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Studieboeken (141)
Gramatica Ativa 1
Portuguese course with audio download A1/A2/B1
2022 || Paperback || Isabel Coimbra e.a. || Edicoes Tecnicas Lidel
A Gramática Ativa 1 destina-se ao ensino/aprendizagem de Português Língua Estrangeira (PLE) e Português Língua Segunda (PL2) e contempla as principais estruturas dos níveis elementar e pré-intermédio - A1, A2 e B1.
A Gramática Ativa 1 não está orientada para ser um livro de curso de PLE / PL2. Trata-se de material suplementar, a ser usado na sala de aula ou em casa e, como tal, o livro não deverá ser trabalhado do princípio ao fim, seguindo a ordem numérica das unidades; estas ...
Story of English
2021 || Paperback || Robert McCrum || Faber & Faber
The Story of English is the extraordinary tale of the origins and development of the English language. Two thousand years ago English was confined to a handful of savage tribes on the shores of north-west Europe; More widely scattered, written and spoken than any other language in history, English has become a global phenomenon.
The History of Early English
An activity-based approach
2016 || Paperback || Keith Johnson || Taylor & Francis
The History of Early English provides an accessible and student-friendly introduction to the history of the English language from its beginnings until the end of the Early Modern English period. Taking an activity-based approach, this text ensures that students learn by engaging with the fascinating evolution of this language rather than simply reading about it. The History of Early English: Provides a comprehensive introduction to early, middle and early modern English;Introduces each langua...
Einführung in die Linguistik für DaF/DaZ
2019 || Paperback || Susanne Horstmann e.a. || Brill I Schoeningh
Sprachwissenschaft passgenau für Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache: Susanne Horstmann, Julia Settinieri und Dagmar Freitag bieten eine Einführung, die speziell auf die Bedürfnisse angehender Lehrerinnen und Lehrer zugeschnitten ist. Insbesondere praxisrelevante Bereiche und Themen der Linguistik werden ausführlich behandelt. Hinweise auf weiterführende Literatur, Übungsaufgaben und Lösungsvorschläge helfen beim Lernen.
Aus dem Inhalt:
Kommunikative Kompetenz
Relevanz von Ausspra...
New Practical Chinese Reader vol.2 - Textbook
2021 || Paperback || Liu Xun || Beijing Language & Culture University Press China
Research Methods in Language Attitudes
2022 || Paperback || Ruth Kircher e.a. || Cambridge University Press
This interdisciplinary book is the first to survey traditional and cutting-edge methods for the study of language attitudes. It helps readers choose a suitable research method, and guides them through planning and design, data collection and analysis. It is essential reading for researchers and students conducting research into language attitudes.
In Conversation with Exercises
A Writer's Guidebook
2022 || Ringband || Mike Palmquist e.a. || Macmillan
For every kind of writer you need to be.
In Conversation with Exercises starts with the idea that good writing isn’t a single, static thing. This rhetorically-driven, genre-based handbook prepares college writers to write in different ways for different courses, professional contexts, and civic and everyday scenarios. It helps them to be every kind of writer – one who slips in and out of a range of roles, writing situations, and conversations. It gives novice writers the versatility and c...
New Hart's Rules
The Oxford Style Guide
2014 || Hardcover || Oxford University Press || Oxford University Press
For over a hundred years, Hart's Rules has been the authority on style, helping writers and editors prepare copy for publication. The latest edition of this guide has been updated for the twenty-first century using the resources of Oxford Languages and with the advice of publishing experts. Twenty-one chapters give information on all aspects of writing and of preparing copy for publication, whether in print or electronically.
New Hart's Rules gives guidance on a broad range of topics includin...
Open Your Eyes
Deaf Studies Talking
2023 || Paperback || H-Dirksen L. Bauman || University of Minnesota Press
This groundbreaking volume introduces readers to the key concepts and debates in deaf studies, offering perspectives on the relevance and richness of deaf ways of being in the world. In Open Your Eyes, leading and emerging scholars, the majority of whom are deaf, consider physical and cultural boundaries of deaf places and probe the complex intersections of deaf identities with gender, sexuality, disability, family, and race. Together, they explore the role of sensory perception in constructi...
Teaching and Researching Reading / 3rd Edition
Applied Linguistics in Action
2019 || Paperback || William Grabe e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Now in its third edition, Teaching and Researching Reading charts the field of reading (first and second language) systematically and coherently for the benefit of language teaching practitioners, students, and researchers. This volume provides background on how reading works and how reading differs for second language learners. The volume includes reading-curriculum principles, evidence-based teaching ideas, and a multi-step iterative process for conducting meaningful action research on read...