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Studieboeken (193)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture
An Introduction
2021 || Paperback || John Storey || Taylor & Francis
In this ninth edition of his award-winning introduction, John Storey presents a clear and critical survey of competing theories of, and various approaches to, popular culture. Its breadth and theoretical unity, exemplified through popular culture, means that it can be flexibly and relevantly applied across a number of disciplines. Retaining the accessible approach of previous editions and using appropriate examples from the texts and practices of popular culture, this new edition remains a ke...
Problem solving in international business (custom HHS)
an Applied Research Methodology
2020 || Paperback || Silvia Propsma || SAGE
European Identity and Culture
Narratives of Transnational Belonging
2016 || Paperback || Markus Thiel || Taylor & Francis
As the EU continues its integration process, the concepts of culture and transnational European belonging remain ambivalent, whether in the realm of socio-historical representation or mass politics. Engaging with recent scholarly debates surrounding the formation of collective transnational identities, this collection draws on the latest empirical case studies to explore the meaning and composition of European identity, the mechanisms that create and shape it and the question of whom it inclu...
Using Political Ideas / 6th edition
2014 || Paperback || Barbara Goodwin || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Using Political Ideas is a unique blend of political philosophy, political theory and history of political thought. It combines a critique of the major ideologies of recent and contemporary society with an analysis of the ideas that form the very stuff of political debate.
Routledge Companion to Intelligence Studies
2015 || Paperback || Robert Dover e.a. || Taylor & Francis
The Routledge Companion to Intelligence Studies provides a broad overview of the growing field of intelligence studies. The recent growth of interest in intelligence and security studies has led to an increased demand for popular depictions of intelligence and reference works to explain the architecture and underpinnings of intelligence activity. Divided into five comprehensive sections, this Companion provides a strong survey of the cutting-edge research in the field of intelligence studies:...
Social Psychology / 4th edition
Fourth Edition
2014 || Paperback || Eliot R. Smith e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This textbook is the only major introduction to social psychology that provides a conceptually and thematically integrated approach to the science of social behavior, showinghow the major topics and themes in the discipline are deeply interconnected. As such, it provides a uniquely rich, meaningful, and logical appreciation of human social behavior that students can relate to the world around them and apply to their own lives. Throughout, there are explanations of how social processes are int...
How the EU Institutions Work
2020 || Paperback || Erik Akse || John Harper Publishing Ltd
EU legislation has major impacts on virtually every aspect of life in the EU Member States, as well as on many businesses and other stakeholders in non-member countries. However the EU decision-making process, with its complex and unique interplay between institutions and stakeholders, can seem an impenetrable mystery.
This book is a foundation text explaining systematically and comprehensively how this decision-making works. Successive chapters explain the role of each of the EU institution...
The Missing Entrepreneurs 2021
Policies for Inclusive Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment
2021 || Europese Unie
The Missing Entrepreneurs 2021 is the sixth edition in a series of biennial reports that examine how public policies at national, regional and local levels can support job creation, economic growth and social inclusion by overcoming obstacles to business start-ups and self-employment by people from disadvantaged or under-represented groups in entrepreneurship. It shows that there are substantial untapped opportunities for entrepreneurship in populations such as women, youth, the unemployed, a...
Philosophy of Economics
A Contemporary Introduction
2013 || Paperback || Julian Reiss || Taylor & Francis
Philosophy of Economics: A Contemporary Introduction is the first systematic textbook in the philosophy of economics. It introduces the epistemological, metaphysical and ethical problems that arise in economics, and presents detailed discussions of the solutions that have been offered. Throughout, philosophical issues are illustrated by and analysed in the context of concrete cases drawn from contemporary economics, the history of economic ideas, and actual economic events.
This demonstrates ...
Sustainable Business
Key Issues
2023 || Paperback || Helen Kopnina || Taylor & Francis
Sustainable Business: Key Issues is the first comprehensive introductory-level textbook to address the interface between environmental challenges and business solutions to provide an overview of the basic concepts of sustainability, sustainable business, and business ethics. The book introduces students to the background and key issues of sustainability and suggests ways in which these concepts can be applied in business practice. Though the book takes a business perspective, it is interdisci...