› Willemien Brand (6)
› Dorte Nielsen (4)
› Annemiek van Boeijen (3)
» Toon alle opties (24)
› Koos Eissen (3)
› Ramon Vullings (3)
› Roselien Steur (3)
› Sofie Beier (3)
› Yvo Zijlstra (3)
› Baires Raffaelli (2)
› Coen Luijten (2)
› Conny Bakker (2)
› David Snellenberg (2)
› Donald Roos (2)
› Ed van Hinte (2)
› Els Dragt (2)
› Geurt Jan de Heus (2)
› Harry G. Starren (2)
› Jaap Daalhuizen (2)
› Jan Karel Mak (2)
› Jess Henderson (2)
› Joris van Dooren (2)
› Marije Vogelzang (2)
› Renate Boere (2)
› Roel Frissen (2)
› Ruud Janssen (2)
› Wina Smeenk (2)
› Creatief denken (34)
› Vormgeving en design (28)
› Management algemeen (17)
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› Fontys Hogescholen (6)
› Hogeschool Rotterdam (6)
› Hogeschool Utrecht (3)
› Saxion (3)
Resultaten (147)
morgen verzonden
Delft Design Guide (revised edition)
Perspectives - Models - Approaches - Methods
2021 || Paperback || Annemiek van Boeijen e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
Delft Design Guide provides an overview of the perspectives, models, approaches, and methods used in the bachelor's and master's curriculum of Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). Some of these are unique to the university, others are well known and are used by designers worldwide. Designing products and services at this faculty is considered a systematic and structured activity, deliberately and purposefully, and with moments of increased creativity.
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This is a Good Guide - Revised Edition (Heruitgave)
For a Sustainable Lifestyle
2020 || Paperback || Marieke Eyskoot || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
This is the definitive and comprehensive guide for what you can do about climate change and to contribute to a better world. It contains lists of go-to shops, beautiful brands, inspiring insights, surprising facts and useful solutions. Through in-depth interviews with leading pioneers, such as Livia Firth, Green Kitchen Stories and Andrew Morgan, you will find exactly what you need to live a more sustainable life. After all, doing good and feeling good at the same time: does it not get any be...
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Beyond Design
Making Socially Relevant Projects Successful
2020 || Paperback || Renate Boere || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
The time has come in which graphic designers are playing an important role in rendering ever more complicated information transparent and understandable for a wider audience. To stress this urgency, Renate Boere dove head first in the world of project management lingo, confidentiality statements, copyright, complicated rights contracts, the search for stakeholders and grand applications. This journey has resulted in the journalistic novel 'Beyond Design'.
This designer’s novel provides insi...
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The Power of Music Thinking
Listen, Tune, Play & Perform
2022 || Paperback || Christof Zürn || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
The Power of Music Thinking allows users to construct a new model for innovative business by using a musical analogy. The book challenges you to embrace various perspectives simultaneously, boost collaboration, and guide readers towards refining their leadership skills. Instead of approaching business as various silos, Music Thinking treats organizations as an orchestra, with each part having its tune to add.
Split into four sections - Listen, Tune, Play, and Perform - this book breaks dow...
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Design Thinking and Social Construction
A Practical Guide to Innovation in Research
2022 || Paperback || Celiane Camargo-Borges e.a. || BIS Publishers
Design Journeys through Complex Systems combines systemic design, leading thinking practices, and years of the combined authors’ experiences into a practitioner’s handbook for design thinking. By drawing upon the authors’ Systemic Design Toolkit, this book provides detailed knowledge of systems science, expanding upon essential systemic design texts in order to demonstrate the power of visual sensemaking.
No matter if you’re a design professional or have never come across design syste...
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Design, Play, Change
A Playful Introduction to Design Thinking
2022 || Paperback || Agnes Willenborg e.a. || BIS Publishers
Design, Play, Change is a game and a book providing 36 design methods that will help shift the creative process of the users and help them work collaboratively to overcome problems they face.
This book is designed for those looking to enter into the world of design thinking, the easy-to-follow game format making this an accessible, light-hearted, yet powerful place to begin. Balancing a detailed knowledge of the field with design methods that bring out creative ways of thinking, the book is a...
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The Impact Plan
Rethinking today, remaking tomorrow, designing a better world
2022 || Paperback || Catarina Lelis || BIS Publishers
The Impact Plan is a detailed decision-making framework that guides industry professionals and academics to quickly assess the future impact of their creative projects.
While formulated with designers in mind, the method elaborated within this book will help industry and academia professionals cycle through potential contexts and project influences in order to determine the impact these may have on both the individual and humanity. Moving through the fundamentals of decision-making and impact...
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Lick It (NL)
2022 || Paperback || Marije Vogelzang || BIS Publishers
Aan de hand van 32 unieke voedsel-'çhallenges' verspreid over 22 hoofdstukken, word je op een speelse manier uitgedaagd om anders naar jouw eten te kijken.
Veel mensen denken dat eten alleen maar gaat over lekker koken, diëten of over duurzaamheid. Maar uiteindelijk komt het erop neer dat eten over jou gaat. Alleen jìj kan besluiten dat je die wilde aardbei plukt en in je mond stopt - en het daarmee eten maakt.
LICK IT is een gids. Een boek dat je mee op reis neemt om de magische en creati...
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How to plant a room
and grow a happy home
2022 || Paperback || Erin Harding e.a. || BIS Publishers
Surround yourself with green and make your home a happier place with the authors of the wildly successful How to Raise a Plant.
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The Bird
The Great Age of Avian Illustration
2021 || Hardcover || Philip Kennedy || BIS Publishers
The Bird is a splendid celebration of ornithological illustration, featuring remarkable images of all kinds of birds, from the smallest wrens to colourful exotics.