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Studieboeken (133)
Food Packaging / 3rd Edition
Principles and Practice
2012 || Hardcover || Gordon L. Robertson || Taylor & Francis
Food Packaging: Principles and Practice, Third Edition presents a comprehensive and accessible discussion of food packaging principles and their applications. Integrating concepts from chemistry, microbiology, and engineering, it continues in the tradition of its bestselling predecessors and has been completely revised to include new, updated, and expanded content and provide a detailed overview of contemporary food packaging technologies. Features Covers the packaging requirements of all maj...
Organic Chemistry / 2nd revised edition
2012 || Paperback || Jonathan Clayden e.a. || Oxford University Press
Inspiring and motivating students from the moment it published, Organic Chemistry has established itself in just one edition as the students' choice of organic chemistry text. Its explanatory, mechanistic, evidence-based approach makes it perfect for fostering a true understanding of the subject.
Atlas of Normal Roentgen Variants That May Simulate Disease / 9th edition
Expert Consult - Enhanced Online Features and Print
2012 || Hardcover || Theodore E. Keats e.a. || Elsevier
Seeing is believing with the Atlas of Normal Roentgen Variants That May Simulate Disease, edited by the late Theodore Keats and Mark W. Anderson. Now streamlined into a more concise, portable print format, with a wealth of additional content online, this medical reference book's thousands of images capture the roentgenographic presentation of a full range of normal variants and pseudo-lesions that may resemble pathologic conditions, helping you avoid false positives.
You'd be hard pressed to ...
Introduction To Dynamic Meteorology / 5th edition
Volume 88
2012 || Hardcover || James R. Holton e.a. || Elsevier
During the past decade, the science of dynamic meteorology has continued its rapid advance. The scope of dynamic meteorology has broadened considerably. Much of the material is based on a two-term course for seniors majoring in atmospheric sciences.
This book presents a cogent explanation of the fundamentals of meteorology and explains storm dynamics for weather-oriented meteorologists. It discusses climate dynamics and the implications posed for global change. The new edition has added a com...
International Security and Gender
2012 || Paperback || Nicole Detraz || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
What does it mean to be secure? In the global news, we hear stories daily about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, about domestic-level conflicts around the world, about the challenges of cybersecurity and social security. This broad list highlights the fact that security is an idea with multiple meanings, but do we all experience security issues in the same way? In this book, Nicole Detraz explores the broad terrain of security studies through a gender lens. Assumptions about masculinity and ...
Visualizing Physical Geography / 2nd edition
2012 || Paperback || Timothy Foresman e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
With its unique approach, Visualizing Physical Geography 2nd Edition captures the reader's attention and demonstrates why physical geography is relevant to them. It relies heavily on the integration of National Geographic and other visuals with narrative to explore key concepts. New emphasis is placed on environmental issues, such as climate change, overpopulation and deforestation, from a geographical perspective.
Readers will appreciate this approach because it vividly illustrates the inter...
Project Psychology
Using Psychological Models and Techniques to Create a Successful Project
2012 || Hardcover || Sharon De Mascia || Taylor & Francis
Why do carefully planned projects fail? Projects are affected, for good or ill, by the humans who undertake them. If the plan fails to take account of the psychology of managing people and the psychology of managing change there may be trouble ahead. Sharon De Mascia's Project Psychology uses human behaviour and emerging psychological models to provide an insight into the successful management of people in projects.
By selecting the right team, facilitating a common vision and by gaining a ps...
Religion in Public Spaces
A European Perspective
2012 || Hardcover || Silvio Ferrari e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This timely volume discusses the much debated and controversial subject of the presence of religion in the public sphere. The book is divided in three sections. In the first the public/private distinction is studied mainly from a theoretical point of view, through the contributions of lawyers, philosophers and sociologists.
In the following sections their proposals are tested through the analysis of two case studies, religious dress codes and places of worship. These sections include discussi...
Introduction to Rubrics
An Assessment Tool to Save Grading Time, Convey Effective Feedback and Promote Student Learning
2012 || Paperback || Dannelle D. Stevens e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This new edition retains the appeal, clarity and practicality that made the first so successful, and continues to provide a fundamental introduction to the principles and purposes of rubrics, with guidance on how to construct them, use them to align course content to learning outcomes, and apply them in a wide variety of courses, and to all forms of assignment.
100 Simple Things You Can Do to Prevent Alzheimer's and Age-Related Memory Loss
2012 || Paperback || Jean Carper || Little Brown Company
Most people think there is little or nothing you can do to avoid Alzheimer's but scientists know this is no longer true. In fact, prominent researchers now say that our best and perhaps only hope of defeating Alzheimer's is to prevent it. After best-selling author Jean Carper discovered that she had the major susceptibility gene for Alzheimer's, she was determined to find all the latest scientific evidence on how to escape it.
She discovered 100 surprisingly simple scientifically tested ways ...