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Resultaten (147)
Blue is the New Black
the 10 step guide to developing and producing a fashion collection
2013 || Paperback || Susie Breuer || BIS Publishers
Written for fashion graduates, newbie entrepreneurs and those in entry-level positions in the industry, Blue is the New Black demystifies the process of how to make a fashion collection accessible for all levels. It's a reference guide, a buddy, and an overview of who, what and where. Fashion is a multi-billion-dollar industry.
It's not just about sketching an outfit, it's about selecting fabric, developing buttons, sourcing a factory, negotiating prices, making patterns, seeing the final lau...
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Contrarian Branding
Stand out by camouflaging the competition
|| Paperback || Roland van der Vorst || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
The world is busier than ever. One of the major challenges for brands is how to stand out of the competition: brands competing for market share, new brands that are being introduced, and indeed politicians fighting for attention in a crowded arena. What to make of all the brand content being thrust through the digital channels every day by those in search of a willing audience?
In the ocean of competing supply, it's easier to drown than to float to the surface. While warehouses and supermarke...
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Think Like an Engineer, Don't Act Like One
2020 || Paperback || Jan Karel Mak || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
Deze editie in de bestselling Think Like a...-serie laat de wonderbaarlijke wereld van ingenieurs zien!
Deze bundel van kraakheldere inzichten laat zien waarom je nooit vliegende appels moet beloven, wat Gerrit Rietveld je kan leren over tegen de stroom ingaan, dat Donald Trump meer zegt dan je denkt, en hoe Netflix verder gaat dan bingewatchen. Dit boek is voor een ieder die verder kijkt dan zijn eigen neus lang is. Hoe lang precies, dat blijft in het midden.
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Beyond Design: The Game of Social Solutions
2020 || Cards || Renate Boere || BIS Publishers
While writing the journalistic novel, 'Beyond Design', Renate Boere discovered 10 steps that can be taken in order to set up one’s own project. These steps allow designers to render complicated information transparent and understandable for a wider audience. Boere wanted to make this easily accessible and transformed these 10 steps into a game.
'Beyond Design, The Game of Social Solutions' guides you to set up your own socially relevant design project. This game navigates you through the 1...
Delft Design Guide / Revised edition
Perspectives- Models - Approaches - Methods
2020 || E-book via Bookshelf || Annemiek van Boeijen e.a. || BIS Publishers
Delft Design Guide provides an overview of the perspectives, models, approaches, and methods used in the bachelor's and master's curriculum of Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). Some of these are unique to the university, others are well known and are used by designers worldwide. Designing products and services at this faculty is considered a systematic and structured activity, deliberately and purposefully, and with moments of increased creativity.
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Design Journeys through Complex Systems
Practice Tools for Systemic Design
2022 || Paperback || Peter Jones e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
Design Journeys through Complex Systems combines systemic design, leading thinking practices, and years of the combined authors’ experiences into a practitioner’s handbook for design thinking. By drawing upon the authors’ Systemic Design Toolkit, this book provides detailed knowledge of systems science, expanding upon essential systemic design texts in order to demonstrate the power of visual sensemaking.
No matter if you’re a design professional or have never come across design syste...
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Dragon Tactics
Crucial Chinese Management Lessons to Thrive Amid Uncertainty
2022 || Paperback || Aldo Spaanjaars e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
Dragon Tactics presents the culmination of 30 years of individual experience as leading figures in Chinese corporations, written by Aldo Spaanjaars and Sandrine Zerbib. Having occupied prestigious positions such as CEO of Adidas China and CEO of Lacoste China, Spaanjaars and Zerbib pool their extensive industry knowledge into an applicable, detailed practical guide for entrepreneurial minds.
By exploring direct insights from their experiences in Chinese work cultures, applicable business stra...
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Relation of Elements
Using Prepositions to Shape Design
2023 || Paperback || Ryan Crooks || BIS Publishers
“Relation of Elements” explores the role of prepositions in architecture and design, a part of speech often overlooked when describing and designing architecture. The book demonstrates how language can shape our understanding of objects and spaces and allows you to discover new ways to shape and define space.
The book aims to inspire architects and designers to think creatively by manipulating prepositions and exploring the connections between different composition and structure elements....
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How to Build a Treehouse
2023 || Hardcover || Christopher Richter e.a. || BIS Publishers
A clear and comprehensive guide to building a treehouse from scratch
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Do Good, Get Paid
Make Your Career Matter
2023 || Paperback || Natalie Fee || BIS Publishers
Make a living while making a difference to the world. Find out how to find a meaningful career with award-winning environmental campaigner, speaker and author of How to Save the World for Free, Natalie Fee.