
Paperback (133)
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Studieboeken (142)

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Genki 1 Workbook: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese / 3rd ed.

an Integrated Course in Elementary Japanse

2020 || Paperback || Eri Bonno e.a. || Japan Times

Third edition of the most highly regarded teaching text book on the Japanese language. This is the companion workbook to the text.

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met 5% korting 31,35

Lexicon van de gebarentaalwetenschap / druk 1

2009 || Paperback || J. Nijen Twilhaar || Tricht, Uitgeverij Van

'Actieve hand, complexe beweging, dominantieconditie, fonotaxis, gebonden morfeem, hanteerclassifier, lexicaal gebaar, niet-manuele modificeerder, orale component, pro-drop, enzovoort, termen waarvan u de betekenis vindt in dit woordenboek van de gebarentaalwetenschap.Dit boek is het eerste lexicon van gebarentaalwetenschap, in Nederland en wereldwijd. Het Lectoraat Dovenstudies van de Faculteit Educatie van de Hogeschool Utrecht heeft, met vereende krachten een meesterwerk tot stand gebracht...

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The History and Theory of Rhetoric / 7th edition

An Introduction

2020 || Paperback || Herrick James A. || Taylor & Francis

By tracing the traditional progression of rhetoric from the Greek Sophists to contemporary theorists, this textbook gives students a conceptual framework for evaluating and practicing persuasive writing and speaking in a wide range of settings and in both written and visual media. The book's expansive historical purview illustrates how persuasive public discourse performs essential social functions and shapes our daily worlds, drawing on the ideas of some of history's greatest thinkers and th...

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New Practical Chinese Reader 2 Textbook / 2nd edition

2010 || Paperback || Liu Xun || China Book Trading GmbH

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Media Today / 8th edition

Mass Communication in a Converging World

2022 || Paperback || Joseph Turow || Taylor & Francis

Consistently examines the business of media through the paradigm of production-distribution-exhibition in a way that no other book does, giving students a more thorough understanding of how media industries work and the vocabulary they need to talk about them. Engagingly written with examples that are familiar to students, helping them better connect to the content and understand their role as media consumers and producers.

Coverage of convergence and its impact is incorporated into every cha...

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An Introduction to Sociolinguistics / 8th edition

2021 || Paperback || Ronald Wardhaugh e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

The new eighth edition of An Introduction to Sociolinguistics brings this valuable, bestselling textbook up to date with the latest in sociolinguistic research and pedagogy, providing a broad overview of the study of language in social context with accessible coverage of major concepts, theories, methods, issues, and debates within the field. This leading text helps students develop a critical perspective on language in society as they explore the complex connections between societal norms an...

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Redefining the Role of the Community Interpreter

The Concept of Role-space

2014 || Paperback || Robert G. Lee || SLI Press

'Redefining the Role of the Community Interpreter' questions the traditional notion of 'role' that is so often taught on interpreter education and training courses and, more often than not, prescribed by the Codes of Ethics/Practice/Conduct published by institutional users and providers of interpreting services. By examining the nature of face-to-face interactions and drawing on the most recent research into community and public service interpreting, the authors propose and describe a wholly ...

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Vocabulaire progressif du francais - Niveau intermédiaire / 3ème édition


2019 || Paperback || Anne Goliot-Lete e.a. || CLE International

Ouvrage de Vocabulaire en français langue étrangère (FLE) dans la collection Progressive destiné aux grands adolescents et adultes, niveau intermédiaire (A2/B1).


Entrainement et évaluation en ligne:

plus de 300 tests auto-correctifs.

Ce qui fait le succès de cet ouvrage de Vocabulaire:

Une organisation claire : la leçon de vocabulaire sur la page de gauche, les exercices et les activités communicatives sur la page de droite

25 chapitres thématiques présentant les thèmes u...

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Grammaire progressive du francais / Nouvelle édition (Corrigés)

Corrigés intermediaire

2022 || Paperback || Isabelle Chollet e.a. || CLE International

Corrigés de l'ouvrage de Grammaire en français langue étrangère (FLE) dans la collection Progressive destiné aux grands adolescents et adultes, niveau intermédiaire (A2/B1).


Entrainement et évaluation en ligne:

près de 300 exercices interactifs avec dialogues, instructions, exemples et corrigés oralisés

un véritable parcours d'évaluation de près de 150 tests auto-correctifs.

Ce qui fait le succès de cet ouvrage de grammaire:

Une organisation claire : la leçon de gra...

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met 5% korting 23,74

Geschiedenis van het Nederlands / Druk 8

2015 || Paperback || Marijke van der Wal e.a. || Spectrum

Het Nederlands door de eeuwen heen

Voor alle taalliefhebbers en taalstudenten verschijnt nu een vernieuwde, veelomvattende uitgave over de geschiedenis van het Nederlands.

Geschiedenis van het Nederlands biedt een overzicht van de voorgeschiedenis en de ontwikkeling van onze taal. De weg van de oudst bewaarde Germaanse taal naar het moderne Nederlands is een fascinerend traject. Hij voert ons van het Gotisch uit de vierde eeuw naar het Middelnederlands (circa 1200 tot 1500) en van het 16e- en...