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Resultaten (133)
morgen verzonden
Successieplanning voor beginners (herwerkte editie)
2019 || Paperback || Bart Chiau || Pelckmans || met inkijkexemplaar
Het taboe rond het vooraf plannen van onze nalatenschap verdwijnt stilaan. Een goed uitgedokterd successieplan geeft gemoedsrust, bespaart erfbelasting en zal discussies tussen erfgenamen vermijden. Zo beslist u zelf wat er na uw overlijden met uw huis en uw spaargeld zal gebeuren.
Het wettelijk erfrecht houdt geen rekening met de maatschappelijke evoluties. Denk maar eens aan samenwonenden, singles, nieuw samengestelde gezinnen … Zij vinden geen antwoorden binnen het bestaande erfrecht en ...
morgen verzonden
Energy Economics
2023 || Paperback || Guido Pepermans e.a. || Acco
Energy Economics is primarily a textbook for engineering, business and economics students who wish to develop an economic understanding of current energy issues. It can also serve as a reference book for a wider interdisciplinary audience, such as scientists with a basic knowledge of economics.
Using simple economic models, the book analyzes the strategy and behavior of the key players in the energy market. The objective is to help the reader understand the institutions and driving forces of...
Essentials of Development Economics / 3rd Edition
2020 || Paperback || J. Edward Taylor e.a. || University of California Press
"In this book, Taylor and Lybbert have succeeded in producing an advanced undergraduate and masters textbook for our time. They manage to marry classical development economics--with its emphasis on structural transformation and international trade--with the more recent focus on poverty alleviation through microinterventions and improved public good delivery. The book covers a lot of ground in a concise, coherent, and elegant way. It provides a good platform from which to inspire young people ...
Macroeconomics / 5th edition
2016 || Paperback || Manfred Gartner || Pearson
"Really up-to-date...gives a fantastic overview of the financial crisis" Fabian Kreutzer, University of Applied Science Niederrhein, Germany "Extensive references to and content regarding crises. It's really amazing" Yioryos Georgios Makedonis, Queen Mary University of London Using real-world case studies and examples, this comprehensive text offers intermediate and applied macroeconomics students a truly European and global perspective. Continuing to successfully combine theory with applicat...
Fundamentals of Multinational Finance / 7th Global Edition
2023 || Paperback || Michael Moffett e.a. || Pearson
For undergraduate courses in International Financial Management, International Business Finance, or International Finance. Real-world examples introduce readers to global financial management strategy Fundamentals of Multinational Finance helps prepare tomorrow's business leaders to comprehend global markets and lead organizations through a constantly changing global environment. Via illuminating case studies and real-world examples, readers are introduced to the fundamental concepts and tool...
Macroeconomics (International Edition)
2022 || Paperback || N. Gregory Mankiw || Macmillan
The number one book for the intermediate course since the publication of the first edition.
Now with all digital content in Macmillan Learning’s Achieve, Mankiw’s Macroeconomics maintains its bestselling status by continually bringing the leading edge of macroeconomics theory, research, and policy to the classroom, explaining complex concepts with exceptional clarity.
This new edition is no exception, with a true digital revision in the Achieve online platform. Along with cutting edge cov...
Ethics and Economics
An Introduction to Free Markets, Equality and Happiness
2021 || Paperback || Johan Graafland || Taylor & Francis
This textbook applies economic ethics to evaluate the free market system and enables students to examine the impact of free markets using the three main ethical approaches: utilitarianism, principle-based ethics, and virtue ethics.
Economics / 6th Edition
2023 || Paperback || N. Mankiw e.a. || Cengage Learning
Now firmly established as one of the leading economics principles texts in the UK and Europe, the sixth edition of Economics has been fully updated. Much revered for its friendly and accessible approach, emphasis on active learning and unrivalled support resources, this edition features a brand-new chapter on sustainability economics as well as exciting coverage on modern monetary theory, digitization, Industry 4.0 and the costs and benefits of globalization. This title is available with Mind...
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Noordhoff in je pocket - Economie / druk 1
2009 || Paperback || J. de Jong || Noordhoff
Soms heb je je basiskennis even niet meer paraat. Voor die momenten is er een handige serie compacte opfrisgidsjes. Met de belangrijkste feiten, regels en uitzonderingen per schoolvak overzichtelijk bij elkaar gebracht. Zo vind je snel en gemakkelijk wat je zoekt.
morgen verzonden
Het communistisch manifest / Druk 20
1998 || Paperback || Karl Marx e.a. || Pegasus, Stichting Uitgeverij
Het Communistisch Manifest ISBN 978 90 6143 001 8
Het Communistisch Manifest verscheen in februari/maart 1848, meer dan honderdvijftig jaar geleden. Het was een briljante politieke tekst, die geschreven werd aan de vooravond van ingrijpende revolutionaire gebeurtenissen in grote delen van Europa. Toch duurde het nog vele jaren voor het meer bekendheid en een grote verspreiding kreeg. In 1890 kon Friedrich Engels trots constateren dat het toen 'het wijdstverbreide, het meest internationale prod...