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Studieboeken (208)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
vandaag verzonden
Oxford Practice Grammar: Intermediate: with Key
The right balance of English grammar explanation and practice for your language level
2022 || Paperback || John Eastwood || Oxford University Press
Oxford Practice Grammar knows that students need different types of explanation and practice at each stage of their study. Intermediate gives you more detail with extended practice. Great for the classroom or self-study and covers the grammar students need to know for the Oxford Test of English and B2 First exam.
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Hands-On Introduction to LabVIEW / 4th edition
for Scientists and Engineers
2018 || Paperback || John Essick || Oxford University Press
Hands-On Introduction to LaVIEW for Scientists and Engineers provides a learn-by-doing approach to acquiring the computer-based skills used daily in experimental work. The book is not the typical manual-like presentation of LabVIEW. Rather, Hands-On Introduction to LabVIEW guides students through using this powerful laboratory tool to carry out interesting and relevant projects.
Readers, who are assumed to have no prior computer programming orLabVIEW experience, begin writing meaningful progr...
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Aromatic Chemistry
2020 || Paperback || Malcolm Sainsbury || Oxford University Press
All the basic principles of this important topic are clearly presented here in an account which takes as examples many compounds of industrial and biological significance. Consideration is given to the structure, reactions, and properties of benzene and classes of aromatic compounds derived from it, and topics such as thermodynamic versus kinetic control and pericyclic reactions are introduced. The text also covers polycyclic arenes and the small and large ring systems which are embraced by t...
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Principles of Development / 6th Revised Edition
2019 || Paperback || Lewis Wolpert || Oxford University Press
How does a single cell develop into myriad different specialised cell types, control the organization of these different cells into tissues and organs, and ultimately form an unimaginably complex living organism such as a human? Furthermore, how is it possible for some adult animals, but not others, to regenerate fully functioning limbs?Principles of Development opens up the fascinating field of developmental biology to those wanting to understand the answers to questions such as these. Cutti...
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A Very Short Introduction
2015 || Paperback || Jens Zimmermann || Oxford University Press
This Very Short Introduction to hermeneutics demonstrates the central role of interpretation in our daily lives. By considering the historic developments in hermeneutic theory as well as its contemporary relevance, Zimmermann explains how humans continue to draw knowledge from the world around them.
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Practical English Usage / 4th edition
Michael Swan's guide to problems in English
2016 || Paperback || Michael Swan || Oxford University Press
Practical English Usage has sold over 2 million copies worldwide. Now revised and updated for the fourth edition, it answers the questions that teachers and learners ask about English grammar and vocabulary with clear, corpus-informed explanations and examples.
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Introduction to International Development / 4th edition
Approaches, Actors, Issues, and Practice
2021 || Paperback || Paul A. Haslam e.a. || Oxford University Press
The most comprehensive introduction to international development, with chapters by leading experts who explore the field's most pressing issues and debates. Introduction to International Development is a collection of contributed chapters comprised of original essays by leading experts from a variety of disciplines. With four new chapters and the most up-to-date content on the global COVID-19 pandemic, this fully revised edition continues to give students a foundational overview to the field ...
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Engaged Scholarship
A Guide for Organizational and Social Research
2007 || Paperback || Andrew H. Van de Ven || Oxford University Press
A guide for organizational and social research in business studies and the social sciences, providing a clear framework for research design and methodology. It will be an invaluable tool for academics, researchers, and graduate students across the social sciences concerned with rigorous and relevant research in the contemporary world.
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International Law: A Very Short Introduction
A Very Short Introduction
2021 || Paperback || Vaughan Lowe || Oxford University Press
International law lies at the heart of our interaction with the global community. It protects rights, imposes duties, and establishes a framework for the conduct of almost every social, political, and economic activity. Vaughan Lowe explains the basic structural principles of international law, and looks at its potential and its limitations.
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The Caribbean before Columbus / 1st edition
2017 || Paperback || William F. Keegan e.a. || Oxford University Press
The Caribbean before Columbus is a new synthesis of the region's insular history. It combines the results of the authors' 55 years of archaeological research on almost every island in the three archipelagoes with that of their numerous colleagues and collaborators. The presentation operates on multiple scales: temporal, spatial, local, regional, environmental, social, and political.
In addition, individual sites are used to highlight specific issues. For the first time, the complete histories...