› Willemien Brand (6)
› Dorte Nielsen (4)
› Annemiek van Boeijen (3)
» Toon alle opties (24)
› Ramon Vullings (3)
› Sofie Beier (3)
› Yvo Zijlstra (3)
› Baires Raffaelli (2)
› Coen Luijten (2)
› Conny Bakker (2)
› David Snellenberg (2)
› Donald Roos (2)
› Ed van Hinte (2)
› Els Dragt (2)
› Geurt Jan de Heus (2)
› Harry G. Starren (2)
› Jaap Daalhuizen (2)
› Jan Karel Mak (2)
› Jess Henderson (2)
› Joris van Dooren (2)
› Koos Eissen (2)
› Marije Vogelzang (2)
› Renate Boere (2)
› Roel Frissen (2)
› Roselien Steur (2)
› Ruud Janssen (2)
› Wina Smeenk (2)
› Creatief denken (34)
› Vormgeving en design (28)
› Management algemeen (17)
» Toon alle opties (9)
› Fontys Hogescholen (6)
› Hogeschool Rotterdam (6)
› Hogeschool Utrecht (3)
› Saxion (3)
Resultaten (146)
morgen verzonden
Start-up Starters
Achieve success by focusing on what matters
2023 || Postcard book or pack || Tijs Besieux || BIS Publishers
The game is played by all founding members. Every founder gets 5 cards. Taking turns, every founder chooses one card to put on the table. Work with that card before putting the next card on the table, and so on. Play as many rounds as you feel, depending on time and energy.
Playing Start-up Starters results in more clarity about the role of the founding team, as well as actionable feedback and relentless client focus. The game is underpinned by a decade of coaching hundreds of start-ups, gro...
morgen verzonden
Co-design Canvas
A proven design tool for societal impact
2023 || Paperback || Wina Smeenk || BIS Publishers
Societal challenges are urgent and affect everyone, including politicians, citizens, government officials, business professionals, NGOs, designers and researchers. Understanding and addressing these challenges is difficult because no single stakeholder or organisation is solely responsible. Everything is interconnected and constantly changing, resulting in challenges being neglected and stakeholders being unable or unwilling to make important decisions.
The Co-Design Canvas is a practical and...
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Everyday Innovator
Four powerful habits to cultivate team creativity
2023 || Paperback || Christian Byrge || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
Today, leaders and employees are expected to demonstrate increased creativity in their work. However, many lack the skills to be creative on command or challenge conventional thinking. This book provides a practical approach to developing creative skills, boosting confidence and foster a culture of creativity in your team. It guides readers through the four key creative skillsets, helping them turn each into a habit.
The book equips readers with tools to challenge assumptions, generate novel ...
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The art of co-design
Solving problems through creative collaboration
2023 || Paperback || Jeremy Kerr e.a. || BIS Publishers
In recent years, co-design has become something of a buzzword. While the term has gained in popularity, its true meaning and practical implementations are not widely understood. Existing resources, such as co-design toolkits, are freely available online but tend to be highly specialised and template-driven, limiting their usefulness for diverse contexts.
The team behind “The Art of Co-Design” conducted a thorough review of existing co-design toolkits and created a comprehensive resource ...
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The Story of Flowers
And How They Changed the Way We Live
2022 || Hardcover || Noel Kingsbury || BIS Publishers
A beautiful collection of 100 international flowers and the ways they have shaped our lives
morgen verzonden
Think Like a Manager Don't Act Like One
75 approaches
|| Paperback || Harry G. Starren || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
Managers, we all know them. They make sure that things get done, that agreements are observed and that results are achieved. Ten years ago they were seen as the ideal solution for many companies. These days, their very existence is being called into question. Why this separate role? After all, managing is something we all do.
'Think Like a Manager, Don't Act Like One' offers 75 successful approaches to help you foresee or manage unpredictable situations. Developed with the assistance of John ...
morgen verzonden
Event Design Handbook
systematically design innovative events using the event canvas
2020 || Paperback || Roel Frissen e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
Some of the most life-changing connections are made at events. But if you can't design events, how can you change your world? The answer? This handbook will change the way you think about how events change the world you live in. It shows the way to re-design your world on one sheet of paper using the #EventCanvas.This book identifies the starting point of any event and outlines steps of how events come to life. It focuses on the DNA of specific aspects of events, and provides insight into how...
morgen verzonden
Creative Content Kit
A Method to Ideate and Create Content Strategy
2020 || Cards || Ana Bender || BIS Publishers
Creative Content Kit is a four-step process for creating content strategy, inspired by ‘The System of Publishing’ theory (Bhaskar, 2013). Each stage contains a set of cards with methods, content types, platforms and tools.
The deck of 65 cards is made for content professionals and non-specialist to ideate, test and solve content problems. It provides a helpful visual structure to ease communication in planning alone, with your team and clients.
The first stage, Model, consists of cards ...
morgen verzonden
Intercultural Design Basics
Advancing Cultural and Social Awareness Through Design
2021 || Paperback || Susanne Radtke || BIS Publishers
Intercultural Design Basics is an intercultural and innovative approach to design education. A unique companion app ensures relevance for a young technology-minded target group.
The book gives intercultural insights when discussing the basic principles of design, typography and color theory. It incorporates contrasting ideas on design and various design teaching methods. Creative voices of well-known and not yet discovered designers from Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia will help expa...
morgen verzonden
Powerful Communications, Positive Change
2021 || Paperback || Adam Stones || BIS Publishers
When you want to change the world, how do you bring the world on board? Influence will improve the communications skills of changemakers, disruptors and entrepreneurs to increase their effectiveness and impact. It breaks down the essential skills needed and provides guidance and tools to learn, practice and excel. It’s your go-to communications coach.
Influence brings together what you need to know to get your message out there, making key insights accessible and immediately applicable. Pra...