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Christian van Nieuwerb... (2)
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M. Weulen Kranenbarg (2)
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Stacy L. Mallicoat (2)
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Toine Spapens (2)
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V.R. van der Geest (2)
Vere van Koppen (2)
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Wim Hardyns (2)
Yvette Schoenmakers (2)
Zina O'Leary (2)
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2020 (96)
2023 (85)
2021 (72)
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Resultaten (888)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 135,85

Substance Use Disorders and Addictions

2024 || Paperback || Keith J. Morgen || SAGE

Experienced researcher and clinican Keith Morgen summerizes cutting-edge research into an applied introduction in Substance Use Disorders and Addictions, Second Edition. Updated with the DSM-5-TR's diagnostic criteria, Morgen provides a holistic approach to treating individuals with addiction and co-occurring psychiatric disorder.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 46,55

The Dynamics of Social Practice

Everyday Life and how it Changes

2021 || Paperback || Elizabeth Shove e.a. || SAGE

A Clever, innovative book which makes an important contribution to social theory and social policy. An effective introduction it covers core themes and demonstrates exactly how our everyday life is defined by the rise, change and collapse of social practices.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 32,30

Counselling in a Nutshell

2010 || Paperback || Windy Dryden || SAGE

Counselling in a Nutshell does what it says on the tin - it is the most concise, accessible and AFFORDABLE introduction to counselling in general. In this second edition Professor Windy Dryden updates his succinct discussion of key concepts and ideas of the therapeutic approach.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 47,50

The Beginner's Guide to Counselling & Psychotherapy

2015 || Paperback || Stephen Palmer || SAGE

Written by leading authors in the field, this ideal introductory text assumes no prior knowledge and provides overviews of 26 counselling and psychotherapy approaches in accessible, jargon-free terms.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 48,45

The Pocket Guide to Therapy

A 'How to'of the Core Models

2021 || Paperback || Stephen Weatherhead e.a. || SAGE

Includes case examples from a range of mental health care settings. This title is embedded with pedagogy, including worksheets, sample questions and diagrams. It highlights the challenges, strengths and weaknesses of each approach. It focuses on the practical application of therapeutic models.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 65,55

Heuristic Inquiry

Researching Human Experience Holistically

2018 || Paperback || Nevine Sultan || SAGE

Focused on exploring human experience from an integrative perspective, Heuristic Inquiry: Researching Human Experience Holistically presents heuristic inquiry as a unique phenomenologically aligned, experiential, and relational approach to qualitative research that is also rigorous and evidence based. The author describes a distinguishing perspective of this research that treats participants not as subjects of research but rather as co-researchers in an exploratory process marked by genuinene...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 35,15

Understanding and Using Research in Social Work

2021 || Paperback || Brian J. Taylor e.a. || SAGE

An evidence-based text that will help support students to appraise and then integrate research into both their daily practice decisions and their assignments and assessments

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 35,15

Social Policy and Social Work

An Introduction

2021 || Paperback || Jo Cunningham e.a. || SAGE

This book introduces policy and shows how it has changed and evolved over time, how it reflects changes in society, and how it is applied to everyday practice.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 53,20

Social Network Analysis

2017 || Paperback || John Scott || SAGE

With a new chapter on social media, new worked examples and better addressing the needs of the newcomer (whilst still remaining authoritative), this fourth edition continues to be an invaluable resource in introducing readers to the theories and techniques of social network analysis.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Theorizing Digital Cultures

2018 || Paperback || Grant David Bollmer || SAGE

Explaining how digital media affect identities, bodies, social relations, artistic practices and the environment, this book helps students understand the key theoretical approaches in the field.