
Jeroen Lutters (7)
Jeroen van den Eijnde (4)
Alan Hess (2)
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Door kunst onderwezen willen worden / Druk 2

Kunsteducatie ´na´ Joseph Beuys

2021 || Paperback || Gert Biesta || ArtEZ Press

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We contain Multitudes

2023 || Paperback || Clare Butcher e.a. || ArtEZ Press

This inspiring book addresses questions such as: How can we become active within our own learning and unlearning process? What happens when we open to the wisdom of the body? Or for the knowledge that comes from conversations around the dinner table? How can we make time to really listen and not to understand? This publication is an invitation to deal openly and critically with numerous artistic learning methods such as making, listening, talking, researching, voting, asking questions and col...

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From Within

The Architecture of Helena Arahuete

2023 || Paperback || Silvia Perea e.a. || ArtEZ Press

The first publication on the life and work of the Argentine-American architect Helena Arahuete explores how she is one of the few architects who still practice the original principles of organic architecture, pioneered by Frank Lloyd Wright and Louis Sullivan over a century ago. The book expands the scholarship on organic architecture by illuminating Arahuete’s personal philosophy and integration of this tradition with the current discourse on sustainability. With contributions by Alan Hess...

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Cy Twombly’s Quattro Stagioni

Studies in Art-Based Learning

2022 || Hardcover || Jeroen Lutters || ArtEZ Press

The fourth instalment of the ‘Teaching Objects’ series revolves around “Creation”. In this art novella the reader is guided by Lisa, a young artist who is facing death. A dialogue with four works by the American painter Cy Twombly emerges from the question of life’s duration, and Lisa discovers the secret of creative speech. The protagonist’s thoughts bring her to Gaeta, a seaside town near Velia, the ancient Greek town in Italy, now named Elea – the place where the school of Pa...

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1:12 Verbeeldingskracht in Zorgarchitectuur

architecten bouwen voor kinderen

2017 || Paperback || Peter Masselink e.a. || ArtEZ Press

Achttien architecten gingen de uitdaging aan om een hedendaags poppenhuis te ontwerpen met als uitgangspunt de beleving van de werkelijkheid door kinderen met een beperking. Alle architecten kwamen met een eigen antwoord in de vorm van poppenhuizen die kinderen met een energiestofwisselingsziekte nieuwe speelmogelijkheden bieden, die de wereld in hun bed brengen of door middel van een krachtig beeld laten zien wat het hebben van een dergelijke ziekte betekent. Vanzelfsprekende ruimtelijke ord...

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The City as Anthology

Movements at the Margins of Public Space

2024 || Paperback || Mariken Overdijk || ArtEZ Press

This book is about bodies. About how bodies traverse the familiar surroundings of one's home or move along the familiar routes of everyday life, but also about the relation of bodies to the public space. On another level, the book shows what the meaning of artistic research can be. Research tells of experiments and experiences, collections and vistas gained by the researcher during the course of the research. This book shows that any good (artistic) research creates futures.

The book stages...

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ArtEZ Academia De gestiek van de architectuur

leerboek hedendaags maniërisme

2017 || Paperback || Frans Sturkenboom || ArtEZ Press

Veel hedendaagse architectuur kenmerkt zich door een grote beweeglijkheid. Architecten stellen hierbij in plaats van de ruimte het vlak centraal. Vloeren veranderen in wanden en gaan over in daken. Gevels verspringen en ontwikkelen een eigen diepte. Architectuur als metamorfose. Frans Sturkenboom noemt dit 'gebarende architectuur', ofwel 'gestiek van de architectuur'. Dit boek laat zien dat deze hedendaagse tendens in de architectuur voortkomt uit het historische maniërisme, dat ook de beweg...

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Cy Twombly’s Quattro Stagioni

Studies in art-based learning

2019 || Hardcover || Jeroen Lutters || ArtEZ Press

The fourth instalment of the ‘Teaching Objects’ series revolves around “Creation”. In this art novella the reader is guided by Lisa, a young artist who is facing death. A dialogue with four works by the American painter Cy Twombly emerges from the question of life’s duration, and Lisa discovers the secret of creative speech. The protagonist’s thoughts bring her to Gaeta, a seaside town near Velia, the ancient Greek town in Italy, now named Elea – the place where the school of Pa...

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Designing for precarious citizens

Building on the Bauhaus Legacy

2020 || Paperback || Jeroen van den Eijnde e.a. || ArtEZ Press

Inspired by the 2019 Bauhaus centennial, ‘Designing for Precarious Citizens’ links the ideals of the Bauhaus to research by designers and students on the living and housing conditions of vulnerable groups in society today. For the Bauhaus, technology was a tool for reducing the vulnerability of working-class citizens, but in modern society it often prevents people from being able to make decisions about their own future. The various design projects featured here follow on the ideas of arc...

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Vertical Atlas

2022 || Hardcover || Klaas Kuitenbrouwer e.a. || ArtEZ Press

How to navigate the rapidly changing digital geopolitics of the world today? How do we make sense of digital transformation and its many social, political, cultural, and environmental implications at different locations around the world? Vertical Atlas brings together the insights of a diverse group of internationally renowned artists, scientists and technologists from different backgrounds and places. This book is a tool that enables comparisons, connections and contradictions between differ...