the discipline. It has done so by putting the human back into economics, by recognizing that people sometimes make mistakes, care about others and are generally not as cold and calculating as economists have traditionally assumed. The results have been exciting and fascinating, and have fundamentally changed the way we look at economic behavior.
This textbook introduces all the key results and insights of behavioral economics t...
Introduction to International Political Economy / 7th edition
2018 || Paperback || David N. Balaam e.a. || Taylor & Francis
In a revolutionary revision of this best-selling text, David Balaam and Bradford Dillman show how the postwar world order is at once under threat and yet resilient. This classic text surveys the theories, institutions, and relationships that characterize IPE and highlights them in the context of a diverse range of regional and transnational issues. Introduction to International Political Economy positions students to critically evaluate the global economy and to appreciate the personal impact...
Economic Principles
A Business Perspective
2018 || Paperback || Stephen Rubb e.a. || Macmillan
Getting Down to the Business of Teaching Economics. Where economics gets down to business.
Created specifically for the economics course as taught in business schools, Economic Principles: A Business Perspective covers the fundamentals of economics in the context of today’s globalized business world, with strong examples, integrated technology, and practical pedagogy. Integrated business and policy briefs, in-depth case studies, chapter-ending business applications, thoroughly explained gra...
Modern Principles of Macroeconomics
2020 || Paperback || Tyler Cowen e.a. || Macmillan
Modern Principles means modern content and modern delivery and Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok deliver with a knack for revealing the 'invisible hand' of economics at work and a unique combination of vivid writing, up-to-date relevant examples and unparalleled online resources, perfect for your principles of economics course.
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Basisboek duurzame economie
2021 || Paperback || Margreet Boersma-de Jong || Boom || ook als eBook
Dit product bestaat uit een boek inclusief website met hierop o.a. het online boek.
Dit boek gaat over de verbinding tussen economie en duurzaamheid. Het leert hoe je je vanuit een duurzaam perspectief kunt ontwikkelen tot een professional binnen het economisch domein. Het zet duurzaamheid, economie en vrije markt in bredere context. Het geeft naast inzicht in de uitwassen van de vrije markt en de onderliggende problematiek, ook duurzame leidende principes die de basis vormen voor een duurzam...
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De werking van de Nederlandse economie
Een inleiding in de macro-economie
2024 || Paperback || Jan Donders e.a. || Amsterdam University Press
Mensen, markten, de overheid en het geld. In dit toegankelijk geschreven boek bepreken de auteurs productie en bestedingen in de nationale economie, werkloosheid en inflatie, het begrotingsbeleid, de inkomenspolitiek en het monetaire beleid van de centrale bank. Onderwerpen waarvan de media bol staan, maar die soms niet goed worden begrepen. Bij hun uiteenzetting hoe de Nederlandse economie werkt staan de auteurs ook stil bij de naoorlogse economische geschiedenis en belichten zij het werk en...