› Willemien Brand (6)
› Dorte Nielsen (4)
› Annemiek van Boeijen (3)
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› Koos Eissen (3)
› Ramon Vullings (3)
› Roselien Steur (3)
› Sofie Beier (3)
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› Baires Raffaelli (2)
› Coen Luijten (2)
› Conny Bakker (2)
› David Snellenberg (2)
› Donald Roos (2)
› Ed van Hinte (2)
› Els Dragt (2)
› Geurt Jan de Heus (2)
› Harry G. Starren (2)
› Jaap Daalhuizen (2)
› Jan Karel Mak (2)
› Jess Henderson (2)
› Joris van Dooren (2)
› Marije Vogelzang (2)
› Renate Boere (2)
› Roel Frissen (2)
› Ruud Janssen (2)
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› Vormgeving en design (28)
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› Fontys Hogescholen (6)
› Hogeschool Rotterdam (6)
› Hogeschool Utrecht (3)
› Saxion (3)
Resultaten (147)
morgen verzonden
Art Firsts
The Story of Art in 30 Pioneering Works
2023 || Paperback || Nick Trend || BIS Publishers
The story of art told simply and entertainingly through its pioneering 'firsts' - from the first kiss depicted in art, to the first smile, gay embrace, feminist portrayal and self-portrait.
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Around the Ocean in 80 Fish and other Sea Life
2023 || Hardcover || Helen Scales || BIS Publishers
A beautiful underwater tour of the world's fish and other sea creatures, each of which has a story to tell about our relationship with the natural world and reveals just how much they mean to us.
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Change Ahead
how research and design are transforming business strategy
2015 || Paperback || Carola Verschoor || BIS Publishers
Change Ahead is about the emerging practices at the intersection of business strategy, research, and design. It introduces the need for an adventurous, explorative mindset in order to grow businesses that last by creating meaning and relevance with and for people.In a complex and networked world, business, more than ever, is about adaptability to change and the capacity to create new propositions through a dynamic interaction with the environment. Much like sailing, business strategy will inc...
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Design Roadmapping
Guidebook for Future Foresight Techniques
|| Paperback || Lianne Simonse || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
Design Roadmapping is for anyone interested in design, strategy and innovation, and its wonderful combinations. For those who dare to create a future vision, frame the time pacing and map the pathways towards it.This guidebook teaches you how to create a roadmap. It outlines the origins, design theories and science results. Strategic designers, innovation managers and professors share their roadmapping experiences, views and achievements, including venture CPOs, Head of Design, product and pr...
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Thinking in Services
2018 || Paperback || Majid Iqbal || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
We think we know services — not a day goes by without using them — until we have to design them. It is then that their realities confront us, teasing us sometimes. While services have always been ‘designed’, the qualities of their designs are more important than ever, given how much more we depend on them. Thus the need for deepening our understanding of what services are, what they can be, and why they fail — often in unexpected ways. This book reveals the surprising design of serv...
morgen verzonden
The Secret of the Highly Creative Thinker
How to Make Connections Others Don't
2019 || Paperback || Dorte Nielsen e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
People who are good at having ideas are good at seeing connections. Could teaching people to see connections be a way to help them be more creative?
Over the years, there's a need for a book on creativity that complements the teaching of the creative process and tools and gives you a practical approach to how to enhance your innate ability to think creatively. This book as an opportunity to dispel the myth that creative talent is something possessed by a gifted minority. This is the opportuni...
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Sketching the Basics
Drawing Techniques for Product Designers
2019 || Paperback || Koos Eissen e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
This book explains the basic sketching techniques and decisions more in depth and provides much more step-by-step example drawings, which makes it even more suitable for students and professionals who want to become better sketchers.
Sketching the Basics can be seen as the prequel to Sketching as it is more targeted at the novice designer. The Basics explains the essential techniques and effects more in detail, taking the reader by the hand and guiding him step by step through all the various...
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Visual Thinking - NL editie (Heruitgave)
Effectiever samenwerken door zakelijk tekenen
2020 || Paperback || Willemien Brand || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
Heb jij het visuele werken al omarmd? Visueel werken en tekenskills worden steeds belangrijker in onze zakelijke omgeving. Een plaatje kan echt meer zeggen dan duizend woorden en visualisatie is voor bedrijven die hun zakelijke agility willen boosten, silo’s willen afbreken en hun klantbetrokkenheid willen vergroten een cruciaal onderdeel.
Het visualiseren van denkprocessen kan je helpen om complexe problemen op te lossen. Het zorgt ervoor dat teams en medewerkers op elkaars ideeën kunnen ...
morgen verzonden
Creative Block
Over 100 Tasks to Get Your Head Into a Creative Space
2020 || Paperback || Gemma Lawrence || BIS Publishers
'Creative Block' is a book set out to ruffle feathers, get out of ruts and start those juices flowing. Focussing on creative process and theory, it is filled with over 100 tasks to get your head into a conceptual and creative space, encouraging experimentation and playfulness in art.
Ideal for artists, industry creatives and individuals who simply want to delve deeper into their own creativity. This book helps to improve your process and technique when approaching art, in all its forms. Intr...
morgen verzonden
Think Like an Adman NL
Don't Act Like One
2022 || Paperback || David Snellenberg || BIS Publishers
Think Like an Adman, Don’t Act Like One biedt 75 tips om mensen te verleiden tot ander gedrag. Of een andere zienswijze. Of een andere mening. Dit boek is voor iedereen die verhalen wil vertellen, of verdraaien. Wil enthousiasmeren of ontmoedigen. Dingen mooier wil maken, en andere dingen lelijker.
Reclame is veel meer dan een tv-filmpje van dertig seconden. Het is alles wat je doet om mensen te verleiden tot ander gedrag, andere perspectieven en ander meningen. Of, in de woorden van David...