
Jeroen Lutters (7)
Jeroen van den Eijnde (4)
Jorn Konijn (2)
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Kunsttheorie (9)
Kunst algemeen (7)
Vormgeving en design (4)
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2017 (8)
2024 (5)
2019 (3)
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Paperback (22)
Hardcover (8)

Resultaten (30)

Vandaag besteld,
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Composing the new carpet

Design Research in Context

2018 || Paperback || Jeroen van den Eijnde e.a. || ArtEZ Press

Ontwerpers kunnen de wereld niet in hun eentje veranderen, maar als visionaire veldwerkers kunnen ze hiertoe wel de eerste aanzetten geven. Voor 'Composing the New Carpet' daagde Future Makers van ArtEZ hogeschool voor de kunsten ontwerpers en ontwerpstudenten uit om op basis van hun eigen expertise, ervaring en interesses te reageren op enkele belangrijke uitdagingen in de Nederlandse tapijtindustrie. Het onderzoek leverde fascinerende resultaten op: van printbare tapijttegels en tapijtgaren...

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Kunst uit noodzaak

2020 || Paperback || Jeroen Lutters e.a. || ArtEZ Press

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Exploring Relationships between Artists and Technology in Education

2024 || Paperback || Fabiola Camuti e.a. || ArtEZ Press

By investigating the interplay of technology and education within the arts, this publication reveals the often unnoticed structures of domination that influence our interactions with digital and learning environments. It challenges the perceived neutrality of technology and proposes a radical rethinking of our relationships with the tools we use to create and learn. It is also a call to action, encouraging artists, educators, and technologists to forge paths towards a more inclusive and equit...

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Ontedekkingsreis naar een duurzame wereld

inspiratie en vernieuwing in design

2016 || Paperback || Annouk Post || ArtEZ Press

Als er in de nabije toekomst een nieuw tijdperk aanbreekt, hoe ziet de wereld er dan uit? In dit boek opent Annouk Post voor ons een wereld van nieuwe luxe, waarin duurzaamheid hand in hand gaat met mooie en toekomstbestendige (product)ontwerpen. Het verhaal van Annouk Post leest als een bewustwordingsreis. Onderweg introduceert ze de mensen die haar inspireerden, en haar grote voorbeelden uit de mode, design, kunst, voeding en wetenschap: voorlopers die de nieuwe wereld gaan vormgeven. Choco...

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ArtEZ Alumni Sneu

en andere verhalen

2015 || Paperback || Joost Overbeek || ArtEZ Press

Joost Overbeek is vormgever en oprichter van ontwerpstudio Overburen. Overburen werkt voor allerlei opdrachtgevers van Hard gras tot het Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid en van A'dam - E.V.A.tot Adriaan van Dis en Paul de Leeuw. Naast grafisch ontwerper is Joost ook een zeer geestige schrijver. Als hij later groot is, zou hij wel columnist willen worden. Dat gaat ook gebeuren. Maar eerst presenteert hij nieuw werk: Sneu*. Het is een boekje vol sneue verhalen en boordevol sneu beeld. Herkenbaar,...

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ArtEZ Academia Ema (nude on a staircase)

studies in Art-Based learning

2017 || Hardcover || Jeroen Lutters || ArtEZ Press

'Ema (Nude on a staircase)' pulls the reader into the mind of Ema, the young woman descending the staircase in Gerhard Richter's 1966 painting, 'Ema'. Ema is a young artist who wants to discover what her greatest form of creativity is. She embarks on a journey of awakening, a quest for mastery that brings her into dialogue with her teachers and with her great mentors, the artists Gerhard Richter, Marcel Duchamp and John Cage. Ema explores her field, finds her own voice, considers the world an...

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ArtEZ Academia The desire of the medium

2017 || Hardcover || Marc Boumeester || ArtEZ Press

Most of Marc Boumeester's thinking falls under affect theory, a philosophy of a new generation, which in its turn is fueled by Deleuzian scholarship. Boumeester formulates new and contemporary concepts that can be put into action in art and design education through an operational style called "intensive thinking". In the book, many interesting examples of educational programmes and works of art are accompanied by images relating to how this theoretical approach can be applied in art and desig...

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ArtEZ Academia Theory Arts Practices

2017 || Paperback || Marijn de Langen e.a. || ArtEZ Press

Theoretical concepts are important in contemporary art practice. The ongoing and fascinating discussion of exactly what role theory should play, and the influence of theory on art practice, are at the heart of this collection. By presenting the seemingly simple question 'Why, what and how theory?' to a range of people who are involved in international art education in the realm of fine art and performing art, this book provides an inventory of current opinions in this area.

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Theory in the Arts

Theory as Practice, Practice as Theory

2019 || Paperback || Peter Sonderen || ArtEZ Press

What do we mean by theory in the arts, and what role does it play in that sense? Theory appears as an active, transformative, fluid, and communicative element of art practices, and research in the arts in particular. Theory is the fluid that perfuses and connects the territory of fine art and design, as well as other art forms such as music, architecture, writing, moving images, dance, and theatre. At the heart of this publication is the new field of research in theory and the way the ArtEZ T...

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Cultivating Relations with Matter Through Performance art and Plant Philosophy

2024 || Paperback || Anushka Nair || ArtEZ Press

The word “vegetative” usually brings to mind passiveness and decay. But vegetal matter is, in fact, a source of existence, sustenance, peace, beauty, and hope. When plants join in rhizomatic networks, they participate in a lively exchange of energy and information. Performance artist and writer Anushka Nair proposes a conceptual and artistic methodology in the context of plant life, encouraging an embodied form of co-existence. Nair thus offers a unique perspective on connecting with plan...