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Studieboeken (193)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
International Law / 3rd edition
2020 || Paperback || Jan Klabbers || Cambridge University Press
Written by one of the world's leading international lawyers, this is the new and updated edition of Jan Klabbers' landmark textbook. International law can be defined as 'the rules governing the legal relationship between nations and states', but in reality it is much more complex, with political, diplomatic and socio-economic factors shaping the law and its application. This refreshingly clear, concise textbook encourages students to view international law as a dynamic system of organising th...
Think Python / 2nd edition
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
2016 || Paperback || Allen B. Downey || O'Reilly
If you want to learn how to program, working with Python is an excellent way to start. This hands-on guide takes you through the language a step at a time, beginning with basic programming concepts before moving on to functions, recursion, data structures, and object-oriented design. This second edition and its supporting code have been updated for Python 3.
Through exercises in each chapter, you'll try out programming concepts as you learn them. Think Python is ideal for students at the high...
Euroscepticism and the Future of Europe
Views from the Capitals
2020 || Paperback || Michael Kaeding e.a. || Springer
"The European Parliament elections in May 2019 did not bring about the rise of populism in Europe that had been feared by many. Instead, while populism was contained, a broad pro-European majority emerged that today carries the new European Commission with its ambitious green, digital and geopolitical agenda. However, Euroscepticism remains a significant force to be reckoned with in national and EU-policy making. The present book offers a better understanding of the different types of Eurosc...
Oxford IB Diploma Programme: Business Management Course Companion
Course Companion
2021 || Paperback || Martin Mwenda Muchena e.a. || Oxford University Press
Completely updated, with a new approach to most comprehensively cover the new 2014 syllabus and including a special focus on the new concept-based learning requirement. Every topic is covered in depth, plus full assessment support drives high achievement and TOK links aligns learning to the IB philosophy.
Buddhist Ethics / 2nd Edition
A Very Short Introduction
2020 || Paperback || Damien Keown || Oxford University Press
With over 520 million followers, Buddhism is now the world's fourth largest religion. Over the last seventy years or so there has been a growing interest in Buddhism, and it continues to capture the imagination of many in the West, who see it as either an alternative or a supplement to their own religious beliefs. For complex cultural and historical reasons, ethics has not received as much attention in traditional Buddhist thought as it has in the West.
In this Very Short Introduction, Damien...
The Heart of Change
Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations
2019 || Hardcover || John P. Kotter e.a. || Harvard Business Review Press
Persuasive Technology
Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do
2019 || Paperback || B.J Fogg || Elsevier
Reveals how Web sites, software applications, and mobile devices can be used to change people's attitudes and behavior. This book contains key term definitions in persuasive computing. It provides frameworks for understanding this domain. It describes real examples of persuasive technologies.
Comparative Constitutional Law in Africa
2022 || Hardcover || Rosalind Dixon e.a. || Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
This timely book is a crucial resource on the rich diversity of African constitutional law, making a significant contribution to the increasingly important field of comparative constitutional law from a historically understudied region. Offering an examination of substantive topics from multiple jurisdictions, it emphasises issues of local importance while also providing varied perspectives on common challenges across the continent. Divided into four thematic parts, chapters cover a wide arra...
An Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure / 4th edition
2019 || Paperback || Robert Cryer e.a. || Cambridge University Press
Written by a team of international lawyers with extensive academic and practical experience of international criminal law, the fourth edition of this leading textbook offers readers comprehensive coverage and a high level of academic rigour while maintaining its signature accessible and engaging style. Introducing the readers to the fundamental concepts of international criminal law, as well as the domestic and international institutions that enforce that law, this book engages with critical ...
Designing with the Mind in Mind / 3rd edition
Simple Guide to Understanding User Interface Design Guidelines
2020 || Paperback || Jeff Johnson || Elsevier
User interface (UI) design rules and guidelines, developed by early HCI gurus and recognized throughout the field, were based on cognitive psychology (study of mental processes such as problem solving, memory, and language), and early practitioners were well informed of its tenets. But today practitioners with backgrounds in cognitive psychology are a minority, as user interface designers and developers enter the field from a wide array of disciplines. HCI practitioners today have enough expe...