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Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

A History of Sub-Saharan Africa

2013 || Paperback || Robert O. Collins e.a. || Cambridge University Press

The second edition of A History of Sub-Saharan Africa continues to provide an accessible introduction to the continent's history for students and general readers. The authors employ a thematic approach to their subject, focusing on how the environment has shaped the societies and cultures of the African peoples. The text demonstrates how the geography, climate and geology of Africa influenced the rise of states and empires, the emergence of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, the European conques...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

How to Become a Video Game Artist

2013 || Paperback || S Kennedy || Watson-Guptill Publications

Starting with the basics of game creation and a look at the artistic skills necessary to get started, this title offers key roles for creators - from concept artists to character animators to marketing artists and beyond. It also features interviews with video game art professionals who've worked for top gaming companies.

In How to Become a Video Game Artist, veteran video game designer Sam R. Kennedy provides the inside track on everything you need to forge a career in the world of video gam...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

A Life in Error

From Little Slips to Big Disasters

2013 || Paperback || James Reason || Taylor & Francis

This succinct but absorbing book covers the main way stations on James Reason's 40-year journey in pursuit of the nature and varieties of human error. In it he presents an engrossing and very personal perspective, offering the reader exceptional insights, wisdom and wit as only James Reason can. The journey begins with a bizarre absent-minded action slip committed by Professor Reason in the early 1970s - putting cat food into the teapot - and continues up to the present day, conveying his uni...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen
met 5% korting 104,50

De structuurvennootschap / druk 1

bestuur, toezicht en corporate governance

2013 || Hardcover || W.W. Nijs Bik || Wolters Kluwer Nederland B.V.

Het laatste deel van de serie Actualia Ondernemingsrecht vormde het boek 'De nieuwe structuurregeling' uit 2004. In dat jaar vond een ingrijpende wijziging plaats van deze typisch Nederlandse regeling voor grote kapitaalvennootschappen.

Dit boek vormt een vervolg daarop. Het geeft de actuele stand van zaken weer met een groot aantal voorbeelden uit de praktijk. Alhoewel de regeling op nog zeer weinig Nederlandse beursvennootschappen van toepassing is, is de relevantie op een 'lager niveau' en ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen
met 5% korting 64,97

The Routledge Introductory Course in Biblical Hebrew

2013 || Paperback || Lily Kahn || Taylor & Francis

The Routledge Introductory Course in Biblical Hebrew provides a comprehensive introduction to Biblical Hebrew language and texts. Combining a fresh and innovative approach with an in-depth treatment of the language, it presents the essentials of biblical grammar and vocabulary in an engaging and systematic way. Unlike other Biblical Hebrew courses, it is structured around a series of vibrant and memorable stories, with each story reinforced by grammar explanations, supportive exercises, and a...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Event Sponsorship / 1st edition

2013 || Paperback || Ian McDonnell e.a. || Taylor & Francis

This introduction to Event Sponsorship provides students with an essential understanding of the important role of sponsorship in an event, how this can be gained and successfully managed to the benefit of both the sponsor and sponsee. The text starts with an investigation of the origins of sponsorship and then considers all important elements of Events sponsorship management. It considers what sponsorship is, its history and evolution, what its marketing uses are, how it can used efficiently;...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Learning to Teach Foreign Languages / 4th Edition

in the Secondary School

2013 || Paperback || Taylor & Francis

Praise for previous editions:- 'A wealth of theory, research, practical advice, case studies and tasks in one volume...Indispensable for both HEI tutors and mentors, and an important book to recommend to all MFL students.' - Language Learning Journal'Presenting clear, straightforward, factual information on all current issues facing MFL student teachers ... An excellent reference guide during the first years of teaching.' - Mentoring and TutoringLearning to Teach Foreign Languages in the Seco...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Human Factors Methods / 2nd edition

A Practical Guide for Engineering and Design

2013 || Paperback || Paul M Salmon || Taylor & Francis

This second edition of Human Factors Methods: A Practical Guide for Engineering and Design now presents 107 design and evaluation methods as well as numerous refinements to those that featured in the original. The book has been carefully designed to act as an ergonomics methods manual, aiding both students and practitioners. The eleven sections represent the different categories of ergonomics methods and techniques that can be used in the evaluation and design process.

Offering a 'how-to' tex...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Dutch Grammar You Really Need to Know: Teach Yourself / 2nd edition

2013 || Paperback || Gerdi Quist || John Murray Press

Master the rules of Dutch grammar and unlock your language learning potential.

Comprehensive and clear explanations of key grammar patterns and structures are reinforced and contextualized through authentic materials. You will not only learn how to construct grammar correctly, but when and where to use it so you sound natural and appropriate. Dutch Grammar You Really Need to Know will help you gain the intuition you need to become a confident communicator in your new language.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen
met 5% korting 77,90

Terrorismebestrijding / druk 2

2013 || Hardcover || N.J.M. Kwakman || Wolters Kluwer Nederland B.V.

Gedurende de afgelopen jaren zijn er belangrijke wijzigingen aangebracht in ons straf(proces)recht, waarmee de overheid de beschikking heeft gekregen over een aantal nieuwe straf(proces)rechtelijke instrumenten ter voorkoming en ter bestrijding van het hedendaagse terrorisme. In deze studiepocket worden deze instrumenten besproken.

De opzet van deze studiepocket komt het best tot uitdrukking in het begrippenpaar 'overzicht' en 'inzicht'.

Er worden diverse overzichten gegeven. In deze overzich...